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Dmitry Shcherbin edited this page Jan 14, 2015 · 2 revisions

Ice volume time series



./ -i -o icevol.txt

It computes volumes for all time-records that are present in a file and adds data to icevol.txt, not overwriting it (if it doesn’t exist – it will be created).

A shell script, which iterates through the specified files and applies the above python script to them:


nohup ./ 592 621 &

To specify the file to which you want to save a time series for the ice volume - you should modify this line in the script:

if foo="$(python -o ice_txt.txt -i $file)"; then

To visualize the resulting time series you can use this script (not very general)


./ -i ice_txt.txt          

NB: in addition to the file specified as an input the last script also reads the following ones:

-rw-rw-r-- 1 mitya mitya  74K Apr 23 09:14 ice_txt.txt.old
-rw-r--r-- 1 mitya mitya  47K Apr 29 16:45 ice_txt.txt.20

So if you want to have just one plot – you should comment out some parts of this code.