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King of the Hill

King of the Hill is a 5-player variant of the point-based, trick-taking card game, "Eighty Points" that pits the "king of the hill" (KotH) and his/her teammate (the defenders) against the other 3 players (the challengers). However, the challenging and defending teams often change from round to round, and each player is trying to increase his or her individual score, regardless of which team they're on. The game's fluid partnerships combine bluffing and reading hand strength from poker with trick-taking strategy.


  • Card:
    • Represents a single card
    • Properties:
      • rank and suit, the rank and suit of the card, respectively, as one-character strings (e.g. "J" and "H" for the Jack of Hearts)
    • Subroutines:
      • identical, returns 1 if the given card and this card have the same rank and suit and 0 otherwise
      • sameRank, returns 1 if the given card and this card have the same rank and 0 otherwise
      • sameSuit, returns 1 if the given card and this card have the same suit and 0 otherwise
    • Note: The black joker and red joker have rank and suit "" and "B" and "" and "R" respectively
    • [do we need something to validate card suit and rank? do we need it in]
  • CardPile:
    • Represents an ordered sequence of cards
    • Subroutines:
      • new, creates an empty sequence of cards
      • cardExists, returns 1 if the specified card is in the CardPile and 0 otherwise
      • removeCard, removes a specified card from the CardPile and returns the removed Card object (if the card is in the CardPile)
      • addCard, adds a specified card to the CardPile
      • shuffle, randomly shuffles the cards in the CardPile
  • Hand (inherits from CardPile):
    • Represents a CardPile that maintains a "sorted" order for cards by adding new cards in the correct location
    • Subroutines:
      • new, creates an empty Hand of cards
      • sortHand, [private helper] "sorts" this Hand so that the cards are in descending order of strength (strongest first, weakest last)
      • addCard, adds a specified card to the Hand in the correct position so that the resulting Hand is "sorted"
      • numCards, number of cards [necessary?]
  • CardStack (inherits from CardPile):
    • Represents a stack (LIFO) of cards
    • Subroutines:
      • new, creates an empty stack of cards
      • addCard, adds the specified card to the top of the stack of cards
      • removeCard, removes the card at the top of the stack of cards
  • Player:
    • Represents a player in the game
    • Properties:
      • hand, the Hand of cards that the player holds (and that other players cannot see);
      • name, the player's name
    • Subroutines:
      • new, creates a new player with a name and an empty hand
  • Trick:
    • Represents a single trick, or hand, in the game, where each player gets one turn
    • Properties:
      • round, the round that this trick belongs to [necessary?]
      • cards, a sequence of ordered pairs of a player and the card(s) that that player played, in order from first to last player to act
      • leadingPlayer, the starting player of the round that the first card is dealt to
      • trickSuit, the suit of the cards that led the trick
      • trickType, the number of cards that led the trick (whether a single card or an identical pair of cards led the trick)
    • Subroutines:
      • trickPoints, the point value of the trick
      • trickWinner, the player who won the trick
  • Round:
    • Responsible for setting up before each round (e.g. shuffling cards) and transitioning from drawing phase to playing phase
    • Properties:
      • dealOrder, ordered sequence of players that are dealt cards
      • isFirstRound, whether this round is the first round of the game
      • trumpRank, the trump rank of this round (determined from starting player's rank)
      • trumpSuit, the trump suit of this round (determined after drawing phase)
      • koth, the "king of the hill" for this round (the first player of dealOrder if isFirstRound is 0, otherwise the player who declared the trumpSuit)
      • deadHand, the hand of eight cards that the KotH keeps face-down until the end of the round
      • calledCard, the card that the KotH of the round calls. when this card is played, the player who played it becomes the KotH's teammate
      • defenders, a list of players on the defending team (initially only has the KotH, but updated to include the KotH's teammate, if applicable)
      • playerPoints, a mapping of the players to their points earned in this round
    • Subroutines:
      • new, starts a new round with a given starting player and a flag marking if it's the first round (if it is the first round, then the KotH is the player who declares the trump suit).
      • startRound, shuffles the draw CardStack containing two 54-card decks and deals one card to each player in the order specified by dealOrder
      • [how to let the player declare trump suit???]
  • Game:
    • Responsible for tracking player positions relative to each other, and tracking the ranks of players across rounds
    • Properties:
      • currentRound, a reference to a Round object
      • playerRanks, a mapping of the players to their ranks
    • Subroutines:
      • new, starts a new game if given a list of five players with different names, otherwise throws error. randomly seats the five players and thus randomly chooses the first player to begin the game. initializes scoresheet to track each player's score.
      • fixNumRounds, ends the game after the specified number of rounds have been completed after the current round (specifying 0 ends the game after the end of the current round) [unnecessary?]
  • Actions:
    • Responsible for prompting player input (e.g. time limits on player actions, etc.) and processing players' inputs
  • Graphics:
    • Responsible for displaying the graphical user interface (GUI)
  • Rules:
    • Responsible for enforcing rules (e.g. preventing players from reneging, which means playing a card from a suit other than the leading suit of a trick if the player has a card of the leading suit, etc.).
    • Note: this class needs to be able to see players' cardsets to enforce rules

