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Dave Landry edited this page May 10, 2017 · 38 revisions

Getting Started

Given this data array:

var data = [
  {"value": 100, "name": "alpha"},
  {"value": 70, "name": "beta"}

A simple Tree Map can be generated with the following code:


Available Methods

Defines the key in your data associated with the number of "active" parts. This variable should be used in conjunction with the .total( ) method to correctly display fill percentages inside of shapes (such as making each node in a scatter plot a pie chart). You can also pass a function as a method of determining which objects are "active". d3plus will pass your function the data point in question, and the function should return the value requested.

This method also supports passing a keyed object. Here are the supported keys:

Key Description Accepted Value(s) Default Value
mute Hides specific data points from the viewer. Full documentation can be found here. value, Function, Array []
solo Shows only specific data points to the viewer. Full documentation can be found here. value, Function, Array []
spotlight Determines the behavior of inactive nodes, based on how the current visualization handles it. For example, when this is set to true for a Network, all of the "inactive" nodes will be greyed out, giving more emphasis on the "active" nodes. Boolean false
value Defines the key in your data associated with the number of "active" parts. When passing only a String or Function to the method, this is the variable that actually gets set.

You can also pass a single keyed Object, keyed by the appropriate nesting level's .id( ). This will tell d3plus to look in that specific nesting level's attribute list for the active variable. Additionally, if the Object you pass to this method does not contain any of the following keys, d3plus will use the Object as this key.
String, Function, Object, false false

Defines how specific values should be aggregated when the d3plus aggregates your data. The Object passed should contain key/value pairs that match the keys in your data with the aggreagation value requested. For example, if you wanted all values of the key "wage" to use D3's "mean" comparator, then you would pass the following:

.aggs({"wage": "mean"})

The String value passed with each key needs to be one of D3's predefined array comparators, such as "mean", "median", "min", or "max". By default, all keys use d3.sum(). Additionally, you can also pass a Function as an aggregation method for a key. D3plus will pass the Function the array of data objects needing aggregation, and the Function should return the final aggregated value.

Defines a set of data points that are associated with the primary .data( ), but that do not change as the data changes. For example, Attribute Data could include colors and names that are static throughout all .time( ) while your .data( ) includes properties that change over time. The .id( ) that you set MUST be present inside of your attribute array, otherwise d3plus will have no way of matching attributes to data.

If it suits your needs, you may also pass an Object keyed by each .id( ). If your visualization uses nesting, you may want to pass a different attribute list for each nesting level. This can be achieved by passing an object that is keyed based on the nesting levels supplied to the .id( ) method.

When passing a URL to this method, d3plus will use it to load the data dynamically for you. Additionally, if a callback function is provided, the downloaded data will be passed through the function for formatting (which should then return the correctly formatted data).

Defines specific parameters for visualizations that use X and Y axes. Here are the supported keys:

Key Description Accepted Value(s) Default Value
background Styling for the background of the X/Y plot. Accepts the following keys: "color", "rendering", and a "stroke" Object with "color" and "width". Object Default style.
mirror Tells the visualization to use the same range for both axes. d3plus will calculate both axes' domains, and then combine them into a final matched domain. Boolean false
ticks Toggles the small data ticks seen in Scatter Plots. Boolean true

The color of the overall background for the visualization.

A custom key or accessor function to be used as a class name for each data point's DOM element.

Defines the value in your data associated with the color of each node. If the value is a hexadecimal color String (eg. "#cc0000"), d3plus will simply use that as the node's color. If it returns a non-color String, a random color based on that string will be used. Finally, if the key returns a Number, d3plus will map the values to a heat map. You can also pass a function as a way of determining the color of a node. d3plus will pass your function the data point in question, and the function should return the value requested.

This method also supports passing a keyed object. Here are the supported keys:

Key Description Accepted Value(s) Default Value
focus A color to use for the .focus( ). color "#444444"
heatmap An Array of colors to use when color values are all positive numbers. Can be any number of colors. Array of colors ["#282F6B", "#419391", "#AFD5E8", "#EACE3F", "#B35C1E", "#B22200"]
missing A color to use for when a shape has no data associated with it. color "#eeeeee"
mute Hides specific data points from the viewer. Full documentation can be found here. value, Function, Array []
primary A color to use for primary connections in the .edges( ). color "#d74b03"
range An Array of colors to use when the Color Parameters range from negative to positive. Must be an array of 3 colors. Array of colors ["#B22200", "#FFEE8D", "#759143"]
scale The color scale used when assigning random colors to objects. Supports the d3plus default color scale, the default d3 color scales, your own scale, or an array of values to use to create a scale. Array, Function, "d3plus", "category10", "category20", "category20b", "category20c" "d3plus"
secondary A color to use for secondary connections in the .edges( ). color "#e5b3bb"
solo Shows only specific data points to the viewer. Full documentation can be found here. value, Function, Array []
value Defines the key in your data associated with the color of each node. When passing only a String or Function to the method, this is the variable that actually gets set.

You can also pass a single keyed Object, keyed by the appropriate nesting level's .id( ). This will tell d3plus to look in that specific nesting level's attribute list for the value.
String, Function, Object, false visualization:false

Specify the columns displayed in the table visualization. If passed an object, here are the accessible keys:

Key Description Accepted Value(s) Default Value
index Whether or not the top-left column header should be displayed. Boolean true
value When passing only an Array, Function, or String to the this method, this is the variable that actually gets set. Array, Function, String false

When creating multiple visualizations, they often share the same basic set of method values. Using this method, multiple methods can be set using a pre-defined javascript Object that matches the structure of the various other methods. In this example, the .id( ), .depth( ), and .text( ) methods are all being set by using only the .config( ) method:

var defaults = {
  "id": ["country", "state"],
  "depth": 1,
  "text": "name"


Tells d3plus which page element to build the visualization inside of. This is a required method for every visualization. It supports all of the D3 Selection Methods, including D3 elements.

