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Onset game server dockerized.
Check it on the DockerHub.

Usage (docker-compose)

Just run docker-compose up -d.
You can check the logs with docker-compose logs -f server.
I added basic config files (*.json) in the volumes section, you will have to add each file you want to save here.

MySQL/MariaDB configuration

All the configuration lives in the .env file. Run cp sample.env .env on Linux or copy sample.env .env on Windows to create this file, then edit it.

Usage (docker only)

If you don't want to use docker-compose, you can run it directly with docker run -d -p 7777:7777/udp -p 7776:7776/udp -p 7775:7775/tcp --name onset alexandregv/onset-server.
You should add -v flags to import folders or files like server_config.json, packages/, etc.
Exemple: -v $PWD/server_config.json:/Steam/OnsetServer/server_config.json
You can check the logs with docker logs -f onset.