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Add Cutout augmenter
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aleju committed Dec 21, 2019
1 parent b5d9b05 commit 8fd7367
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Showing 4 changed files with 459 additions and 1 deletion.
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@@ -1,7 +1,9 @@
# Cutout Augmenter
# Cutout Augmenter #531

* Added `imgaug.augmenters.arithmetic.apply_cutout_()`, which replaces
in-place a single rectangular area with a constant intensity value or a
constant color or gaussian noise.
See also the [paper]( about Cutout.
* Added `imgaug.augmenters.arithmetic.apply_cutout()`. Same as
`apply_cutout_()`, but copies the input images before applying cutout.
* Added `imgaug.augmenters.arithmetic.Cutout`.
15 changes: 15 additions & 0 deletions checks/
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@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
from __future__ import print_function, division, absolute_import
import imgaug as ia
import imgaug.augmenters as iaa

def main():
aug = iaa.Cutout(fill_mode=["gaussian", "constant"], cval=(0, 255),
image = ia.quokka()
images_aug = aug(images=[image] * 16)
ia.imshow(ia.draw_grid(images_aug, cols=4, rows=4))

if __name__ == "__main__":
295 changes: 295 additions & 0 deletions imgaug/augmenters/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -19,6 +19,7 @@
* AdditivePoissonNoise
* Multiply
* MultiplyElementwise
* Cutout
* Dropout
* CoarseDropout
* Dropout2d
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -2312,6 +2313,300 @@ def get_parameters(self):
return [self.mul, self.per_channel]

class _CutoutSamples(object):
def __init__(self, nb_iterations, pos_x, pos_y, size_h, size_w,
fill_mode, cval, per_channel):
self.nb_iterations = nb_iterations
self.pos_x = pos_x
self.pos_y = pos_y
self.size_h = size_h
self.size_w = size_w
self.fill_mode = fill_mode
self.cval = cval
self.per_channel = per_channel