For example, to select an element with the ID of "box", you could say:

.container( "#box" )

Or alternatively, you could also say:

.container("#box") )

Before creating a visualization, d3plus will remove all contents of the specified container element.

For visualizations that use geography, you can pass a Topojson object to d3plus. Each feature inside of your topojson must have a .id( ) value that matches your data. When passing a URL to this method, d3plus will use it to load the data dynamically for you. If a callback function is provided, the downloaded data will be passed through the function for formatting (which should then return the correctly formatted data).

This method also supports passing a keyed object. Here are the supported keys:

Key Description Accepted Value(s) Default Value
center The position, in coordinate degrees, of the center of the map projection. Array [0,0]
fit Determines how coordinate bounds will be positioned within the dimensions of the visualization. "auto", "width", "height" "auto"
key The key inside of the Topojson object to use for coordinates. false, String Defaults to the first available key.
mute Hides specific coordinate objects from the viewer. Full documentation can be found here. value, Function, Array []
padding How many pixels of padding should be applied to the bounds of a zoomed object. Number 20
projection Which geographical projection should be used. "albers", "albersUsa", "azimuthalEqualArea", "azimuthalEquidistant", "conicConformal", "conicEqualArea", "conicEquidistant", "equirectangular", "gnomonic", "mercator", "orthographic", "stereographic", "transverseMercator", Function "mercator"
simplify Filters the coordinates so that super-small geographies will not be unnecessarily rendered to DOM. Boolean true
solo Shows only specific coordinate objects to the viewer. Full documentation can be found here. value, Function, Array []
threshold The minimum area required to be displayed. Number 0.1
value The Topojson Object that gets set when just passing Topojson to this method. Topojson, false false

Whether or not a value is passed to this method, it will download a .csv file of the currently displayed data to the user's computer. If .title( ) is defined, it will use that for the filename (replacing spaces with hyphens). Otherwise, the file will be called "My-D3plus-App-Data.csv". A javascript version of the data (an Array of arrays) is also returned to javascript when this method is called.

If a String or Array of keys is passed to the method, d3plus will return a .csv file with only the key(s) specified as the columns.

If the Boolean true is passed to the method, the full un-edited raw user data will be returned as a .csv file, not just what is being currently displayed in the visualization.

Sets the data associated with your visualization. Each item in the array needs to be an object with keys that match what you have defined using other methods. Here is a simple example of what your data array could look like:

  { "id": "alpha", "size": 52 },
  { "id": "beta", "size": 23 }

When passing a URL to the data method, d3plus will use it to load the data dynamically for you. If a callback function is provided, the downloaded data will be passed through the function for formatting (which should then return the correctly formatted data).

This method also supports passing a keyed object. Here are the supported keys:

Key Description Accepted Value(s) Default Value
delimiter The string delimiter used when parsing DSV files from a url. String "|"
donut Sets styling for "donut" shapes. Currently supports passing a keyed Object with a "size" parameter. Object { "size": 0.35 }
filetype The file extension when loading data from a url. If set to false, d3plus will try to auto-detect. false, "json", "xml", "html", "csv", "dsv", "tsv", "txt" false
large If the number of data nodes drawn on the screen exceeds this number, all transitions animations will be disabled. This prevents lag and stuttering with large datasets. integer 400
opacity Sets default shape opacity. Currently supports passing a float between 0 and 1. float 0.9
padding Defines padding in between shapes. Currently used in the Tree Map. Number 1
stroke Sets styling for a shape's outer stroke. Currently supports passing a keyed Object with a "width" parameter. Object { "width": 1 }
value When passing only an Array or url to this method, this is the variable that actually gets set. Array, url false

If you have specified nesting while setting your .id( ), then this method allows you to switch between those nesting levels. It accepts integer values that match the desired position in the nesting array. For example, given the following nesting:

.id(["country", "state", "city"])

You would show "state" aggregations by setting the depth as follows:


Sets descriptions for each specified value. Currently, these descriptions are visible in static tooltips as a small question mark that appears next to the value name. If passed a Function, the value name will be passed and it is expected to return the description.

Toggles verbose development mode, which displays logs and timers in the browser's console related to the activity on screen. Defaults to false.

Draws the visualization inside of the specified .container( ). When the visualization gets drawn for the first time, or if the container has changed, all previous contents of the element will be removed. This method should also be called after changing/updating other methods in order to update the content being displayed.

Sets the list of edges between objects for visualizations that require edges (such as Network and Rings). The Array passed to this method must be in the following format, with the "source" and "target" matching the .id( ) value.

    "source": 1,
    "target": 2
    "source": 3,
    "target": 1

When passing a URL to this method, d3plus will use it to load the data dynamically for you. If a callback function is provided, the downloaded data will be passed through the function for formatting (which should then return the correctly formatted data).

This method also supports passing an Object. Here are the supported keys:

Key Description Accepted Value(s) Default Value
arrows Determines whether or not arrows should be drawn at the end of each link.

When passing a Boolean, the arrows will be toggled on/off with a default width of 10 pixels.

