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Plugin API

Plugin API

In Aleph.js, a Plugin is an object with a name and a setup method. The setup method will be invoked once before the Aleph server runtime is initialized.

type Plugin = {
  name: string;
  setup(aleph: Aleph): Promise<void> | void;

Writing First Aleph Plugin

Here's a simple plugin example that allows you to add a virtual dist file to the server:

// aleph.config.ts

import type { Config, Plugin } from ''

const helloPlugin: Plugin = {
  name: 'hello-plugin',
  setup: aleph => {
      (new TextEncoder()).encode('console.log("Hello World!")'),

export default <Config> {
  plugins: [helloPlugin],

then you can download the hello.js file from http://localhost:8080/_aleph/hello.js

Using Aleph Object

The Aleph object is the server runtime reference of Aleph.js, that allows you to hack into the server runtime lifecycle.


  • mode specifies the build mode that should be 'development' or 'production'.
      name: 'plugin-name',
      setup: aleph => {
        if (aleph.mode === 'development') {
          console.log('development mode')
  • workingDir shows the application absolute path that is a read-only property.
      name: 'plugin-name',
      setup: async aleph => {
        const fp = path.join(aleph.workingDir, 'data.json')
        const data = JSON.parse(await Deno.readFile(fp))
  • config is an object parsed from 'aleph.config.ts', you can update it to add more options, check Config to get more usage.
      name: 'plugin-name',
      setup: async aleph => {
        aleph.config.env['foo'] = await getEnv('foo')
        aleph.config.server.headers['X-Foo'] = 'bar'


  • addDist adds a virtual dist file to the server, then access it from /_aleph/$NAME.
      name: 'plugin-name',
      setup: async aleph => {
        aleph.addDist('hello.js', (new TextEncoder).encode('console.log("Hello World!")'))
  • addModule adds a virtual module to the server, that can be a page or API.
      name: 'plugin-name',
      setup: async aleph => {
        // adds a virtual module
        aleph.addModule('', 'export default { ... }')
        // adds a virtual module as API
        aleph.addModule('api/hello.ts', 'export const handler = (req) => { ... }')
        // adds a virtual module as Page
        aleph.addModule('pages/hello.tsx', 'export defaut function Hello() { ... }')

    The available module type: js, jsx, ts, tsx and css.

Lifecycle Hooks

  • onResolve customizes how Aleph does path resolution.
      name: 'plugin-name',
      setup: async aleph => {
        aleph.onResolve(/.(md|markdown)$/, specifier => {
          return {
            // rewrite the import specifier to other
            specifier: specifier,
            // allows modules as page when it is in the `pages/` dir
            asPage: true,
            // allows modules to be updated at runtime during development
            acceptHMR: true,
            // don't download/compile remote modules, let browser handles it
            external: false,
            // defines any data that will be passed to the next `onResolve` hook
            data: {} as any
  • onLoad allows you to load any content as a JS module, for example load markdown as pages.
      name: 'plugin-name',
      setup: async aleph => {
        // the `data` is passed from previous `onResolve` hook
        aleph.onLoad(/.(md|markdown)$/, async ({ specifier, data }) => {
          // loads and caches content as `Uint8Array` by the specifier
          const { content } = await aleph.loadModule(specifier)
          return {
            // specifies the output code type (Available type: `css` | `js` | `jsx` | `ts` | `tsx`)
            type: 'js',
            // defines transformed code in above type
            code: mdjs(content),
            // provides source map if available
            map: undefined,
  • onTransform injects code to compiled modules, you need to return an object with modified code or undefined to keep raw code.
      name: 'plugin-name',
      setup: async aleph => {
        // inject code to the `main.js`
        aleph.onTransform('main', ({ module, code, map }) => {
          return {
            code: code + '\nconsole.log(":)")',
            map: undefined, // provides source map if available
        // inject code to modules when the HMR is avaiable
        aleph.onTransform('hmr', ({ module, code, map }) => {
          return {
            code: code + '\',
            map: undefined, // provides source map if available
        // inject code to page modules
        aleph.onTransform(/pages\//, ({ module, code, map }) => {
          return {
            code: code + `\nconsole.log("current module is ${module.specifier}")`,
            map: undefined, // provides source map if available
  • onRender modifies the SSR output HTML and data.
      name: 'plugin-name',
      setup: async aleph => {
        aleph.onRender(({path, html, data}) => {
          html.headElements.push(`<script src="/gtag.js?id=${GTAG}" async></script>`)


The example plugins below are meant to give you an idea of the different types of things you can do with the plugin API.

WASM loader

This example plugin is a loader allows you to import .wasm files into JS module.

import type { Plugin } from ''

export default <Plugin> {
  name: 'wasm-loader',
  setup: aleph => {
    aleph.onLoad(/\.wasm$/i, async ({ specifier }) => {
      const { content } = await aleph.fetchModule(specifier)
      return {
        code: [
          `const wasmBytes = new Uint8Array([${content.join(',')}])`,
          'const wasmModule = new WebAssembly.Module(wasmBytes)',
          'const { exports } = new WebAssembly.Instance(wasmModule)',
          'export default exports',

Now you can import .wasm files as ES Module:

import wasm from '../lib/42.wasm'

const answer = wasm.main() // 42

Tailwind JIT for JSX

Aleph's compiler will record the static class names in JSX files, with that you can create css on demand for tailwind vary easily.

import { basename } from ''
import type { Plugin } from ''

export default <Plugin> {
  name: 'tailwind-loader',
  setup: aleph => {
    aleph.onTransform(/\.(j|t)sx$/i, async ({ module, code }) => {
      const { specifier, deps, sourceHash, jsxStaticClassNames } = module
      if (jsxStaticClassNames?.length) {
        const url = specifier.replace(/\.(j|t)sx$/i, '') + '.tailwind.css'
        const css = tailwindCompile(jsxStaticClassNames)
        const { jsFile } = aleph.addMoudle(url, css)

        // support SSR
        deps.push({specifier: url})

        return {
          // import tailwind css
          code: `import "./${basename(jsFile)}#${sourceHash.slice(0,8)}";` + code

Google Analytics

This example plugin shows how to insert custom scripts to SSR output HTML.

import { basename } from ''
import type { Plugin } from ''

export default <Plugin> {
  name: 'google-analytics-plugin',
  setup: aleph => {
    const id = Deno.env.get('GTAG')
    if (id && aleph.mode === 'production') {
      aleph.onRender(({ html }) => {
            src: `${encodeURIComponent(id)}`,
            async: true
          `window.dataLayer = window.dataLayer || [];
          function gtag() {
          gtag('js', new Date());
          gtag('config', ${JSON.stringify(id)});`