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React Native Insider 5


blog_home blog_favorited_home detail_post categorie_page


💡 Target

Build a blog in React Native for Android and iOS mobiles

🛠 Technologies

The main technologies that has been used in this project were:
Type Tools References
Programming Language (App) REACT NATIVE
Open source platform EXPO
Design Interface Tool FIGMA (Prototype - UX/UI)
Navigation between pages REACT NAVIGATION
Open source Node.js Headless CMS STRAPI
Promise based HTTP client - browser & Node.js AXIOS
Data persistence on device ASYNC STORAGE

🔎 Route

  1. Part 1 - Set the development environment (Infrastructure)

    • Build the project prototype:
    • Install VS Code (IDE)
    • Install Expo CLI: npm install --global expo-cli
    • Create a new project: expo init my-app
    • Navigate to project directory: cd my-app
    • Start the development server: expo start
    • Configure the Expo Go on a mobile device or use an emulator
    • Open the app on a mobile device: * On your iPhone or iPad, open the default Apple "Camera" app and scan the QR code you see in the terminal * On your Android device, press "Scan QR Code" on the "Projects" tab of the Expo Go app and scan the QR code you see in the terminal.
    • Open the project on VS Code
    • Install React Navigation on project: expo install @react-navigation/native expo install react-native-screens expo install react-native-safe-area-context expo install @react-navigation/native-stack

  2. Part 2 - Build API (Backend) to be consumed
    • Install Strapi: npx create-strapi-app@latest my-project
    • Set you admin user
    • Create Database
    • Create new Tables: Category and Post
    • Relationship between tables - Category has many Posts
    • Populating Tables
    • Create a new Post
    • Go to Settings > User & Permissions Plugin > Roles > Public
    • In Category: check find and findOne
    • In Post: check find and findOne
    • Save permissions
    • *** Obs.: to structure a API endpoint result view on Google Chrome: 3 points > More tools > Extensions > Menu hamburger > Open Chrome Web Store Enter Json viewer and press enter Choose the first one (Highlighted) Select "Use on Chrome" Click "Add extension" Then, reloads the page
    • Stop the service
    • Enter API folder: cd blog-api
    • Run project: npm run develop
    • Access the server: https://localhost:1337
    • Login with admin credentials

  3. Part 3 - Mobile Layout: Interface and UX
    • Build the Home page: ./src/pages/Home/index.js
    • Setting routes: ./src/routes.js
    • Update ./App.js
    • Repeat the previous procedures for Detail, CategoryPosts and Search pages
    • Set header for the pages: ./src/routes.js
    • Use SafeAreaView to avoid broken layout: ./src/pages/Home/index.js
    • Install Axios (HTTP request) module: expo install axios
    • Install Async Storage module: expo install @react-native-async-storage/async-storage
    • Stop and restart server
    • React Hooks usage
    • Creating server: ./src/services/api.js * Obs.: React Native requires a safe connection (e.g. https://) When it is not possible, we need to find our device ipconfig (IPv4) Then, substitute "localhost" with this numbers (e.g. http://192.168....)
    • Install react-native-dotenv module: expo install react-native-dotenv
    • Enter .env on .gitignore
    • Create a .env file for sensible data: ./.env
    • Go to the Home page: ./src/pages/Home/index.js
    • Recover the api info and build the posts list
    • Subdividing some parts in Components: ./src/components
    • Creating features/functionalities
    • Create a favorite service: ./src/services/favorite.js
    • Create a favorite component: ./src/components/FavoritePost/index.js
    • Favoriting categories, save on AsyncStorage and show them on screen: ./src/pages/Home/index.js

  4. Part 4 - Bringing the project to life

    • Request posts on Home page: ./src/pages/Home/index.js
    • Build PostItem component: ./src/components/RenderItem/index.js
    • Link Posts from Home to Details page
    • Create Detail interface: ./src/pages/Detail/index.js
    • Using ScrollView for long items
    • Install React-Native-Webview: expo install react-native-webview
    • Create a LinkWeb modal component (link from post): ./src/components/LinkWeb/index.js

  5. Part 5 - Adding features

    • Build Search input: ./src/pages/Search/index.js
    • Find a desirable post from title
    • Show posts found on screen
    • Only stop showing device keyboard if found a post
    • Update Home page with refresh option
    • Build CategoryPosts page: ./src/pages/CategoryPosts/index.js
    • Adding some animations (React Native Animatable): expo install react-native-animatable
    • Use animation on Home page