When passing a Number, that number will be used as the width of the arrow.

When passing an Object, the user can define both the "value" (which is what gets set when not passing an Object) and the "direction" of the arrows, which is either "source" or "target" (defaults to "target")
Boolean, Number, Object false
color The color of each edge. color "#d0d0d0"
delimiter The string delimiter used when parsing DSV files from a url. String "|"
filetype The file extension when loading data from a url. If set to false, d3plus will try to auto-detect. false, "json", "xml", "html", "csv", "dsv", "tsv", "txt" false
interpolate Changes the line interpolation type for curved lines (like in Rings). "linear", "step", "basis", "cardinal", "monotone" "basis"
label Value within each edge object to be used as a label for the connection. String, false false
large The cutoff for a "large" network. When there are more than this number of edges displayed on screen, certain transitions and styles will be disabled because it becomes too computationally heavy to modify the large amount of edges on the fly (for example, when highlighting specific connections on hover). integer 100
limit Limits the number of primary connections to be shown in Rings and the maximum number of paths in Paths. integer, false false
opacity Sets default link opacity. Supports a number, a user-defined function that gets passed the edge data and expects an opacity in return, or a string key of the edges to run through a linear scale. The type of scale being used is accessible from the "scale" key inside of opacity. Number, String, Function 1
size Static number or a key to a value within each link object to be used to size the stroke width of each connection. Additionally, there is a "scale" number accessible that defines what percentage of the smallest node's diameter to allow for the max edge width (there is also a "min" key). Number, String, false false
source Sets the key associated with the edge "source". String "source"
strength The value associated with the strength of the edge to be used when automatically calculating node positions. Values should be between 0 and 1. false, Function, Number, String false
target Sets the key associated with the edge "target". String "target"
value When passing only an Array to this method, this is the variable that actually gets set. Array false

Sets an error message to override the visualization. This halts the visualization and displays your message instead.

If the visualization supports it, this defines which data node to focus on. For example, this sets the center node in Rings. The value(s) passed must match a .id( ) in your data.

This method also supports passing a keyed object. Here are the supported keys:

Key Description Accepted Value(s) Default Value
tooltip Whether or not to show the large tooltip on the right side of the visualization relating to the focus element. Boolean true
value The key that gets set when you only pass a value to the method. String, Number, Array, false false

Sets the default overall font family(s) to be used. This method also supports passing a keyed Object. Here are the accepted keys:

Key Description Accepted Value(s) Default Value
align Sets the global font alignment. "left", "center", "right" "left"
color Sets the color of all fonts used in the visualization. color "#444444"
decoration Sets the text-decoration of all fonts used in the visualization. "line-through", "none", "overline", "underline" "none"
family Sets the font-family used throughout the entire visualization. Can be a single String, Array, or comma-separated font-families (like with CSS). Array, String [ "Helvetica Neue" , "HelveticaNeue" , "Helvetica" , "Arial" , "sans-serif" ]
secondary Defines a secondary font style (only used in interface elements). Object Same as primary font style.
size General pixel font size. Number 12
spacing General pixel letter spacing. Number 0
transform Sets the text-transform of all fonts used in the visualization. "capitalize", "lowercase", "none", "uppercase" "none"
weight Sets the font-weight of all fonts used in the visualization. String or Number 200

Defines footer text to be displayed underneath a visualization (and in large tooltips). To remove the footer, simply pass false to the method.

This method also supports passing a keyed object. Here are the supported keys:

Key Description Accepted Value(s) Default Value
font Defines font styles specific to the footer. The supported Font Styles are: "align", "color", "decoration", "family", "size", "transform", "weight" Object Default style
link A URL for the footer to open when clicked. The page will open in a new window/tab. String, false false
padding Pixel padding to be given around the footer. Number 0
position What side of the visualization the footer should be positioned on. "top", "bottom" "bottom"
value When passing only a String or false to the method, this is the variable that actually gets set. String, false false

Passing a String to the method changes the current locale used to display text and numbers. Passing a Function overrides the default behavior, which tests whether a value is a String or a Number, and then passes it through the correct formatting function. It is not recommended that you change this Function, but rather edit the specific text and number functions in the object, as seen below when passing an Object.

This method also supports passing a keyed Object. This is what gives you access to the specific text and number formatting functions. Here are the supported keys:

Key Description Accepted Value(s) Default Value
affixes A keyed object of affixes to use when formatting numbers. Object {}
locale When passing only a String to the method, this is the variable that actually gets set. String "en_US"
number The function that formats all Number values displayed on the screen.

This is helpful when you would like specific variables to always be formatted a certain way, whether it's to a certain decimal place or replacing commas with periods for international usage. d3plus passes 2 variables to the function you provide: the number that needs to be formatted, and the key associated with that number.
Function Custom formatting function.
text The function that formats all String values displayed on the screen.

This is helpful for displaying certain short javascript keys as their full capitalized names, and also enables you to implement full localization for your visualizations. d3plus passes 2 variables to the function you provide: the String that needs to be formatted, and the key associated with that String.
Function Custom formatting function.
value When passing only a Function to the method, this is the variable that actually gets set. Function Custom formatting function.

