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Worklogs Jira

This is a small project to log works in Jira. It is based on consuming the Jira API to get, post, and delete data, you can view the online documentation about issue-worklogs. It contains two startup files that vary in configuration depending on whether it is for a development or production environment.

Information about author: Alejandro Bolaño

Getting Started

This project is a starting point for a Flutter application that follows the simple app state management tutorial.

For help getting started with Flutter development, view the online documentation, which offers tutorials, samples, guidance on mobile development, and a full API reference.

Firebase deploy

This project has CI/CD to web deploy with Firebase. If you need read about it you can obtain information here


Firstly, before using it, you must go to the settings section and insert the username and token or password, and then save it. These data are not stored in plain text, are encryption. Also, you must introduce Jira's URL from your Company. You should set the max daily hours. Afterwards, a message will appear confirming that the authorization is saved, allowing you to use it within the application.

On the main screen, you can:

  • Insert a task and click the refresh button with the associated icon to perform a 'get' operation and view the related work.
  • Insert a task + start date + hours worked + repetition (default: 1). This way, you can log that task, and it will repeat based on the specified repetition.
  • See different items about the task, like owner, timespent, and other.

Dashboard screen, you can:

  • To see all issues logged between some range.
  • To see different charts and to appreciate all issues graphically.

Windows App

You can download app here

Web App

You can watch the app here, but there are some functions incompatible with Jira. The recommendation is download Windows App.


This is a small project to log works in Jira. It is based on consuming the Jira API to get, post, and delete data, you can view the online documentation about issue-worklogs.






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