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Library Package

Vendor: aldisaglobal
Package: mysql-db
Author: Abid
Version: 0.2

Connection Parameters

Make available the following Connection parameters:

  • MYSQL_HOST the URI for the MySQL server
  • MYSQL_USER the username
  • MYSQL_PASS the password
  • MYSQL_DB the database

Option 1: As Environment Variables

Place connection params in $_ENV superglobal Optional: You can use the \vlucas\dotenv package with a .env file to populate $_ENV variables

Option 2: As Constants

You can define these constants in a settings file

Option 3: As an Array

You can create and pass a parameters array to the create method $params = array('MYSQL_HOST'=>"hostname", ...)

Instantiate a Database Object

Use the static create method to get the DB object:

use AldisaGlobal\MySQL\DB;

$db = DB:create([$params]);

Execute queries on the Database Object

$db->query("...mysql statement...");

Iterate SELECT Queries

foreach ($db as $row) {
	echo $row->field;

The full Object API

\AldisaGlobal\MySQL\DB::create([$params]) - returns object with connection

$db->init() - closes any open result

$db->escape($str) - returns escaped string

$db->getResponse()- returns last server response

$db->getError() - returns error string from last query

$db->getErrno()- returns errno from last query

$db->hasError() - true if last query had an error

$db->query($sql [, $buffered=true])- executes query, pass false as second arg for unbuffered query

$db->hasResult() - whether query returned a result

$db->getInsertID()- returns InsertID of last insert query

$db->getRow()- returns the current row

$db->getNextRow([$mode = "object"])- returns next row of result as object [pass "array" to get back an assoc array]

$db->getFirstRow([$mode = "object"]) - returns first row of result as object

$db->getRowNum($num [, $mode = "object"]) - returns row at $num index

$db->getNumFields()- returns number of columns in result row

$db->getFields() - returns array of column names

$db->getNumRows() - returns total number of rows in result [not accurate for unbuffered queries]