Say for instance, you wanted all numbers for the key "year" to return as-is, and all other numbers formatted to 2 decimal places. You would pass the following Function to the "number" key:

.format({ "number" : function( number , key ) {

    if (key === "year") {
      return number;
    else {
      return d3.round(number,2);


In addition, if you wanted to display the key "export_val" as "Export Value" and capitalize all other strings. You would pass the following function to the text key:

.format({ "text" : function( text , key ) {

    if (key === "export_val") {
      return "Export Value";
    else {
      return text.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + text.substr(1).toLowerCase();


Sets the height, in pixels, of the current output. This method also supports passing a keyed object. Here are the supported keys:

Key Description Accepted Value(s) Default Value
max Sets the max-height of secondary elements, such as the dropdown window in the "drop" Form. Number, false 600
secondary Sets the height of secondary elements, such as the dropdown window in the "drop" Form.

If set to false, the height will be calculated based on the available space inside of the current window.
Number, false false
small When the height of a visualization is less than or equal to this Number, it will enter "small" mode, where some functionality is disabled. Number 200
value When passing only a Number to the method, this is the variable that actually gets set. Number The height of the .container( ), if defined. Otherwise: window.innerHeight

Displays a back button in the top left of the visualization when the user has zoomed to a deeper nesting level. Defaults to true.

Defines the value for a data point's icon URL (shown in tooltips and the legend). This is a great example of where you would probably want to pass the icon URL with .attrs( ), as the icon probably does not change throughout time. You can also pass a Function as a method of determining the icon URL for a data point. D3plus will pass the Function the data point in question, and the function should return the value requested.

This method also supports passing a keyed Object. Here are the supported keys:

Key Description Accepted Value(s) Default Value
back Defines the graphic used with nested drop down menus. The String can either be an HTML entity or a Font Awesome class. false, String Font Awesome:"fa-angle-left"
HTML Entity:"❮"
style Defines the icon style used in tooltips. "default" mode just shows the icon as is, while "knockout" will assume that the icon is an image with a transparent background, so d3plus will fill the background area with the object's current color.

You can also pass a single keyed Object, keyed by the appropriate nesting level's .id( ), to define different styles for each nesting level.
"default", "knockout" "default"
value When passing only a String or Array to the method, this is the variable that actually gets set.

You can also pass a single keyed Object, keyed by the appropriate nesting level's .id( ). This will tell d3plus to look in that specific nesting level's attribute list for the value.
String, Array, Object "icon"

Defines the accessor key to be used as each data point's unique identifier. This is the key that d3plus will use when cross-referencing the data with all sources of data, such as .attrs( ) and .coords( ). When passing an Array to this method, d3plus will use each item in the Array as a different level of nesting for the data. For example, if you were using data on cities, you could pass the following array of keys (given these keys are present in your data somewhere):

.id( [ "state" , "county" , "city" ] )

In this case, if the current visualization supports nesting, the shapes in the visualization would be nested first by State, then by County, and finally by City. Each String in the Array has to match a key in one of the defined data methods, usually the main .data( ).

As with some of the other methods, an Object can be passed to this method. Here are the keys accessible by the user:

Key Description Accepted Value(s) Default Value
grouping Whether or not the visualization should group shapes based on the supplied nesting. Boolean true
mute Hides specific data points from the viewer. Full documentation can be found here. value, Function, Array []
solo Shows only specific data points to the viewer. Full documentation can be found here. value, Function, Array []
value Defines the accessor key to be used as each data point's unique identifier. When passing only a String or Array to this method, this is the variable that actually gets set. String, Array "id"

Defines whether or not visualizations should attempt to label shapes based on .text( ). Defaults to true.

This method also supports passing a keyed Object. Here are the supported keys:

Key Description Accepted Value(s) Default Value
align Determines the horizontal text-anchor of the label. "left", "center", "right", "start", "middle", "end" "middle"
font Font Styles of the labels. Currently supports passing a keyed Object with the following keys: "decoration", "family", "size", "transform", "weight". Object Default style
padding Number value of how much pixel padding to allow on all sides of each label. Number 7
resize Whether or not labels should be sized to fit the available space. Boolean true
text Overrides the default .text( ) behavior by provided a different key to use for labels. false, Function, String false
segments integer value to determine how many segments to break an "area" shape into when analyzing positioning. integer 2
valign Determines the vertical text-anchor of the label. "top", "middle", "bottom" "middle"
value Defines whether or not labels are visible. When passing only a Boolean to the method, this is the variable that actually gets set. Boolean true

Displays a color legend that helps the user see how colors are associated with shapes. When coloring shapes by numbers, the legend will show the appropriate color gradient used. Otherwise, it will show each individual color as a square block with a tooltip that contains information about that category. Defaults to true.

This method also supports passing a keyed Object. Here are the supported keys:

Key Description Accepted Value(s) Default Value
align Determines the horizontal position of the legend. "start", "middle", "end" "middle"
data Toggles whether or not to show data in the legend tooltips. Boolean true
filters Enables show/hide filters for the groups in the legend tooltips. Boolean false
font Font Styles for the legend. Currently supports passing a keyed Object with the following keys: "align", "color", "family", "size", "weight". Object Default style
gradient Styling of the gradient used for color scales. Currently supports passing a keyed Object with the following keys: "height". Object { "height": 10 }
icons Whether or not icons should be shown in the legend. Boolean true
labels Whether or not text labels should be shown in the legend. Boolean true
order When passed a String, this sets the order of the color boxes in the timeline.

