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Bubble Sort

func countSwaps(a: [Int]) -> Int {
    var arr = a
    var swapCount = 0

    for x in 0..<arr.count {
        if (x < arr[x]) {
            for y in 0..<arr.count - 1 {
                if (arr[y] > arr[y + 1]) {
                    arr.swapAt(y, y + 1)
                    swapCount += 1

    return swapCount

Ransom Note

func checkMagazine(magazine: [String], note: [String]) -> Bool {
    var matchingWords = magazine.filter { return note.contains($0) }
        matchingWords = Array(Set(matchingWords)) // Remove Duplicates

    return matchingWords.count == note.count

Caesar Cipher

func createDictionary(rotations: Int) -> [Character: Character] {
    let alphabet: [Character] = Array("abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz")
    let keys: [Character] = alphabet
    var values: [Character] = alphabet

    for _ in 0..<rotations {
        let charToAppend = values.removeFirst()
    var dict = [Character: Character]()
    for i in 0..<keys.count { dict[keys[i]] = values[i] }
    return dict

func caesarCipher(s: String, k: Int) -> String {
    let dict = createDictionary(rotations: k)
    var result = String()
    for char in Array(s) {
        let charKey = Character(char.lowercased())
        if let newChar = dict[charKey] {
            if (char.isUppercase) {
            else {
        } else {
    return result

Subarray Division

func birthday(s: [Int], d: Int, m: Int) -> Int {
    var matchCount = 0
    for i in 0..<s.count {
        let endRange = (i+m)-1
        if endRange <= s.count - 1 {
            let chunkSum = s[i...endRange].reduce(0, +)
            if (chunkSum == d) {
                matchCount = matchCount + 1

    return matchCount

Counting Valleys

func countingValleys(steps: Int, path: String) -> Int {
    var currentElevation = 0
    var valleyCount = 0
    let incrementArr: [Int] = {
        let increment = ($0 == "U") ? 1 : -1
        return increment
    for i in incrementArr {
        if (currentElevation == 0) {
            currentElevation += i
            if (currentElevation < 0) {
                valleyCount += 1
        else {
            currentElevation += i
    return valleyCount

Between Two Sets

func getTotalX(a: [Int], b: [Int]) -> Int {
    var matchCount = 0
    let aSorted = a.sorted()
    let bSorted = b.sorted()

    let aFirst = aSorted.first!, aLast = aSorted.last!
    let bFirst = bSorted.first!, bLast = bSorted.last!
    let minRange = (aLast < bFirst) ? aLast : bLast
    let maxRange = (aLast < bFirst) ? bFirst : aFirst
    let joinedArr = (aLast < bFirst) ? aSorted + bSorted : bSorted + aSorted
    for i in minRange...maxRange {
        let iMatches = joinedArr.filter { return (i % $0) == 0 || ($0 % i) == 0}
        if iMatches.count == joinedArr.count {
            matchCount = matchCount + 1
    return matchCount

Bill Division

func bonAppetit(bill: [Int], k: Int, b: Int) -> String {
    let billTotal = bill.reduce(0, +)
    let annaShare = ((billTotal - bill[k]) / 2)
    if (b == annaShare) { return "Bon Appetit" }
    else { return "\(b - annaShare)" }

Designer PDF Viewer

func designerPdfViewer(h: [Int], word: String) -> Int {
    let alphabet: [Character] = Array("abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz")
    var valueDict = [Character: Int]()
    for i in 0...25 { valueDict[alphabet[i]] = h[i] }
    let letterHeights = { return valueDict[$0]! }
    let boxHeight = letterHeights.max()!
    let boxWidth = word.count * 1
    let boxArea = boxWidth * boxHeight
    return boxArea


func countApplesAndOranges(s: Int, t: Int, a: Int, b: Int, apples: [Int], oranges: [Int]) -> Void {
    let houseRange = s...t
    let aTree = a
    let oTree = b

    var applesOnHouse = 0
    var orangesOnHouse = 0

    for apple in apples {
        let endPoint = aTree + apple
        if houseRange.contains(endPoint) { applesOnHouse += 1 }

    for orange in oranges {
        let endPoint = oTree + orange
        if houseRange.contains(endPoint) { orangesOnHouse += 1 }


