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Install on Windows with MinGW

Dustin Freeman edited this page Dec 21, 2013 · 3 revisions

Download MinGW.

Download the Boost library.

Start a DOS prompt, with path set to the MinGW bin (usually C:\MinGW\mingw.bat) and change to the directory of the Boost download. Execute the following commands. This generates Boost for shared libraries, which is what entityx cmake expects as default. The option install will install Boost by default at C:\Boost.

It may be that build type complete is an overkill.

bootstrap --with-toolset=gcc
.\b2 --build-type=complete toolset=gcc link=shared runtime-link=shared install   

Change directory to the entityx, and follow the default instructions in the end of Depending on the installation of MinGW, cmake has to be used in different ways. If MinGW is installed with MSYS, then run cmake-gui from the MinGW shell. Use the generator for MSYS, not for MinGW.

Otherwise, run cmake-gui from the DOS command prompt (C:\MinGW\mingw.bat), and select the MinGW generator.

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