Gameplay Actions:

  1. Create five new Players with unique names (e.g. Ali, Bob, Cat, Dan, Eve).
  2. Create a new Game with the five Players, each starting at rank 2 (tracked in playerRanks).
  3. Choose a seating order for the five Players that will be fixed for the rest of the Game.
  4. All players acknowledge readiness for a Round to begin.
  5. Create a new Round with one of the five Players assigned as the first player to deal to, and a new CardStack containing two 54-card decks is shuffled.
  6. Is this the first Round?
    • If yes, then the trumpRank for this Round is 2, but the KotH for this Round hasn't been determined.
    • If no, then the trumpRank for this Round is the current rank of the given first player (who is also the KotH for this Round, who should be added to defenders and noted as such in koth).
  7. For each of the 20 cards dealt to each Player (starting with startingPlayer, proceeding in counter-clockwise order):
    • If the card has the sameRank as the trumpRank, that Player has the ability to "declare" that suit as the trumpSuit.
    • If the trumpSuit has been "declared" already, only Players with an identical pair of cards with rank equal to the trumpRank have the ability to "declare" that suit as the trumpSuit. (same player can declare twice?)
  8. If the trumpSuit hasn't been declared yet wait for a few seconds (about 3 seconds?), and then ask, is this the first Round?
    • If yes, choose a random suit as the trumpSuit and choose a random player as the KotH of this Round (and add him or her to defenders and note as such in koth).
    • If no, then startingPlayer (the KotH) of this Round has a few seconds (about 5 seconds?) to choose a suit as the trumpSuit. If a trumpSuit still hasn't been declared, a random suit will be chosen as the trumpSuit.
  9. The remaining eight cards in the CardStack are added to the KotH's Hand.
  10. KotH has about a minute (too long?) to remove any eight cards from his or her Hand and add those eight to the deadHand. If the time elapses, random cards are removed from the KotH's hand and added to the deadHand until the deadHand contains eight cards.
  11. KotH has about 15 seconds (too short?) to call a card as the CalledCard. If the time elapses, the KotH will not be able to enlist any of the remaining players as his or her teammate.
  12. All players acknowledge readiness for a Trick to begin (trumpSuit and trumpRank should be made clear).
  13. If this is the first trick of the round, create a new Trick with the KotH as the leadingPlayer. Otherwise, create a new Trick with the previous trickWinner as the leadingPlayer.
  14. For each Player to act (starting with leadingPlayer, proceeding in counter-clockwise order):
    • The Player to act has about 10 seconds to confirm the cards to be played (cannot be taken back once played).
    • If Player is the leadingPlayer, any single card or identical pair of cards is a "valid" play and sets the trickSuit and the trickType.
    • Otherwise, if Player to act has any cards "satisfying" the trickType and trickSuit requirements in his or her hand, the Player must choose from those combinations. Otherwise, the Player must only satisfy the trickType requirement (aka playing the same number of cards that were played to lead the trick).
    • After Player has played, check if calledCard is defined and whether Player has played the calledCard. If both are true, add the Player to defenders and set CalledCard to an undefined value.
  15. After each Player has acted once, the Trick has ended. The trickPoints are calculated and awarded to the trickWinner (tracked in playerPoints).
  16. If the trickWinner's Hand is not empty, go back to step 13. Otherwise, continue to step 17.
  17. For each Player not in defenders, his or her points (from playerPoints) are added to the challengeScore.
  18. If the trickWinner is not in defenders, two times the "point value" of the cards in deadHand are added to the challengeScore.
  19. If challengeScore < 80: If KotH has a teammate in defenders, teammate is KotH in next round. Otherwise, current KotH is KotH in next round. Additionally:
    • If challengeScore == 0: each Player in defenders has rank incremented by 3.
    • If 0 < challengeScore =< 40: each Player in defenders has rank incremented by 2.
    • If 40 < challengeScore: each Player in defenders has rank incremented by 1.
  20. Otherwise (if challengeScore >= 80): next player in counter-clockwise order from KotH who is not in defenders is KotH in next round. Additionally:
    • If 120 =< challengeScore < 160: each Player not in defenders has rank incremented by 1.
    • If 160 =< challengeScore < 200: each Player not in defenders has rank incremented by 2.
    • If 200 =< challengeScore: each Player not in defenders has rank incremented by 3.


A 5-player trick-based card game (written in Perl for fun).






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