When passed an Object, the "sort" value can be set to either "asc" or "desc".
color, id, size, text, Object color
size Number or Array of value(s) for the width and height of color blocks. If an Array, it should have 2 ordered values, the minimum and maximum. Number, Array [ 8 , 30 ]
text Overrides the default .text( ) behavior by providing a different key to use inside the legend. false, Function, String false
title Sets the title that is shown on the legend tooltip - Note, this is different to the text attribute which is the text shown on the legend itself false, Function false
value Defines whether or not the legend is visible. When passing only a Boolean to the method, this is the variable that actually gets set. Boolean true

This method only supports passing a keyed Object. Here are the accepted keys:

Key Description Accepted Value(s) Default Value
font Sets the Font Styles for all hyperlinks. The following values can be set: "color", "decoration", "family", "transform", "weight". Object Default style
hover Defines font information for when hovering over a link. All of the same values in "font" can be defined. Object Default style

Defines the pixel margins, on all sides, of the overall element. You can also pass a standard CSS String to define the margin. For example, to set the top and bottom margins to 10 and the left and right margins to 20, you would pass the following:

.margin( "10px 20px" )

Displays status messages, telling the user what is happening behind the scenes as the visualization is being drawn/redrawn. Defaults to true. When passed a String, the specified String will be used for all messages. In this example, we want all messages displayed as "Loading...":

.messages( "Loading..." )

This method supports passing a keyed Object. Here are the accepted keys:

Key Description Accepted Value(s) Default Value
background A custom background color to use for the background behind the messages. false, String false
branding Support the library by showing a "powered by D3plus" logo on initialization! Boolean false
font Sets information pertaining to the font used to render links. The following values can be set: "color", "decoration", "family", "size", "transform", "weight". Object Default style
padding The pixel padding around the container. Number 5
style Defines the positioning of messages. "small" means that the message will be displayed on top of one of the titles/footer. "large" means that the message will be dispalyed centered on top of the visualization. If false, then the behavior is determined automatically based on what is currently being shown. false, "small", "large" false
value The key that gets set when you pass a String or Boolean to the method. String, Boolean true

Acts as a global toggle for all mouse events. Defaults to true.

By passing a keyed Object, it is possible to overwrite individual mouse events, either toggling them off or providing a completely custom function:

Key Description Accepted Value(s) Default Value
click If passed a Boolean, this will activate or deactivate all click events.

If passed a Function, all default click behavior will be overwritten. The custom Function gets passed 2 variable, the data point of the clicked object and the current instance of d3plus.viz.
Boolean, Function true
move If passed a Boolean, this will activate or deactivate all mousemove events.

If passed a Function, all default mousemove behavior will be overwritten. The custom Function gets passed 2 variable, the data point of the clicked object and the current instance of d3plus.viz.
Boolean, Function true
out If passed a Boolean, this will activate or deactivate all mouseout events.

If passed a Function, all default mouseout behavior will be overwritten. The custom Function gets passed 2 variable, the data point of the clicked object and the current instance of d3plus.viz.
Boolean, Function true
over If passed a Boolean, this will activate or deactivate all mouseover events.

If passed a Function, all default climouseoverck behavior will be overwritten. The custom Function gets passed 2 variable, the data point of the clicked object and the current instance of d3plus.viz.
Boolean, Function true
value The value that gets set when just passing a Boolean to this method. Boolean true

Sets a lookup object that contains "x" and "y" coordinates for each data point to be used in the Network. The Array passed must be in the following format, with each node containing a key/value pair that matches our .id( ). In this example, our .id( ) is set to "city".

    "x": 255.3,
    "y": 365.7,
    "city": 1
    "x": 954.2,
    "y": 476.5,
    "city": 2

When passing a URL to this method, d3plus will use it to load the data dynamically for you. If a callback function is provided, the downloaded data will be passed through the function for formatting (which should then return the correctly formatted data).

This method also supports passing an Object. Here are the supported keys:

Key Description Accepted Value(s) Default Value
delimiter The string delimiter used when parsing DSV files from a url. String "|"
filetype The file extension when loading data from a url. If set to false, d3plus will try to auto-detect. false, "json", "xml", "html", "csv", "dsv", "tsv", "txt" false
overlap A value, between 0 and 1 which dictates the percentage between the closest nodes that a node's radius shold extent.

For example, to insure that all nodes never overlap, this value should be set to 0.5. The default value is slightly higher than this, because when sizing nodes, the 2 closest nodes usually do not share the largest radius.
Number 0.6
value When passing only an Array to this method, this is the variable that actually gets set. Array false

Sets the value to use when trying to order data points. This method also supports passing a keyed Object. Here are the supported keys:

Key Description Accepted Value(s) Default Value
agg The aggregation method used when ordering groups of data (like on a Bar Chart). If false, defaults to the normal .aggs( ) method. false, Function, "sum", "min", "max", "mean", "median" false
sort Changes the sort order of the data between ascending and descending. "asc", "desc" "desc"
value When passing only a String to the method, this is the variable that actually gets set.

You can also pass a single keyed Object, keyed by the appropriate nesting level's .id( ). This will tell d3plus to look in that specific nesting level's attribute list for the value.
String, Object, false false

Sets the shape used to display data. If the shape specified is not supported in the current visualization, d3plus will fallback to the primary shape for that visualization.

This method also supports passing an Object. Here are the supported keys:

Key Description Accepted Value(s) Default Value
interpolate If the shape supports it, you can change the line interpolation type. This is particularly useful in Stacked Area. "linear", "step", "step-before", "step-after", "basis", "basis-open", "cardinal", "cardinal-open", "monotone" "linear"
rendering The SVG shape-rendering used on all data shapes. "auto", "optimizeSpeed", "crispEdges", "geometricPrecision" "crispEdges"
value When passing only a String to the method, this is the variable that actually gets set. Defined by the current visualization. The first defined shape of the visualization.

