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Merge pull request #66 from alexandrainst/pos-benchmark
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POS benchmarks - accuracy scores
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AmaliePauli committed Sep 14, 2020
2 parents 2ea1950 + a7c4f35 commit 6a9596f
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Showing 2 changed files with 91 additions and 42 deletions.
35 changes: 25 additions & 10 deletions docs/models/
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
Part of Speech Tagging
This section is concerned with public available Part of Speech taggers in Danish.
This section is concerned with public available Part of Speech (POS) taggers in Danish.

| Model | Train Data | License | Trained by | Tags | DaNLP |
Expand All @@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ This section is concerned with public available Part of Speech taggers in Danish

The Danish UD treebank uses 17 [universal part of speech tags](<>):

`ADJ`: Adjective, `ADP`: Adposition , `ADV`: Adverb, `AUX`: Auxiliary verb, `CONJ`: Coordinating conjunction, `DET`: Determiner, `INTJ`: Interjection, `NOUN`: Noun, `NUM`: Numeral, `PART`: Particle `PRON`: Pronoun `PROPN`: Proper noun `PUNCT`: Punctuation `SCONJ`: Subordinating conjunction `SYM`: Symbol `VERB`: Verb `X`: Other
`ADJ`: Adjective, `ADP`: Adposition , `ADV`: Adverb, `AUX`: Auxiliary verb, `CCONJ`: Coordinating conjunction, `DET`: Determiner, `INTJ`: Interjection, `NOUN`: Noun, `NUM`: Numeral, `PART`: Particle `PRON`: Pronoun `PROPN`: Proper noun `PUNCT`: Punctuation `SCONJ`: Subordinating conjunction `SYM`: Symbol `VERB`: Verb `X`: Other

A medium blog using Part of Speech tagging on Danish, can be found [here](<>).

Expand All @@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ This project provides a trained part of speech tagging model for Danish using th
The code for training can be found on Flairs GitHub, and the following parameters are set:
`learning_rate=1`, `mini_batch_size=32`, `max_epochs=150`, `hidden_size=256`.

The flair pos tagger can be used by loading it with the `load_flair_pos_model` method. Please note the the text should be tokenized before hand, this can for example be done using spacy.
The flair pos tagger can be used by loading it with the `load_flair_pos_model` method. Please note that the text should be tokenized before hand, this can for example be done using spacy.

from danlp.models import load_flair_pos_model
Expand All @@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ print(sentence.to_tagged_string())

##### :wrench:SpaCy

Read more about the spaCy model in the dedicated [spaCy docs](<>) , it has also been trained using the the data [Danish Dependency Treebank](<>) .
Read more about the spaCy model in the dedicated [spaCy docs](<>) , it has also been trained using the [Danish Dependency Treebank](<>) data.

Below is a small getting started snippet for using the Spacy pos tagger:

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -75,13 +75,28 @@ Read more about the polyglot model [here](<

## 📈 Benchmarks

F1 scores is reported below and can be reproduced using `` in the [example](<>) folder, where the details score from each class is calculated.
Accuracy scores is reported below and can be reproduced using `` in the [example](<>) folder, where the details score from each class is calculated.

#### DaNLP

| Model | Accuracy |
| Flair | **97.97** |
| SpaCy | 96.15 |

#### Polyglot

The tags predicted with the polyglot model differ slightly from the universal PoS-tags. The model predicts :
* `CONJ` instead of `CCONJ`
* `VERB` instead of `AUX` for the auxiliary and modal verbs (i.e. `være`, `have`, `kunne`, `ville`, `skulle`, `måtte`, `burde`)

We calculated the scores for the original predictions and for the corrected version.

| Model | Accuracy |
| -------- | ---------- |
| Polyglot | 76.76 |
| Polyglot (corrected output) | 83.4 |

| Model | Micro-F1 |
| -------- | ---------- |
| Polyglot | 0.7380 |
| Flair | **0.9667** |
| SpaCy | 0.9550 |

Expand Down
98 changes: 66 additions & 32 deletions examples/benchmarks/
Expand Up @@ -6,9 +6,9 @@
from danlp.datasets import DDT
from danlp.models import load_spacy_model, load_flair_pos_model

from seqeval.metrics import classification_report
from tabulate import tabulate

# bechmarking polyglotmodel requires
# benchmarking polyglotmodel requires
from polyglot.tag import POSTagger
from polyglot.text import WordList

