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Multiple-precision Integers

The gmpy2 mpz type supports arbitrary precision integers. It should be a drop-in replacement for Python's long type. Depending on the platform and the specific operation, an mpz will be faster than Python's long once the precision exceeds 20 to 50 digits. All the special integer functions in GMP are supported.


>>> import gmpy2
>>> from gmpy2 import mpz
>>> mpz('123') + 1
>>> 10 - mpz(1)
>>> gmpy2.is_prime(17)


The use of from gmpy2 import * is not recommended. The names in gmpy2 have been chosen to avoid conflict with Python's builtin names but gmpy2 does use names that may conflict with other modules or variable names.

mpz Methods

x.bit_clear(n) returns a copy of x with bit n set to 0.
x.bit_flip(n) returns a copy of x with bit n inverted.
x.bit_length() returns the number of significant bits in the radix-2 representation of x. For compatibility with Python, mpz(0).bit_length() returns 0.
x.bit_scan0(n) returns the index of the first 0-bit of x with index >= n. If there are no more 0-bits in x at or above index n (which can only happen for x < 0, assuming an infinitely long 2's complement format), then None is returned. n must be >= 0.
x.bit_scan1(n) returns the index of the first 1-bit of x with index >= n. If there are no more 1-bits in x at or above index n (which can only happen for x >= 0, assuming an infinitely long 2's complement format), then None is returned. n must be >= 0.
x.bit_set(n) returns a copy of x with bit n set to 1.
x.bit_test(n) returns True if bit n of x is set, and False if it is not set.
x.denominator() returns mpz(1).
x.digits([base=10]) returns a string representing x in radix base.
x.numerator() returns a copy of x.
x.num_digits([base=10]) returns the length of the string representing the absolute value of x in radix base. The result is correct if base is a power of 2. For other bases, the result is usually correct but may be 1 too large. base can range between 2 and 62, inclusive.

mpz Functions

add(x, y) returns x + y. The result type depends on the input types.
bincoef(x, n) returns the binomial coefficient. n must be >= 0.
bit_clear(x, n) returns a copy of x with bit n set to 0.
bit_flip(x, n) returns a copy of x with bit n inverted.
bit_length(x) returns the number of significant bits in the radix-2 representation of x. For compatibility with Python, mpz(0).bit_length() returns 0 while mpz(0).num_digits(2) returns 1.
bit_mask(n) returns an mpz object exactly n bits in length with all bits set.
bit_scan0(x, n) returns the index of the first 0-bit of x with index >= n. If there are no more 0-bits in x at or above index n (which can only happen for x < 0, assuming an infinitely long 2's complement format), then None is returned. n must be >= 0.
bit_scan1(x, n) returns the index of the first 1-bit of x with index >= n. If there are no more 1-bits in x at or above index n (which can only happen for x >= 0, assuming an infinitely long 2's complement format), then None is returned. n must be >= 0.
bit_set(x, n) returns a copy of x with bit n set to 1.
bit_test(x, n) returns True if bit n of x is set, and False if it is not set.
c_div(x, y) returns the quotient of x divided by y. The quotient is rounded towards +Inf (ceiling rounding). x and y must be integers.
c_div_2exp(x, n) returns the quotient of x divided by 2**n. The quotient is rounded towards +Inf (ceiling rounding). x must be an integer and n must be > 0.
c_divmod(x, y) returns the quotient and remainder of x divided by y. The quotient is rounded towards +Inf (ceiling rounding) and the remainder will have the opposite sign of y. x and y must be integers.
c_divmod_2exp(x ,n) returns the quotient and remainder of x divided by 2**n. The quotient is rounded towards +Inf (ceiling rounding) and the remainder will be negative or zero. x must be an integer and n must be > 0.
c_mod(x, y) returns the remainder of x divided by y. The remainder will have the opposite sign of y. x and y must be integers.
c_mod_2exp(x, n) returns the remainder of x divided by 2**n. The remainder will be negative. x must be an integer and n must be > 0.
comb(x, n) returns the number of combinations of x things, taking n at a time. n must be >= 0.
digits(x[, base=10]) returns a string representing x in radix base.
div(x, y) returns x / y. The result type depends on the input types.
divexact(x, y) returns the quotient of x divided by y. Faster than standard division but requires the remainder is zero!
divm(a, b, m) returns x such that b * x == a modulo m. Raises a ZeroDivisionError exception if no such value x exists.
f_div(x, y) returns the quotient of x divided by y. The quotient is rounded towards -Inf (floor rounding). x and y must be integers.
f_div_2exp(x, n) returns the quotient of x divided by 2**n. The quotient is rounded towards -Inf (floor rounding). x must be an integer and n must be > 0.
f_divmod(x, y) returns the quotient and remainder of x divided by y. The quotient is rounded towards -Inf (floor rounding) and the remainder will have the same sign as y. x and y must be integers.
f_divmod_2exp(x, n) returns quotient and remainder after dividing x by 2**n. The quotient is rounded towards -Inf (floor rounding) and the remainder will be positive. x must be an integer and n must be > 0.
f_mod(x, y) returns the remainder of x divided by y. The remainder will have the same sign as y. x and y must be integers.
f_mod_2exp(x, n) returns remainder of x divided by 2**n. The remainder will be positive. x must be an integer and n must be > 0.
fac(n) returns the exact factorial of n. Use factorial() to get the floating-point approximation.
fib(n) returns the n-th Fibonacci number.
fib2(n) returns a 2-tuple with the (n-1)-th and n-th Fibonacci numbers.
gcd(a, b) returns the greatest common divisor of integers a and b.