Defines the value to use when sizing data nodes. If passed a String, it should match a key in the data point to a Number. If passed a Number, it will be used to size all data nodes. You can also pass a function as a way of determining the size of a node. d3plus will pass your function the data point in question, and the function should return the value requested.

This method also supports passing a keyed object. Here are the supported keys:

Key Description Accepted Value(s) Default Value
mute Hides specific data points from the viewer. Full documentation can be found here. value, Function, Array []
scale Determines the scaling of nodes.

By passing an Object, "domain" and "range" have a pair of "min" and "max" pixel values that can also be set manually (#460).
Function, Object d3.scale.sqrt()
solo Shows only specific data points to the viewer. Full documentation can be found here. value, Function, Array []
threshold Whether or not visualizations (if applicable) should automatically group data into an "other" object. Boolean, Function, Number false
value Defines the key to use when sizing data nodes. When passing only a String or Function to the method, this is the variable that actually gets set.

You can also pass a single keyed Object, keyed by the appropriate nesting level's .id( ). This will tell d3plus to look in that specific nesting level's attribute list for the value.
String, Number, Function, Object, false false

Defines the key in your data associated with the number of "temporary" parts. This variable should be used in conjunction with the Total Segments method to correctly display fill percentages inside of shapes (such as making each node in a scatter plot a pie chart). You can also pass a function as a method of determining which objects are "temporary". d3plus will pass your function the data point in question, and the function should return the value requested.

This method also supports passing a keyed object. Here are the supported keys:

Key Description Accepted Value(s) Default Value
mute Hides specific data points from the viewer. Full documentation can be found here. value, Function, Array []
solo Shows only specific data points to the viewer. Full documentation can be found here. value, Function, Array []
value Defines the key in your data associated with the number of "temporary" parts. When passing only a String or Function to the this method, this is the variable that actually gets set.

You can also pass a single keyed Object, keyed by the appropriate nesting level's .id( ). This will tell d3plus to look in that specific nesting level's attribute list for the temporary variable. Additionally, if the Object you pass tothis method does not contain any of the following keys, d3plus will use the Object as this key.
String, Function, Object, false false

Defines the value used when labeling shapes and tooltips. When not defined, d3plus defaults to using the .id( ) for all labeling. Passing an Array defines a list of value to try to use for labels. If the value of the first key does not fit in the allotted space (like a small square in a tree map, d3plus will then try to fit the next value, and so on. The first value in the Array will always be used in tooltips.

You can also pass a function as a way of determining the text for each node. d3plus will pass your function the data point in question, and the function should return the value requested.

This method also supports passing a keyed object. Here are the supported keys:

Key Description Accepted Value(s) Default Value
mute Hides specific data points from the viewer. Full documentation can be found here. value, Function, Array []
solo Shows only specific data points to the viewer. Full documentation can be found here. value, Function, Array []
value When passing only a String or Array to the method, this is the variable that actually gets set.

You can also pass a single keyed Object, keyed by the appropriate nesting level's .id( ). This will tell d3plus to look in that specific nesting level's attribute list for the value.
String, Array, Function, Object, false false

Defines the value to be used for slicing the data into different time periods. All values will be parsed into Javascript Date Objects, unless they are already in that format. We suggest using time formats specified in the first table on this page. You can also pass a Function as a method of determining the time value for a node. d3plus will pass your function the data point in question, and the function should return the value requested.

This method also supports passing an Object. Here are the supported keys:

Key Description Accepted Value(s) Default Value
fixed When set to false, the axes will remain static as you change the time visible (using mute/solo or a Timeline).

This makes it easier to see trends over time. If you would like the axes to change as time changes, set this to true.
false, true false
format A D3 time format function that will override the default behavior of d3plus. false, Array, String, d3.time.format false
mute Hides specific data points from the viewer. Full documentation can be found here. value, Function, Array []
solo Shows only specific data points to the viewer. Useful for only displaying specific time periods of data. Full documentation can be found here. value, Function, Array []
value When passing only a String or Function to the method, this is the variable that actually gets set.

You can also pass a single keyed Object, keyed by the appropriate nesting level's .id( ). This will tell d3plus to look in that specific nesting level's attribute list for the value.
String, Function, Object, false false

Displays a timeline slider when .time( ) has been defined. Defaults to true.

This method also supports passing a keyed object. Here are the supported keys:

Key Description Accepted Value(s) Default Value
align Determines the horizontal position of the timeline. "start", "middle", "end" "middle"
hover The cursor style for when hovering over the handle. "all-scroll", "col-resize", "crosshair", "default", "grab", "grabbing", "move", "pointer" "pointer"
handles Toggles the visibility of the handles on the selected timeline range.

If passed an object, you can define the following style keys: "color", "hover" (color), "opacity", "size", and "stroke"
Boolean, Object true
height The pixel height of the timeline. If false, the height will be determined automatically based on the height of the text. false, Number false
tick The style of each "tick" in between each value on the timeline. color "#818181"
value The key that gets set when only passing a Boolean to the method. Boolean true

This method only supports passing a keyed Object. Here are the accepted keys:

Key Description Default
mouseevents The time, in milliseconds, for hover events. 60
transitions The time, in milliseconds, for general movement. 600
ui The time, in milliseconds, for UI elements (ex. dropdown open/close). 200

Defines the title of the visualization. d3plus will place the supplied String above the visualization, wrapping the lines if they are too long to fit. To remove the title, simply pass false to the method.

