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MM_Propagation is a C++ code that enables to simulation the light propagation through a multimode optical fiber

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This user guide describes how to use the C++ software MM_Propagation, developped in the Paradyse team of Inria by Alexandre Roget.

MM_Propagation is a C++ code that enables to simulation the light propagation through a multimode optical fiber.

Numerically, this amounts to solving a system of coupled nonlinear nonlocal Schrödinger evolution equations along the abscissa of the fiber. In order achieve high efficiency (meaning required CPU time to achieve a given numerical error), we propose to use high order explicit Runge-Kutta methods, coupled with a Lawson transform. This allows for fast numerical computations (we take advantage of Fast Fourier transforms and we use explicit methods that do not require CFL stability conditions, thanks to Lawson transformation), which achieve high precision (since the underlying Runge-Kutta methods have high order).



The computation of MM_Propagation requires the application programming interface OpenMP that supports multi-platform shared-memory multiprocessing. The parallel computing enables to gradually reduce the computational time.

If OpenMP is no featured in the compiler, you can configure it by running the following command in your terminal:

sudo apt-get install libomp-dev


The numerical one step method is coupled with a uniform time discretization and the action of dispersive operators along the fiber is computed via fast Fourier transforms.

To do so, MM_Propagation also requires the FFTW, which is a C subroutine library for computing the Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT) in one or more dimensions, of arbitrary input size, and of both real and complex data. Get the latest stable release of FFTW on the download page:

See also

The --enable-openmp flag is necessary in order to induce parallelism. The installation commands are thus the following:

./configure --enable-openmp
sudo make install

Installation on macOS

On macOS, you may encounter the following error message:

configure: error: C compiler cannot create executables

If this happens, please run the following command instead:

./configure CC=gfortran --enable-openmp CFLAGS="-fopenmp"

You can install gcc (which includes gfortran) with the following command:

brew install gcc

The installation is now complete.


First, you have to create the source file (.cpp) in the simulations folder.

Simulation settings for a linear propagation in a GRIN fiber is also available in this folder. You can use this example as a reference for your own simulation.

Input parameters

In order to run a simulation, you first have to create an object of MM_Propagation. All required parameters are contained in a structure called InputParameters. Its fields are the following:

Field Name Unit Data type Size
Number of modes ($M$) n_modes integer $1$
Fiber length fiber_length $m$ double $1$
Dispersion coefficients dispersion_coefficients $ps^i/m$ std::vector<std::vector> $M \times L$
Coupling coefficients coupling_coefficients $m^{-2}$ std::vector $M$
Initial fields initial_fields $W^{\frac12}$ ComplexArraysContainer $M \times NT$
Time window time_window $ps$ double $1$
Pulse width pulse_width $ps$ double $1$
Number of steps n_steps integer $1$
Method order method_order integer $1$
Nonlinearity constant nonlinearity_const $W^{-1}m$ double $1$
Raman proportion raman_proportion double $1$
Raman response raman_response $ps$ std::vector $NT$

with $L$ the maximal dispersion order.

Secondary classes

  1. Sparse 3D Array

In order to save computational time and memory requirements, only non-zero coupling coefficients are saved. Thus the Sparse3DArray class has been created. This class enables to set non zero coefficients and their corresponding index $k$, $l$ and $m$. All these parameters are stored in a structure called NonZeroValue.

Here's an example:

double SR = 6.4341e12;
Sparse3DArray Q;
struct NonZeroValue nzv;
// Q_{k = 0, l = 0, m = 0}
nzv = {0,0,0,SR};

// Q_{k = 0, l = 0, m = 1}
nzv = {0,0,1,SR/3};

// Q_{k = 0, l = 1, m = 1}
nzv = {0,1,1,SR/2};

// Q_{k = 1, l = 1, m = 1}
nzv = {1,1,1,-SR/3};

coupling_coefficients is defined in a std::vector<Sparse3DArray> of size $M$. Each element of the vector contains the non-zero coupling coefficients of a mode. For example, coupling_coefficients[0] is the sparse 3D array of $Q^{(0)}$.

  1. Complex Arrays

The solver makes many computations involving complex arrays. Therefore, two classes have been created: ComplexArray and ComplexArraysContainer. These classes use the complex class of the C++ standard library. The operator overloading enables to make computations with complex arrays. It also enables to easily set and get values from an array.

The following example shows how to build two solitons:

unsigned int M = 2;
unsigned int nt = 1024;
ComplexArraysContainer Phi(nt, M);

std::complex<double> i(0., 1.);

double c = 0.5;
double q = 8.;
double t_final = 125.;

double h = (double) t_final/nt;
double t = -t_final/2;
double t0 = t_final/10;

for(unsigned int j = 0 ; j < nt ; j++) {
  phi[0][j] = 0.5 * sqrt(q/2) * (1./cosh(q/4 * (t - t0))) *  exp(i * c * ((t - t0)/2));
  phi[1][j] = 0.5 * sqrt(q/2) * (1./cosh(q/4 * (t + t0))) *  exp(i * c * ((t + t0)/2));
  t += h;

initial_fields is defined in a ComplexArraysContainer of size $M \times NT$. Each element of the vector contains the initial field of a mode. For example, initial_fields[0] contains all values of $\Phi^{(0)}(Z=0,:)$.

Run the propagation on CPU

If you wish to run the propagation without the Raman effect, use the MultimodePropagationCPU_RamanOFF class. Otherwise, use the MultimodePropagationCPU_RamanON class.

