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173 lines (113 loc) · 3.12 KB

File metadata and controls

173 lines (113 loc) · 3.12 KB


Azizut is a private shortener designed to be as light and efficient as possible.

Respect of "Do Not Track".

QRCode support (add .qr).

Support cache (memcached) and async operations (/cron.php page each 5 minutes recommended).

Support Apache/Nginx

Authentification failure is logged for fail2ban support.


Configuration file in /config/ folder (do it first!).

htaccess and sql database is in root folder, for nginx, use location / { try_files $uri $uri/ /index.php; } directive.

For better performance, disable logging (eg. for apache, add "CustomLog /dev/null common" to vhost file)

If you want to create redirect domain, create (manually) an entry in the database (for the moment, the visits will be recorded).

INSERT INTO `data` (`shorturl`, `url`, `clicks`, `ip`, `description`, `owner`, `timestamp`) VALUES ('','',0,'','domain redirect','god','1999-12-31 23:59:59');

Azizut must be at the root of domain/ip.

Authorization access must be inserted manually (or with external API) in DB.

For async mode, use a cron (ex: each minutes) on /cron.php.

Short API usage:

Dialog type is json (call & response), php client class -> (;a=summary).

Response always contain Standard HTTP Status code (as statusCode field), data return always in data field.

All date/time must be/is as timestamp format.

Call always must contain auth (access field) for the moment, extras params must be in params field.



  "access": {
    "username": "JohnDoe",
    "password": "YWNlZGVjZDAwNjdiNjRkNjkyYWNkZTVmYjA4MGE3OTY"
  "action": "insert",
  "params": {
    "url": ""


  "data": {
    "link": "",
    "shorturl": "GQlIM",
    "description": "..."
  "statusCode": 200


  "access": {
    "username": "JohnDoe",
    "password": "YWNlZGVjZDAwNjdiNjRkNjkyYWNkZTVmYjA4MGE3OTY"
  "action": "get",
  "params": {
    "shorturl": "vEMQt"


  "data": {
    "shorturl": "vEMQt",
    "link": "",
    "clicks": "0",
    "ip": "",
    "description": "unknown",
    "owner": "JohnDoe",
    "timestamp": "2014-12-05 01:52:00"
  "statusCode": 200

- auth:

access: username password

(you can only deal with your own data).

- create link

action: insert

params: url, [ secure ] ( bool )

(secure: shorten only if target link return a valid 200 status code (false by default))

- update link

action: update

params: shorturl/url newShorturl/newUrl

(newShorturl could be empty string (like ""),  for new "random" shorturl).

- delete link

action: delete

params: shorturl/url

(shorturl is faster than url).

- get a link

action: get

params: shorturl/url [ stats ] ( bool )

(shorturl is faster than url).

- get links

action: get

params: [ start ] ( int ), [ limit ] ( int )

Shorturl could be: "http://domain.tld/shorturl" or "domain.tld/shorturl" or "/shorturl" or "shorturl".