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Fedora Workstation provisioning using Ansible

Note: The playbook is tested and optimized for Fedora Workstation 32.

What the playbook does:

  • Ensures the following are installed:

    • git
    • vim
    • htop
    • flatpak
    • exa
  • Installs and adds sensible defaults to the following gnome extensions:

  • Sets max size for systemd logs to 500 MB

  • Instals and configures fish shell. It includes fzf and fzf fish plugin to enable history search and the pure theme. Also adds kubectl autocompletions

  • Installs Brave browser

  • Installs the following development tools:

  • Ensures a folder named Projects exists in the user's home directory

  • Clones devilbox (LEMP/MEAN development environment) in the Projects folder. (

  • Configures colors for git. It also adds name and email in .gitconfig if the corresponding variables are set in vars.yml

  • Adds the following OS configuration :

    • Sets the hostname if the corresponding variable is set in vars.yml
    • Enables Automatic Login
  • Installs docker and docker-compose. Configures docker to use subnet with a smaller network size than the default. This was done in order to avoid issue when connecting to the AWS network via VPN

  • Installs Kubernetes and kubectx and kubens

  • Adds the following keyboard shortcuts:

    • Super+E starts the file manager
    • Super+T from Nautilus opens terminal from the current location
    • CTRL+Shift+Esc opens the Sytem Monitor
    • CTRL+Alt+T opens the terminal
    • Super+D hides all windows
    • Super+Pause shows system information
  • Inhibts/overrides the following default shorcuts:

    • Alt+F7 - used as 'Find Usages'
    • Alt+F8 - used as 'Evaluate(in debugger context)'
  • Installs Ubuntu font family and updates default regular fonts

  • Installs Jetbrains Mono font family and updates default monospace font

  • Sets fs.inotify.max_user_watches in sysctl to fs.inotify.max_user_watches to prevent issues with some IDEs


  • Some dependencies needed to run the ansible commands might be installed as well, such as python3-psutil needed for the dconf module or unzip
  • Running the playbook will override other custom keybindings

Getting started

1. Copy the vars.yml file

$ cp vars.yml.dist vars.yml

The vars.yml file contains some variables that can override the default variable in the Ansible roles

2. Edit the vars.yml file

By default all variables are commented out. To enable them, just uncomment and change the variables that you need.

3. Run the file

What it does:

  1. Installs Ansible using dnf
  2. Runs the Ansible playbook
$ ./

Note: The script will ask for the sudo password twice: once for installing Ansible, and one more time for running the playbook.