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Splunk Search Syntax Highlighter VSCode Extension README

Main repo for vscode splunk syntax highlighting


  • Language auto-recognition and highlighting associated with .spl and .splunk files
  • Markdown code block highlighting for .md files using ```spl to open the code block
  • Highlights main search, stats, and eval functions, as well as escape keys
  • Autocompletes macro ticks and brackets as well as quotes
  • Highlights strings, parameters, arguments, macro names, and keywords

Syntax highlighting in VS Code Noctis high contrast editor

Syntax highlighting in VS Code editor

Markdown code block syntax highlighting example in VS Code Editor

How to install

Install from Source

Install from source by downloading this repo and unzipping into your vscode extensions directory. The default directories are ususally,

  • Linux/macOS ~/.vscode/extensions
  • Windows %USERPROFILE%\.vscode\extensions

Install in Visual Studio Code directly

Install directly in visual studio by going to the extensions tab and searching for "splunk search". The quotes are imperative as the words are normally not treated as a phrase. Click the Install button on the extension with the same name as this README and you're good to go.

How to change splunk colors

You can try and use the following JSON blob:

  "editor.tokenColorCustomizations": {
    "textMateRules": [
        "scope": "constant.language.splunk_search",
          "foreground": "#F58220"
        "scope": "support.function.splunk_search",
          "foreground": "#CF00CF"
        "scope": "support.class.splunk_search",
          "foreground": "#2662FD"


  • Highlight keywords (AND OR by as NOT true false)
  • Highlight macros
  • Highlight macro and eval command parameters/arguments
  • Highlight command options
    • For example, stats has the parameter partitions=X, partitions should be highlighted in this instance only after the = sign has been placed
  • Highlight variables after eval functions
  • DBConnect Command highlighting
  • SQL Highlighting in dbxquery with query=
  • Publish to VSCE Marketplace
  • Change highlighting color to match Splunk search bar (manually)
  • Allow params to be highlighted after nested eval functions
    • For example, in the command | eval info=if(isnull(info),"N/A",info), currently the third info is not highlighted. This should be changed as the parameter is valid. The issue is that we need a recursive strategy for highlighting these params, but regular expressions don't have built-in recursive functionality. This may never happen


VScode syntax highlighting for SPL







No releases published
