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Data and analysis for the "Add-on Gamification" manuscript and conference poster


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Add-on Gamification

Data and analysis for the "Add-on Gamification" manuscript and conference poster. Please use Gamification Analysis.Rmd to replicate the analysis and Gamification to view the results online.


Main experimental results are contained in the Data folder. Additional data from the optional second session is in the Additional Data (Second Optional Session) folder. Results from the Intrinsic Motivation Inventory and Game Preferences Questionnaire are both in a the single file Questionnaire_ErsteTestung_ohneIFN_pressure invertiert_ohne pressure.xlsx in the Questionnaire folder.

CSV-format for main experimental results

  • Observer A unique participant ID
  • Condition Either game or experiment
  • SessionID Session timestampt
  • Block Overall block index
  • Trial Trial index within the block
  • COA COA used in the block in milliseconds. Can be either -100, 100 or 1000
  • Color0, Color1, Color2, Color3 Variable name correspond to the quadrant that the circle target was presented at. Quadrants are counted counterclockwise staring with the top-right quadrant. The value is the index of the color with values from 0 to 3 denoting, correspondingly, red, green, blue, and yellow.
  • Target Whether the cued pair of colors is a column or a row
  • Which Which column (0 - left, 1 - right) or row (0 - upper, 1 - lower) is cued
  • Match Whether cue matches the display colors order (True) or has an opposite incorrect one (False)
  • FlipComplimentary Whether the color order for the complimentary axis (row, if Target is column and column, if Target is row) is the same as for the target (left-rigth for up-down or vice versa) or reversed
  • Response Participants response whether cue matched colors in the display (True or False)
  • RT Response time in seconds
  • Correct Whether participant's response was correct (True or False)
  • OnsetDelay Randomized display onset delay in seconds.

CSV-format for the questionnaire file

  • Condition Experimental condition used for the main experiment, either game or experiment
  • Observer Unique participant's ID
  • Gender Participant's gender either 1 (female) or 2 (male)
  • IM01_xx Responses for the Intrinsic Motivation Inventory questionnaire, seven point scale from 1 to 7.
  • GPxx_xx Responses for the Game Preferences Questionnaire, seven point scale from 1 to 7.

Other columns were automatically generated by the SoSci Survey and are irrelevant for the purpose of the study.


All data (and associated content) is licensed under the CC-By Attribution 4.0 International License. All code is licensed under the MIT License.


Data and analysis for the "Add-on Gamification" manuscript and conference poster








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