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Redmine 3.3.3 for Openshift

This repository forked from , upgrade to redmine 3.3.3(rails, mysql 5.5).

The following procedure will create a redmine instance - and was the procedure used to create this repo after a successful deployment.

# The Openshift application (Openshift V2) must be configured as follows:
# Ruby 2.0 (no scaling)
# MySql 5.5

Begin the installation by navigating to the app runtime directory

cd ~/app-root/runtime/repo/

download redmine

wget tar xvzf redmine-3.3.3.tar.gz rm redmine-3.3.3.tar.gz

extract it to its new environment

rm -rf public rm -rf tmp mv redmine-3.3.3/* ~/app-root/runtime/repo/ mv redmine-3.3.3/.gitignore ~/app-root/runtime/repo/ rm -rf redmine-3.3.3*

make sure bundler is installed

gem install bundler --no-ri --no-rdoc --no-document

get the configuration files

cd ~/app-root/runtime/repo/config wget —no-check-certificate wget —no-check-certificate cd ~/app-root/runtime/repo/

bundle install

bundle install --no-deployment

populate the database

rake generate_secret_token RAILS_ENV=production rake db:migrate RAILS_ENV=production rake redmine:load_default_data

restart the app/gear

gear stop gear start

Once the gear is functioning properly, add the contents to the the repository. You must have the gear's ssh key added to your remote repository's (or application's) allowed key collection. This example just shows you how to push to your gear's repo, but I have also tested this with github (the repo you're looking at now).

cd ~/app-root/runtime/repo/
git init
git add .
git commit -m 'Openshift Quickstart for Redmine 3.3.3'
git remote add origin "ssh://$OPENSHIFT_APP_UUID@$OPENSHIFT_APP_DNS/~/git/ruby.git/"
  replace "ruby.git" to your "openshift_repository.git".

Login github, create new repository(openshift-redmine-3.3.3-quickstart).

git remote add github ""
  replace (GITHUB_ID) to your github id.
git push -u github master