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This application is designed to copy your schedule from the Support & PSO Schedule sheet into a google calendar on a public account, which enables sharing of the events to users outside the domain

What is this repository for?

  • Syncs google sheet scheudule to google calendar

How do I get set up?

  • Summary of set up The application has configuration settings available in the top of sync.php. You can open this file with a text editor.

  • Configuration $leftBound - Column letter to start parsing at. Example: Start parsing on JAN-1, Set this to C $rightBound - Column letter to stop parsing at. Example: To stop parsing on 11-JAN, set this to M $invitees - Broken! Workaround by sharing the entire calendar via Google Calendar interface. See Google Calendar Help $firstName - First name as it appears on the schedule $lastName - Last name as it appears on schedule. Any - MGR or additional entries will be placed here $calendarName - The name of the calendar you wish to copy the events to, as it appears in google. APP_PATH - The path where this application lives. On windows, replace \ in the windows path with / in the APP_PATH.

  • Dependencies XAMPP - download at During installation, you only need Apache and PHP, everything else can be disabled. All dependencies are pre installed. If packages get dated, they are:

Google_Service_Calendar Google_Service_Sheets

Which can be installed via composer

  • Usage

Once PHP is installed, open a command line by holding the Windows Key and R, then typing cmd and hitting enter. On the terminal, type: C:\xampp\php\php.exe -f \sync.php

  • Common Errors If you get an error about a refresh token, navigate to the credentials/ folder, and delete all entries. This is due to the fact that I don't support refresh tokens yet. This will get implemented in the future.

Who do I talk to?


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