Expand All @@ -27,8 +27,38 @@
sentences_tokens = []
for sent in ccorpus_conll[2]:
sentences_tokens.append([token.form for token in sent._tokens])

def print_accuracy_scores(tags_true, tags_pred):

# flatening tags lists
tags_true = [tag for sent in tags_true for tag in sent]
tags_pred = [tag for sent in tags_pred for tag in sent]

# list of all tags
labels = sorted(list(set(tags_true)))

headers = ["label", "accuracy", "support"]
tab = []
correct_tags = {l:[] for l in labels}
# counting correct predictions per tag
for label in labels:
correct_tags[label] = [t == p for t, p in zip(tags_true, tags_pred) if t == label]
acc = round(sum(correct_tags[label])/len(correct_tags[label])*100, 2) if len(correct_tags[label])>0 else 0
tab.append([label, acc, len(correct_tags[label])])
tab.append(['', '', ''])
total_examples = sum(len(correct_tags[l]) for l in correct_tags)

micro_acc = round( sum(sum(correct_tags[l]) for l in correct_tags) / total_examples *100, 2)
tab.append(["micro average", micro_acc, total_examples])

macro_acc = round( sum([sum(correct_tags[l])/len(correct_tags[l]) for l in labels if len(correct_tags[l])>0]) / len(labels) *100, 2)
tab.append(["macro average", macro_acc, total_examples])

print("\n", tabulate(tab, headers=headers, colalign=["right", "decimal", "right"]), "\n")

def benchmark_flair_mdl():
tagger = load_flair_pos_model()

Expand All @@ -43,11 +73,7 @@ def benchmark_flair_mdl():
assert len(tags_pred)==num_sentences
assert sum([len(s) for s in tags_pred])==num_tokens

print(classification_report(tags_true, tags_pred,

print_accuracy_scores(tags_true, tags_pred)

def benchmark_spacy_mdl():
Expand All @@ -74,48 +100,56 @@ def benchmark_spacy_mdl():
assert len(tags_pred)==num_sentences
assert sum([len(s) for s in tags_pred])==num_tokens

print(classification_report(tags_true, tags_pred,

print_accuracy_scores(tags_true, tags_pred)

def benchmark_polyglot_mdl():

auxiliary_verbs = ["være", "er", "var", "været"]
auxiliary_verbs += ["have", "har", "havde", "haft"]
auxiliary_verbs += ["kunne", "kan", "kunnet"]
auxiliary_verbs += ["ville", "vil", "villet"]
auxiliary_verbs += ["skulle", "skal", "skullet"]
auxiliary_verbs += ["måtte", "må", "måttet"]
auxiliary_verbs += ["burde", "bør", "burdet"]

def benchmark_polyglot_mdl(corrected_output=False):
Running ployglot requires these packages:
Running polyglot requires these packages:
# Morfessor==2.0.6
# PyICU==2.4.2
# pycld2==0.41
# polyglot

def udify_tag(tag, word):
if tag == "CONJ":
return "CCONJ"
if tag == "VERB" and word in auxiliary_verbs:
return "AUX"
return tag

start = time.time()

tags_pred = []
for tokens in sentences_tokens:
word_list = WordList(tokens, language='da')
ne_chunker = POSTagger(lang='da')
word_ent_tuples = list(ne_chunker.annotate(word_list))

tags_pred.append([entity for word, entity in word_ent_tuples])
print('**Polyglot model**')
tagger = POSTagger(lang='da')
word_tag_tuples = list(tagger.annotate(word_list))
tags_pred.append([udify_tag(tag, word) if corrected_output else tag for word, tag in word_tag_tuples])
print('**Polyglot model'+(' (corrected output) ' if corrected_output else '')+'**')
print("Made predictions on {} sentences and {} tokens in {}s".format(
num_sentences, num_tokens, time.time() - start))

assert len(tags_pred)==num_sentences
assert sum([len(s) for s in tags_pred])==num_tokens

print(classification_report(tags_true, tags_pred,

print_accuracy_scores(tags_true, tags_pred)

if __name__ == '__main__':

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