class Cutout(meta.Augmenter):
"""Fill one or more rectangular areas in an image using a fill mode.
See paper "Improved Regularization of Convolutional Neural Networks with
Cutout" by DeVries and Taylor.
In contrast to the paper, this implementation also supports replacing
image sub-areas with gaussian noise, random intensities or random RGB
colors. It also supports non-squared areas (and for non-squared images
will in fact usually drop non-squared areas). While the paper uses
absolute pixel values for the size and position, this implementation
uses relative values, which seems more appropriate for mixed-size
datasets. The position parameter furthermore allows more flexibility, e.g.
gaussian distributions around the center.
.. note::
This augmenter affects only image data. Other datatypes (e.g.
segmentation map pixels or keypoints within the filled areas)
are not affected.
.. note::
Gaussian fill mode will assume that float input images contain values
in the interval ``[0.0, 1.0]`` and hence sample values from a
gaussian within that interval, i.e. from ``N(0.5, std=0.5/3)``.
dtype support::
See :func:`imgaug.augmenters.arithmetic.apply_cutout_`.
nb_iterations : int or tuple of int or list of int or imgaug.parameters.StochasticParameter, optional
How many rectangular areas to fill.
* If ``int``: Exactly that many areas will be filled on all images.
* If ``tuple`` ``(a, b)``: A value from the interval ``[a, b]``
will be sampled per image.
* If ``list``: A random value will be sampled from that ``list``
per image.
* If ``StochasticParameter``: That parameter will be used to
sample ``(B,)`` values per batch of ``B`` images.
position : {'uniform', 'normal', 'center', 'left-top', 'left-center', 'left-bottom', 'center-top', 'center-center', 'center-bottom', 'right-top', 'right-center', 'right-bottom'} or tuple of float or StochasticParameter or tuple of StochasticParameter, optional
Defines the position of each area to fill.
Analogous to the definition in e.g.
Usually, ``uniform`` (anywhere in the image) or ``normal`` (anywhere
in the image with preference around the center) are sane values.
size : number or tuple of number or list of number or imgaug.parameters.StochasticParameter, optional
The size of the rectangle to fill as a fraction of the corresponding
image size, i.e. with value range ``[0.0, 1.0]``. The size is sampled
independently per image axis.
* If ``number``: Exactly that size is always used.
* If ``tuple`` ``(a, b)``: A value from the interval ``[a, b]``
will be sampled per area and axis.
* If ``list``: A random value will be sampled from that ``list``
per area and axis.
* If ``StochasticParameter``: That parameter will be used to
sample ``(N, 2)`` values per batch, where ``N`` is the total
number of areas to fill within the whole batch.
fill_mode : str or list of str or imgaug.parameters.StochasticParameter, optional
Mode to use in order to fill areas. Corresponds to ``mode`` parameter
in some other augmenters. Valid strings for the mode are:
* ``contant``: Fill each area with a single value.
* ``gaussian``: Fill each area with gaussian noise.
Valid datatypes are:
* If ``str``: Exactly that mode will alaways be used.
* If ``list``: A random value will be sampled from that ``list``
per area.
* If ``StochasticParameter``: That parameter will be used to
sample ``(N,)`` values per batch, where ``N`` is the total number
of areas to fill within the whole batch.
cval : number or tuple of number or list of number or imgaug.parameters.StochasticParameter, optional
The value to use (i.e. the color) to fill areas if `fill_mode` is
* If ``number``: Exactly that value is used for all areas
and channels.
* If ``tuple`` ``(a, b)``: A value from the interval ``[a, b]``
will be sampled per area (and channel if ``per_channel=True``).
* If ``list``: A random value will be sampled from that ``list``
per area (and channel if ``per_channel=True``).
* If ``StochasticParameter``: That parameter will be used to
sample ``(N, Cmax)`` values per batch, where ``N`` is the total
number of areas to fill within the whole batch and ``Cmax``
is the maximum number of channels in any image (usually ``3``).
If ``per_channel=False``, only the first value of the second
axis is used.
per_channel : bool or float or imgaug.parameters.StochasticParameter, optional
Whether to fill each area in a channelwise fashion (``True``) or
not (``False``).
The behaviour per fill mode is:
* ``constant``: Whether to fill all channels with the same value
(i.e, grayscale) or different values (i.e. usually RGB color).
* ``gaussian``: Whether to sample once from a gaussian and use the
values for all channels (i.e. grayscale) or to sample
channelwise (i.e. RGB colors)
If this value is a float ``p``, then for ``p`` percent of all areas
to be filled `per_channel` will be treated as ``True``.
If it is a ``StochasticParameter`` it is expected to produce samples
with values between ``0.0`` and ``1.0``, where values ``>0.5`` will
lead to per-channel behaviour (i.e. same as ``True``).
name : None or str, optional
See :func:`imgaug.augmenters.meta.Augmenter.__init__`.
deterministic : bool, optional
See :func:`imgaug.augmenters.meta.Augmenter.__init__`.
random_state : None or int or imgaug.random.RNG or numpy.random.Generator or numpy.random.bit_generator.BitGenerator or numpy.random.SeedSequence or numpy.random.RandomState, optional
See :func:`imgaug.augmenters.meta.Augmenter.__init__`.
>>> import imgaug.augmenters as iaa
>>> aug = iaa.Cutout(nb_iterations=2)
Fill per image two random areas, by default with black pixels.
>>> aug = iaa.Cutout(nb_iterations=(1, 5), size=0.2)
Fill´per image between one and five areas, each having ``20%``
of the corresponding size of the height and width (for non-square
images this results in non-square areas to be filled).
>>> aug = iaa.Cutout(fill_mode="constant", cval=255)
Fill all areas with white pixels.
>>> aug = iaa.Cutout(fill_mode="constant", cval=(0, 255),
>>> per_channel=0.5)
Fill ``50%`` of all areas with a random intensity value between
``0`` and ``256``. Fill the other ``50%`` of all areas with
random colors.
>>> aug = iaa.Cutout(fill_mode="gaussian", per_channel=True)
Fill areas with gaussian channelwise noise (i.e. usually RGB).

