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Aleksei Khitev edited this page Jun 26, 2019 · 11 revisions


Alternatives to if

Key word Additional info Example
unless if you don't have something You can't come in unless you have a ticket

I don't usually speak unless I have something to say.
[Markus to Ivanova in s03e01, 00:30:28]
on condition that You can borrow the bike on condition that you return it by five o'clock
In case of /
in the event of
usually seen on notices In case of fire, dial 112

We'll provide fighter support in case of trouble.
[s01e19, 00:17:19]

Oh, no particular reason. I just thought it would be a good idea in case we needed it for... Well, in the event of a crisis or an attack.
[Franklin about blood supplies in s04e13, 00:19:06]
so long as So he won't move against you so long as she's in custody.
[nightwhatch about Delenn in s03e11, 00:35:09]
as long as less formal than so long as and less formal and so strong as on condition that You can stay, as long as you don;t mind sleeping on the sofa.

No. No, he's our ace in the hole. I want to keep him a secret as long as we can. This is our fight, not his.
[Sheridan about Draal in s03e10, 00:27:38]
Providing (that) /
Provided (that)
can be used in situations on condition or as long as are used.
Less formal and not so strong as on condition but stronger and more restrict than ass long as
Providing you don't mind cats, you can stay with us.

We will release our trade routes to Sector 119 provided that our ships are allowed free use of the Centauri jumpgate.
[in s01e19, 00:06:11]
supposing for possible situations.
usually in spoken language
Supposing he doesn't turn up; what shall we do then?
what if for possible situations.
usually in spoken language
more direct then ``supposing
Time doesn't work right in there. So, what if this signal is from the future? Our future. When Babylon 4 reappeared two years ago...
[Garibaldi about signal from B5 Future in s03e16, 00:06:55]

Vocabulary in Use Upper-Intermediate, p.46

Conditions with -ever

The -ever suffix means it doesn't matter which.... The stress is normally on ever

Key word Additional info Example
However However you do it, it will cost a lot of money.
whichever You'll get to the railway station, whichever bus you take

Until we run out of food or he dies of old age, whichever comes first.
[Sheridan to Ivanova about Bester in_s03e14, 00:10:44]
whoever Whoever wins the General Election, nothing will be really changed.

Whoever's behind this back home doesn't want to give it back.
[women about shadow wessel on Ganimed in s03e08, 00:15:20]
wherever That box is so big it will be in the way wherever you leave it.

Our job now is to find the traitors among us using whatever means we think are appropriate whoever they are and wherever they are. As of this moment Babylon 5 belongs to the Nightwatch.
[in s03e09, 00:13:22]

These can be also expressed using no matter. The stress is on the next word.
No matter how you do it. it will cost a lot of money.
You'll get to the railway station, no matter which bus you take
No matter who wins the General Election, nothing will be really changed.
That box is so big it will be in the way no matter where you leave it. Talk to him, Stephen. Tell him what you feel, no matter how hard it is. [to Franklin about his Father s02e10, 00:15:51]

Vocabulary in Use Upper-Intermediate, p.46

Some nouns which express condition

Key word Additional info Example
conditions rather formal Certain conditions must be met before the Peace Talks can begin.
prerequisite absolutely necessary
very formal
A good standard of English is a prerequisite for studing at a British university
requirements official conditions, rather formal What are the entry requirements for doing a diploma in Management at your college?
under any circumstances fairly formal I would not move to London under any circumstances

Thank you for coming. I wish we could have met under better circumstances. I didn't know Ambassador Kosh as well as I might have wished.
[Sheridan to new Kosh in s03e18, 00:08:07]

Vocabulary in Use Upper-Intermediate, p.46

Vocabulary Rules

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