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XCAssetsCop is a tool to enforce specific configurations of Xcode assets.

For example, you can ensure every asset inside Image.xcassets/icons is rendered as template, has a single scale, and is a pdf file.


gem install xcassetscop

or add this to your Gemfile

gem 'xcassetscop'

Getting Started

Create a xcassetsconfig.yml, it should contain a list of objects with two properties:

  • config: An object with your configs, check the available options on the next section
  • paths: List of paths to apply the configs
- paths:
  - "./MyApp/Images.xcassets/icons/**/*.imageset/Contents.json"
  - "./MyApp/Images.xcassets/some_folder/**/*.imageset/Contents.json"
    template_rendering_intent: template
    image_scale: single
    same_file_and_asset_name: true
    file_extension: pdf
- paths:
  - "./MyApp/Images.xcassets/illustrations/**/*.imageset/Contents.json"
    template_rendering_intent: original
    image_scale: individual

Then run

xcassetscop lint

Available Options for Config

Key Description
template_rendering_intent Ensures the assets have a specific template_rendering_intent value. Valid values are: template, original, default
image_scale Ensures the asset have a specific image scale value. Valid values are: single, individual, individual_and_single
preserves-vector-representation Ensures the assets preserves or not the vector information of a PDF file
same_file_and_asset_name true if you want to make sure the asset name and the file name are the same
file_extension A string or symbol of the file extension. Ensures the file has a specific extenstion. E.g: 'pdf'
