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Provides json validation as a part of your gradle build pipeline.

This plugin implements a custom task type, ValidateJsonTask. This task expects two properties - targetJsonFile and jsonSchemaFile (instead of targetJsonFile you can use targetJsonDirectory and then all files in that directory will be validated). If that directory contains both json and non-json files, the task will fail for non-json files. If you want to validate only files with .json extension use the onlyWithJsonExtension property. If you need to validate more jsons as a part of one build, you will have to create as many custom tasks as the number of json schema files (see validateCustomJson in the example below).


buildscript {
	repositories {
	dependencies {
		classpath 'cz.alenkacz.gradle:json-validator:FILL_VERSION_HERE'

apply plugin: 'json-validator'

import cz.alenkacz.gradle.jsonvalidator.ValidateJsonTask

task validateCustomJson(type: ValidateJsonTask) {
  targetJsonFile = file("target.json") // only one of targetJsonFile or targetJsonDirectory can be specified 
  targetJsonDirectory = file("directoryWithJsons") // only one of targetJsonFile or targetJsonDirectory can be specified
  jsonSchema = file("schema.json")
  onlyWithJsonExtension = true // default is false, this makes sense only when using targetJsonDirectory, it ignores all files apart from those who do not have .json file extension

JSON schema syntax check

For some build pipelines it might be useful to be able to check schema files for syntax errors as a part of the build. To make that work, use the following setup and run the task validateJsonSchema:

buildscript {
	repositories {
	dependencies {
		classpath 'cz.alenkacz.gradle:json-validator:FILL_VERSION_HERE'

apply plugin: 'json-validator'

jsonSchema {