def __init__(self,
name=None, deterministic=False, random_state=None):
from .size import _handle_position_parameter # TODO move to iap
from .geometric import _handle_cval_arg # TODO move to iap

super(Cutout, self).__init__(
name=name, deterministic=deterministic, random_state=random_state)
self.nb_iterations = iap.handle_discrete_param(
nb_iterations, "nb_iterations", value_range=(0, None),
tuple_to_uniform=True, list_to_choice=True, allow_floats=False)
self.position = _handle_position_parameter(position)
self.size = iap.handle_continuous_param(
size, "size", value_range=(0.0, 1.0+1e-4),
tuple_to_uniform=True, list_to_choice=True)
self.fill_mode = self._handle_fill_mode_param(fill_mode)
self.cval = _handle_cval_arg(cval)
self.per_channel = iap.handle_probability_param(
per_channel, "per_channel")

def _handle_fill_mode_param(cls, fill_mode):
if ia.is_string(fill_mode):
assert fill_mode in _CUTOUT_FILL_MODES, (
"Expected 'fill_mode' to be one of: %s. Got %s." % (
str(list(_CUTOUT_FILL_MODES.keys())), fill_mode))
return iap.Deterministic(fill_mode)
elif isinstance(fill_mode, iap.StochasticParameter):
return fill_mode
assert ia.is_iterable(fill_mode), (
"Expected 'fill_mode' to be a string, "
"StochasticParameter or list of strings. Got type %s." % (
return iap.Choice(fill_mode)

def _augment_batch(self, batch, random_state, parents, hooks):
if batch.images is None:
return batch

samples = self._draw_samples(batch.images, random_state)

nb_iterations_sum = 0
gen = enumerate(zip(batch.images, samples.nb_iterations))
for i, (image, nb_iterations) in gen:
start = nb_iterations_sum
end = start + nb_iterations

batch.images[i] = self._augment_image_by_samples(

nb_iterations_sum += nb_iterations

return batch

def _draw_samples(self, images, random_state):
rngs = random_state.duplicate(7)
nb_rows = len(images)
nb_channels_max = meta.estimate_max_number_of_channels(images)

nb_iterations = self.nb_iterations.draw_samples(
(nb_rows,), random_state=rngs[0])
nb_dropped_areas = np.sum(nb_iterations)

if isinstance(self.position, tuple):
pos_x = self.position[0].draw_samples((nb_dropped_areas,),
pos_y = self.position[1].draw_samples((nb_dropped_areas,),
pos = self.position.draw_samples((nb_dropped_areas, 2),
pos_x = pos[:, 0]
pos_y = pos[:, 1]

size = self.size.draw_samples((nb_dropped_areas, 2),
fill_mode = self.fill_mode.draw_samples(
(nb_dropped_areas,), random_state=rngs[4])

cval = self.cval.draw_samples((nb_dropped_areas, nb_channels_max),

per_channel = self.per_channel.draw_samples(
(nb_dropped_areas,), random_state=rngs[6])

return _CutoutSamples(
size_h=size[:, 0],
size_w=size[:, 1],

def _augment_image_by_samples(self, image, pos_x, pos_y, size_h,
size_w, fill_mode, cval, per_channel,
for i in range(len(pos_x)):
image = apply_cutout_(image, x_frac=pos_x[i], y_frac=pos_y[i],
height_frac=size_h[i], width_frac=size_w[i],
return image

def get_parameters(self):
"""See :func:`imgaug.augmenters.meta.Augmenter.get_parameters`."""
return [self.nb_iterations, self.position, self.size,
self.fill_mode, self.cval, self.per_channel]

# TODO verify that (a, b) still leads to a p being sampled per image and not
# per batch
class Dropout(MultiplyElementwise):
Expand Down

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