If passed a Function, the function will execute on every redraw.

This method also supports passing a keyed object. Here are the supported keys:

Key Description Accepted Value(s) Default Value
font Font Styles for the main title. Currently supports passing a keyed Object with the following keys: "align", "color", "decoration", "family", "size", "transform", "weight". Object Default style
height Minimum pixel height for the main title. If false, d3plus determines the appropriate amount of vertical space automatically. Number, false false
link A URL for the title to open when clicked. The page will open in a new window/tab. String false
padding Pixel padding for the main title. If false, d3plus determines the appropriate amount of vertical space automatically. Number 2
position What side of the visualization the title should be positioned on. "top", "bottom" "top"
sub Defines the sub-title of the visualization. This is a smaller title that gets positioned directly under the main title.

Can be removed by passing false.

Can also be provided the following keys similar to the main title: "font", "padding", "position", "link".
String, false, Function, Object false
total Toggles a title line that appears underneath both the main title and sub-title that displays the total value of all of the data currently being shown (using whichever Custom Aggregations are defined for the current Sizing Data value).

Instead of passing true, you can pass an Object with "prefix" and/or "suffix" keys, whose values will be displayed on either side of the calculated total value. Will be removed by passing false.

Can also be provided the following keys similar to the main title: "font", "padding", "position", "link".
Boolean, Object false
width Minimum pixel width for the main title. If false, d3plus determines the appropriate amount of horizontal space automatically. Number, false false
value Defines the title of the visualization. When passing only a String to the method, this is the variable that actually gets set.

Can be removed by passing false.
String, false false

Defines a list of values to be displayed in the tooltip created for each node. Also has the the ability to accept an Object that contains "short" and "long" keys, to define separate Arrays for both on hover ("short") and on click ("long") tooltips.

This method also supports passing a keyed object with advanced parameters. Here are the supported keys:

Key Description Accepted Value(s) Default Value
anchor The anchor point on the node for the floating tooltip. Should be defined as two words, the first representing vertically "top", "middle", or "bottom" and the second representing horizontal "left", "center", or "right". "top center"
background The background color for the tooltip. color "#ffffff"
children Whether or not visualization tooltips should include a list of the top 3 nested data objects inside of a shape. If this is explicitly set to a number the tooltip will be limited to n data objects. Boolean, Number true
connections Whether or not visualization tooltips should include a list of the primary connected nodes, if an .edges( ) is defined. Boolean true
curtain Styles for the full page "curtain" that is displayed behind a large tooltip and behind focused elements in zoomable visualizations. Accepted keys are: "color" and "opacity". Object Default styles
extent Whether or not Box Plot tooltips should display the values of the whiskers. Boolean true
font Font Styles for the tooltips. Currently supports passing a keyed Object with the following keys: "color", "family", "size", "transform", and "weight". Object Default style
fullscreen Allows large tooltips to be appended to the document body instead of being inside of the container element. Boolean true
html Defines HTML content to be displayed in a large tooltip underneath the specified tooltip keys. If passed a Function, d3plus will call the Function, passing the current data point to the function, and will expect a String in return.

If passed an Object with "url" and "callback" keys, d3plus will make a d3.json request using the "url" provided, and call the "callback" Function once data is returned. The "callback" Function should then return a valid HTML String.
String, Function, Object, false false
iqr Whether or not Box Plot tooltips should display the values of the interquartile range. Boolean true
large Number width for large tooltips created inside a visualization. Number 250
share Whether or not visualization tooltips, when applicable, should show the current shape's share percentage (as in [[Tree Maps Tree Map]]). Boolean
size Whether or not visualization tooltips should, when defined, display the current "sizing" value. In most cases, this corresponds to .size( ), but in the case of a Geo Map is corresponds to .color( ). Boolean true
small Number width for small tooltips created inside a visualization. Number 200
stacked Whether or not the HTML content in a large tooltip should be stacked underneath the data content. Boolean false
sub A key in the data to use as the sub-title for all tooltips. false, String false
value When passing only an Array or an Object with either "short" and "long" keys or nesting levels, this is the value that gets set. Array, Object, false false

Defines the key in your data associated with the total number of parts of a data point. This variable should be used in conjunction with the Active Segments method and/or the Temporary Segments method to correctly display fill percentages inside of shapes (such as making data nodes in a Scatter Plot appear as pie charts). You can also pass a function as a method of determining the total number of parts of a data point. d3plus will pass your function the data point in question, and the function should return the value requested.

This method also supports passing a keyed object. Here are the supported keys:

Key Description Accepted Value(s) Default Value
mute Hides specific data points from the viewer. Full documentation can be found here. value, Function, Array []
solo Shows only specific data points to the viewer. Full documentation can be found here. value, Function, Array []
value Defines the key in your data associated with the total number of parts of a data point. When passing only a String or Function to this method, this is the variable that actually gets set.

