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Create React App on Rails

Just clone and use routing, admin interface, API requests and others.


See package.json and Gemfile for versions

  1. Ruby on Rails 5
  2. Create React App
  3. Devise
  4. ActiveAdmin
  5. React
  6. Redux
  7. react-router v4
  8. Semantic UI React
  9. esLint


  1. Be sure that you have Node installed! We suggest nvm, with node version v6.0 or above.
  2. git clone
  3. cd create-react-app-rails
  4. gem install foreman
  5. bundle install
  6. brew install yarn
  7. cd client
  8. yarn
  9. cd ..
  10. rake db:migrate
  11. rake db:seed
  12. rake start

How To

  • Router: just add new route in client/app/bundles/MainApp/routes/routes.jsx

  • API

    • in component:
      this.props.actions.callApi(url, method, storeKey);
    • access response:
    • urls /api/v0/
  • Linting:

      cd client
      yarn lint


VT Labs