Diagonal Difference

func diagonalDifference(arr: [[Int]]) -> Int {
    let arrLength = arr[0].count - 1
    let leftSum = getDiagonalSum(matrix: arr, arrLength: arrLength, isLeftToRight: true)
    let rightSum = getDiagonalSum(matrix: arr, arrLength: arrLength, isLeftToRight: false)
    let result = abs(leftSum - rightSum)
    return result

func getDiagonalSum(matrix: [[Int]], arrLength: Int, isLeftToRight: Bool) -> Int {
    var result = 0
    if isLeftToRight {
        var row = 0
        for arr in matrix {
            result += arr[row]
            row += 1
    else {
        var rowsLeft = arrLength
        for arr in matrix {
            result += arr[rowsLeft]
            rowsLeft -= 1
    return result

Grading Students

func gradingStudents(grades: [Int]) -> [Int] {
    var rounded = [Int]()
    for grade in grades {
        if grade < 38 { rounded.append(grade) }
        else {
            let distanceFromFive = 5 - (grade % 5)
            if distanceFromFive > 2 { rounded.append(grade) }
            else { rounded.append(grade + distanceFromFive) }
    return rounded


func kangaroo(x1: Int, v1: Int, x2: Int, v2: Int) -> String {
    var oneStart = x1
    let oneSpeed = v1
    var twoStart = x2
    let twoSpeed = v2

    var i = 0

    while i < 10000 {
        if (oneStart + oneSpeed) == (twoStart + twoSpeed) {
            return "YES"
        else {
            i += 1
            oneStart += oneSpeed
            twoStart += twoSpeed

    return "NO"

Mini-Max Sum

func miniMaxSum(arr: [Int]) -> Void {
    let noFirst = arr[1] + arr[2] + arr[3] + arr[4]
    let noSecond = arr[0] + arr[2] + arr[3] + arr[4]
    let noThird = arr[0] + arr[1] + arr[3] + arr[4]
    let noFourth = arr[0] + arr[1] + arr[2] + arr[4]
    let noFifth = arr[0] + arr[1] + arr[2] + arr[3]
    let droppedArray = [noFirst, noSecond, noThird, noFourth, noFifth]
    if let max = droppedArray.max(), let min = droppedArray.min() {
        print("\(min) \(max)")

Plus Minus

func plusMinus(arr: [Int]) -> Void {
    let length = arr.count
    var numPos = 0
    var numNeg = 0
    var numZer = 0
    for x in arr {
        if x > 0 { numPos += 1 }
        else if x < 0 { numNeg += 1 }
        else if x == 0 { numZer += 1 }
    let fracPos: Float = (Float(numPos)/Float(length))
    let fracNeg: Float = (Float(numNeg)/Float(length))
    let fracZer: Float = (Float(numZer)/Float(length))

Sock Merchant

func sockMerchant(n: Int, ar: [Int]) -> Int {
    let mapped = { ($0, 1) }
    let dictionary = Dictionary(mapped, uniquingKeysWith: +).values
    let filtered = dictionary.filter { $0 > 1 }
    var pairs = 0
    for count in filtered {
        pairs += count/2
    return pairs


func staircase(n: Int) -> Void {
    var stairs = [String]()
    while stairs.count + 1 <= n {
        let toBuild = stairs.count + 1
        let toSpace = n - toBuild
        var stepStr = String(repeating: " ", count: toSpace)
        stepStr.append(String(repeating: "#", count: toBuild))
    var stepsPrinted = 0
    for step in stairs {
        if stepsPrinted == n - 1 {
            print(step, terminator: "")
        else {
            stepsPrinted += 1

Time Conversion

func convertTimeToIntArray(String: String) -> [Int] {
    var intArray = [Int]()
    var withoutClockPeriod = String
    let strArray = withoutClockPeriod.split(separator: ":")
    for subStr in strArray { if let num = Int(subStr) { intArray.append(num) } }
    return intArray

func timeConversion(s: String) -> String {
    let clockPeriod = s.suffix(2)
    if clockPeriod == "PM" {
        var armyTime = convertTimeToIntArray(String: s)
        if s.prefix(2) != "12" { armyTime[0] += 12 }
        var strArray = [String]()
        for i in armyTime {
            if i < 10 { strArray.append("0\(i)") }
            else { strArray.append(String(describing: i)) }
        let finalStr = strArray.joined(separator: ":")
        return finalStr
    else {
        if s.prefix(2) == "12" {
            var strBuffer = s
            let finalStr = "00" + strBuffer
            return finalStr
        else {
            var strBuffer = s
            return strBuffer


A collection of my solutions to algorithm challenges.






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