You can also pass a single keyed Object, keyed by the appropriate nesting level's .id( ). This will tell d3plus to look in that specific nesting level's attribute list for the total variable. Additionally, if the Object you pass to this method does not contain any of the following keys, d3plus will use the Object as this key.
String, Function, Object, false false

Sets the current visualization type. This method also supports passing a keyed object. Here are the supported keys:

Key Description Accepted Value(s) Default Value
mode Sets the "mode" for the current visualization, if supported Depends on the visualization. First defined value in the visualization's list.
value What actually gets set when you only pass a String to the method. Any supported visualization type (see top of page) "tree_map"

Creates UI elements, using d3plus forms, that help the modify behavior of the visualization. The Array of objects passed should contain methods and values, which correspond to how the UI element should behave. For example, if you wanted to create a toggle that switches the "size" method from "export" to "import", you would pass the following:

.ui([{"method": "size", "value": [ "export" , "import" ]}])

The UI can be removed by passing false. This method also supports passing a keyed object. Here are the supported keys:

Key Description Accepted Value(s) Default Value
align Sets the horizontal alignment of the UI elements. "left", "center", "right" "center"
border Pixel border for all UI elements. Number 1
color Object that sets the "primary" and "secondary" UI colors.

When only setting a "primary" color, the "secondary" is automatically calculated based on the "primary".
Object Default style
display The display behavior of the UI elements. "block", "inline-block" "inline-block"
font Font Styles for the UI elements. Currently supports passing a keyed Object with the following keys: "align", "color", "decoration", "family", "size", "transform", and "weight". Object Default style
margin Pixel margin for all UI elements. Number 5
padding Pixel padding for all UI elements. Number 5
position The position of the container for all UI elements. "top" , "right" , "bottom" , "left" "bottom"
value When passing only an Array to the method, this is the variable that actually gets set. Array, false false

Sets the width, in pixels, of the current output. This method also supports passing a keyed object. Here are the supported keys:

Key Description Accepted Value(s) Default Value
secondary Sets the width of secondary elements, such as the dropdown window in the "drop" Form.

If set to false, the width will be calculated based on the width of the primary element.
Number, false false
small When the width of a visualization is less than or equal to this Number, it will enter "small" mode, where some functionality is disabled. Number 200
value When passing only a Number to the method, this is the variable that actually gets set. Number The width of the .container( ), if defined. Otherwise: window.innerWidth

Defines the value in your data to be associated with the axis in visualizations that use an X/Y plot. You can also pass a Function as a way of determining the axis value. d3plus will pass your function the data point in question, and the function should return the value requested.

This method also supports passing a keyed Object. Here are the supported keys:

Key Description Accepted Value(s) Default Value
axis Toggles on/off the grid line for the zeroline. Additional object parameters for styling are: "color", "font", and "rendering". Boolean, Object true
domain Defines the domain to be used when drawing the axis. If passed false, d3plus will calculate the domain based on the data available (which it does by default). Array, false false
grid Toggles on/off the grid lines for this specific axis. Additional object parameters for styling are: "color" and "rendering". Boolean, Object true
label Overrides the default axis label text. Additional object parameters for styling are: "color", "decoration", "family", "padding", "size", "transform", and "weight". Boolean, String, Object true
lines Will plot the values passed as static lines on the axis. If the value is a single keyed Object, d3plus will use the key as a label for the line and the value as the position.

In addition to passing values, various parameters can be set by using a specific keyed object. Here are the available keys: "dasharray", "color", "font", "rendering", "width".
Number, Object, or Array of values false
mouse Styles for the lines that eminant out of a data node and point to the values on each axis, for visualizations that support it. Here are the accepted keys: "dasharray", "rendering", and "width".

Can also be toggled using a Boolean value.
Boolean, Object true
mute Hides specific data points from the viewer. Full documentation can be found here. value, Function, Array false
padding Defines the padding between grouped data for the specific axis. For example, this number is used in Bar Charts to define the space between each group of bars. If the number is less than 1, it is used as a percentage of the available space. If it is larger than 1, it is used as a set pixel value (unless there is not enough space, then it reverts to the default). Number 0.1
persist Boolean values for "position" and "size" persistence across the discrete axis. Object {"position": false, "size": true}
range Sets a static range of values to be used for the axis. false, Array false
scale Defines the scale to use when plotting points on the axis.

A "discrete" scale will assume each value is unique, and will create a tick for each instance of that value (for example, when using Time Parameters).

A "share" scale will plot values as percentages out of all of the available values.
"linear", "log", "discrete", "share" "linear"
solo Shows only specific data points to the viewer. Full documentation can be found here. value, Function, Array false
stacked Determines whether or not axis values should be stacked on top of each other. Boolean false
ticks A custom Array of values to be used for tick marks/labels.

Also accepts a keyed object of style properties for the axis ticks. Accepted keys are: "color", "font", "labels", "rendering", "size", and "width".
false, Array, Object false
value When passing only a String or Function to the method, this is the variable that actually gets set.

You can also pass a single keyed Object, keyed by the appropriate nesting level's .id( ). This will tell d3plus to look in that specific nesting level's attribute list for the value.
String, Function, Object, false false
zerofill If scale is "discrete", this determines whether or not d3plus should fill gaps in the axis with 0 values. Boolean false

Contains all of the same properties and behavior as .x( ).

Contains all of the same properties and behavior as .x( ).

Contains all of the same properties and behavior as .x( ).

Enables/disables visualization zooming. This method also supports passing a keyed object. Here are the supported keys:

Key Description Accepted Value(s) Default Value
click Toggles the ability to double-click and right-click to zoom in/out. Boolean true
pan Toggles the ability to pan the visualization while zoomed in. Boolean true
scroll Toggles the ability zoom in/out using a mouse scrollwheel/trackpad. Boolean true
value When passing only a Boolean to the .zoom() function, this is the variable that actually gets set. Boolean true
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