/* --- Set input parameters --- */
struct InputParameters input;
input.n_modes = 2;
input.fiber_length = 100;
// ...

/* ----- Create the class ----- */
MultimodePropagationCPU_RamanOFF solver(input);

/* ---- Run the propagation --- */

/* ------ Get the result ------ */
ComplexArraysContainer output = solver.getResult();


The makefile is generated by CMake. Download the latest release on the following page:

Then, go to the main folder and write in a terminal the following commands:

mkdir build
cd build

In addition to compiling the entire MM_Propagation code, the makefile compiles all the source files in the simulations folder and generates the corresponding executable files. Once the compilation is complete, you can then run the simulation.

Run the propagation on GPU

If you wish to run the propagation without the Raman effect, use the MultimodePropagationGPU_RamanOFF class. Otherwise, use the MultimodePropagationGPU_RamanON class.

/* --- Set input parameters --- */
struct InputParameters input;
input.n_modes = 2;
input.fiber_length = 100;
// ...

/* ----- Create the class ----- */
MultimodePropagationGPU_RamanOFF solver(input);

/* ---- Run the propagation --- */

/* ------ Get the result ------ */
ComplexArraysContainer output = solver.getResult();


  1. Put your CUDA code (.cu file) in the simulations directory.
  2. Go to the main folder and execute the following command to compile the CUDA code:
nvcc -o MM_Propagation_GPU simulations/ src/ src/MultimodePropagation.cpp src/ src/ComplexArraysContainer.cpp src/ComplexArray.cpp src/RungeKutta.cpp src/Sparse3DArray.cpp -I include -std=c++11 -lcufft

Please ensure that nvcc (CUDA compiler) is installed on your system.

The resulting executable is able to run the propagation simulation on the GPU.


You can also use MM_Propagation from MATLAB. To do so, go to the matlab folder.

Creating the MEX File

A MEX file is a dynamically linked subroutine that is compiled from C or C++ source code and can be called from within MATLAB, just like any other MATLAB function. You can generate the MEX file with the following command:

mex CXXFLAGS="\$CXXFLAGS -std=c++11" CXXOPTIMFLAGS='\$CXXOPTIMFLAGS -Ofast -DNDEBUG' LDOPTIMFLAGS="$LDOPTIMFLAGS -fopenmp -O3" -lgomp -lfftw3_omp -lfftw3 -lm -I../include mm_propagation.cpp ../src/*.cpp

MEX File on MacOS

On macOS, no C compiler is supplied with MATLAB. To install MEX, you will need the Apple's development environment for macOS (Xcode) which is available on the Mac App Store.

Once Xcode is installed, run the following command in MATLAB:

mex -setup

You may see the following message:

Warning: Xcode is installed, but its license has not been accepted. Run Xcode and accept its license agreement.

In this case, you need to accept the Xcode license. To do so, run the following command:

sudo xcode-select --switch /Applications/

and then the following command:

sudo xcodebuild -license accept

Run a simulation

Once the MEX file has been generated, you can use mm_propagation as a Matlab function. The syntax is the following:

output = mm_propagation(input);

with input a structure containing ten required fields and four optional fields:

Field Name Unit Data type Size
1 Number of modes (M) n_modes integer scalar $1$
2 Fiber length fiber_length $m$ double scalar $1$
3 Dispersion coefficients dispersion_coefficients $ps^i/m$ double array $M \times L$
4 Coupling coefficients coupling_coefficients $m^{-2}$ double array $M^4$
5 Initial fields initial_fields $W^{\frac12}$ double or complex array $M \times NT$
6 Time window time_window $ps$ double scalar $1$
7 Pulse width pulse_width $ps$ double scalar $1$
8 Number of steps n_steps integer scalar $1$
9 Method order method_order integer scalar $1$
10 Nonlinearity constant nonlinearity_const $W^{-1}m$ double scalar $1$
11 Raman proportion raman_proportion double scalar $1$
12 Raman response raman_response $ps$ double array $NT$
13 Save file name savename char array $1$
14 Number of saved files n_save double scalar $1$

Fields 1 to 10 are mandatory. The field order doesn't matter, but the name of each field has to be respected. Otherwise, the function will not be able to read all input parameters correctly. Arrays sizes must be valid too. For example, if the coupling_coefficients array size is not equal to $M^4$, then an error will occur and the program will not compute the pulse propagation.

Fields 11 and 12 are optional. If raman_proportion is not specified, then the Raman scattering effect will not be taken into account during the computation. If raman_proportion is specified but not raman_response, then an error will occur.

Fields 13 and 14 are also optional. If you want to save results in a .mat file, then you have to specify savename. The saved file (savename.mat) contains a structure of three fields:

Field Name Unit Data type Size
1 Position in the fiber Z $m$ double scalar $1$
2 Fields fields $W^{\frac12}$ complex array $1$
3 CPU Time cpu_time $s$ double scalar $M \times L$

You can specify the number of .mat files you want to save by setting n_save. Then, n_save files will be recorded during the propagation (savename_1.mat, savename_2.mat, ...). This enables to analyze the evolution of the pulse. n_save must be less or equal than n_steps. If savename is defined but not n_save, then only the result at the end of the propagation will be saved in a .mat file. This result is the parameter returned by the MEX function mm_propagation.

An example of how to set input parameters can be found in the matlab folder. You can edit this file and adjust parameters for your simulation, or take it as a template.


MM_Propagation was developped by Alexandre Roget. You can contact him at


MM_Propagation is a C++ code that enables to simulation the light propagation through a multimode optical fiber






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