gcdext(a, b) returns a 3-element tuple (g, s, t) such that

g == gcd(a, b) and g == a * s + b * t

hamdist(x, y) returns the Hamming distance (number of bit-positions where the bits differ) between integers x and y.
invert(x, m) returns y such that x * y == 1 modulo m, or 0 if no such y exists.
iroot(x,n) returns a 2-element tuple (y, b) such that y is the integer n-th root of x and b is True if the root is exact. x must be >= 0 and n must be > 0.
iroot_rem(x,n) returns a 2-element tuple (y, r) such that y is the integer n-th root of x and x = y**n + r. x must be >= 0 and n must be > 0.
is_even(x) returns True if x is even, False otherwise.
is_odd(x) returns True if x is odd, False otherwise.
is_power(x) returns True if x is a perfect power, False otherwise.
is_prime(x[, n=25]) returns True if x is probably prime. False is returned if x is definitely composite. x is checked for small divisors and up to n Miller-Rabin tests are performed. The actual tests performed may vary based on version of GMP or MPIR used.
is_square(x) returns True if x is a perfect square, False otherwise.
isqrt(x) returns the integer square root of an integer x. x must be >= 0.
isqrt_rem(x) returns a 2-tuple (s, t) such that s = isqrt(x) and t = x - s * s. x must be >= 0.
jacobi(x, y) returns the Jacobi symbol (x | y). y must be odd and > 0.
kronecker(x, y) returns the Kronecker-Jacobi symbol (x | y).
lcm(a, b) returns the lowest common multiple of integers a and b.
legendre(x, y) returns the Legendre symbol (x | y). y is assumed to be an odd prime.
lucas(n) returns the n-th Lucas number.
lucas2(n) returns a 2-tuple with the (n-1)-th and n-th Lucas numbers.

mpz() returns a new mpz object set to 0.

mpz(n) returns a new mpz object from a numeric value n. If n is not an integer, it will be truncated to an integer.

mpz(s[, base=0]) returns a new mpz object from a string s made of digits in the given base. If base = 0, then binary, octal, or hex Python strings are recognized by leading 0b, 0o, or 0x characters. Otherwise the string is assumed to be decimal. Values for base can range between 2 and 62.

mpz_random(random_state, n) returns a uniformly distributed random integer between 0 and n-1. The parameter random_state must be created by random_state() first.
mpz_rrandomb(random_state, b) returns a random integer between 0 and 2**b - 1 with long sequences of zeros and one in its binary representation. The parameter random_state must be created by random_state() first.
mpz_urandomb(random_state, b) returns a uniformly distributed random integer between 0 and 2**b - 1. The parameter random_state must be created by random_state() first.
mul(x, y) returns x * y. The result type depends on the input types.
next_prime(x) returns the next probable prime number > x.
num_digits(x[, base=10]) returns the length of the string representing the absolute value of x in radix base. The result is correct if base is a power of 2. For other bases, the result is usually correct but may be 1 too large. base can range between 2 and 62, inclusive.
popcount(x) returns the number of bits with value 1 in x. If x < 0, the number of bits with value 1 is infinite so -1 is returned in that case.
powmod(x, y, m) returns (x ** y) mod m. The exponent y can be negative, and the correct result will be returned if the inverse of x mod m exists. Otherwise, a ValueError is raised.
remove(x, f) will remove the factor f from x as many times as possible and return a 2-tuple (y, m) where y = x // (f ** m). f does not divide y. m is the multiplicity of the factor f in x. f must be > 1.
sub(x, y) returns x - y. The result type depends on the input types.
t_div(x, y) returns the quotient of x divided by y. The quotient is rounded towards zero (truncation). x and y must be integers.
t_div_2exp(x, n) returns the quotient of x divided by 2**n. The quotient is rounded towards zero (truncation). n must be > 0.
t_divmod(x, y) returns the quotient and remainder of x divided by y. The quotient is rounded towards zero (truncation) and the remainder will have the same sign as x. x and y must be integers.
t_divmod_2exp(x, n) returns the quotient and remainder of x divided by 2**n. The quotient is rounded towards zero (truncation) and the remainder will have the same sign as x. x must be an integer and n must be > 0.
t_mod(x, y) returns the remainder of x divided by y. The remainder will have the same sign as x. x and y must be integers.
t_mod_2exp(x, n) returns the remainder of x divided by 2**n. The remainder will have the same sign as x. x must be an integer and n must be > 0.