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Angular2 + JSPM + CarbonLDP Boilerplate

A boilerplate to get you started creating web applications using Angular2 + JSPM + CarbonLDP


  1. Install dependencies

    • node.js 6+
    • gulp: npm install -g gulp
    • jspm: npm install -g jspm@beta
  2. cd into the project's root directory

  3. Run npm install

  4. Run jspm install

  5. Open config/local.json, and change the configuration to match your platform installation

  6. Run npm start

    This script will execute a set of tasks including gulp compile which uses the EJS file src/app/config.ejs.ts to load all the configuration parameters

Next Steps

Saving the project as a new Git repository

When you are ready to save your project as a new Git repository just delete the .git folder in the root directory of the project, and execute git init like with any new git project.

Gulp Tasks

  • build: Build the bundled version of the web app. Can be run with --profile prod to indicate what configuration file to use.

  • serve: Serve the development version of the web app.

    Note: live-reload is not enabled by default. Loading the application is an expensive process that can take some time to finish. Making it on each change may consume too much CPU.

  • serve:dist: Serve the bundled version of the web app.

File Structure

  • config: Configuration files used by the build system to replace values with EJS tags. Each file corresponds to a profile configuration. To build the site using the local.json file you can execute gulp build --profile local. More files can be created as needed and do not need to be configured somewhere else.
  • dist: Distribution related files.
    • site: Compiled files. Ready to be served.
    • index.ejs.html: index file to be used in the bundled version of the web app.
  • jspm_packages: jspm dependencies (don't touch them)
  • node_modules: npm dependencies (don't touch them)
  • src: All source files
    • app: Source files for the Angular2 application
      • AppComponent.ts: Main component of the Angular2 app
      • boot.ejs.ts: Main entry point for the Angular2 app. Here the app gets configured and bootstrapped.
      • style.css: Style file for AppComponent.ts
      • template.html: Template file for AppComponent.ts
    • assets: Any asset (image, json, etc.). Before adding stylesheets think if they belong to a component.
    • index.html: index file for the development version of the web app
  • .gitignore: Declaration of files to be ignored by git
  • .npmrc: npm configuration file
  • Informative file that states the latest changes to the project
  • gulpfile.js: Gulp configuration file
  • jspm.browser.js: jspm browser specific configuration file
  • jspm.config.js: Main jspm configuration file
  • npm-shrinkwrap.json: Configuration to lock npm dependencies
  • package.json: npm configuration file
  • === this
  • tsconfig.json: Configuration file for typescript's compiler


  • Add e2e testing