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Releases: alexbevi/redmine_knowledgebase

Redmine Knowledgebase Plugin (v3.2.1)

16 Aug 13:10
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  • fixed search in Redmine 3.2
  • updated RU locale

Redmine Knowledgebase Plugin (v3.2.0)

23 Jun 01:44
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I haven't been very actively involved with this plugin or the Redmine community as a whole lately, but it would seem there is a very active user-base still logging bugs and enhancing this project.

I'm pushing out version 3.2 of the plugin thanks to the efforts of some very dedicated community members, who I'd like to highlight below:

Thanks to Frederico Camara:

  • updating acts_as_rated to work with Redmine 3.2.x

Thanks to Eduard Kuleshov:

  • getting this plugin supported in Redmine 3.0.x

Thanks to Axel Kämpfe:

  • getting this plugin supported in Redmine 3.1.x and 3.2.x

HUGE thanks to Rob Spearman for basically taking over the project and pushing it forward:

New Configuaration options

  • Show articles without tabs
  • Show attachments before article content
  • Show thumbnails for articles in lists
  • Show breadcrumbs for articles in lists

New permissions

  • Article history will only show up if have view permission
  • optional permission for users to manage just their own articles. (#306)


  • Sort Tags on the index page
  • Added authored view so users can find articles by author easily

Bug Fixes

  • article view counts not updating (#304)
  • top rated list not valid (#305)
  • ActiveRecord::StaleObjectError (Attempted to destroy a stale object: KbArticle) (#300)
  • Error when generating a PDF of an article with pictures (#308)
  • 500 Internal Server Error - if DELETE category but it's have subcategory (#293)

Note that this is a preliminary release as there is one bug in here that I haven't squashed.

When trying to search, you're prompted with a failure similar to:

Started GET "/search?utf8=%E2%9C%93&q=stuff" for at 2016-06-23 01:14:06 +0000
Processing by SearchController#index as HTML
  Parameters: {"utf8"=>"✓", "q"=>"stuff"}
  Current user: admin (id=1)
Completed 500 Internal Server Error in 632ms (ActiveRecord: 173.6ms)

NoMethodError (undefined method `where' for #<Hash:0x000000096b0d60>):
  lib/plugins/acts_as_searchable/lib/acts_as_searchable.rb:93:in `search_result_ranks_and_ids'
  lib/redmine/search.rb:127:in `block in load_result_ids'
  lib/redmine/search.rb:125:in `each'
  lib/redmine/search.rb:125:in `load_result_ids'
  lib/redmine/search.rb:115:in `block in load_result_ids_from_cache'
  lib/redmine/search.rb:114:in `load_result_ids_from_cache'
  lib/redmine/search.rb:99:in `result_ids'
  lib/redmine/search.rb:70:in `result_count'
  app/controllers/search_controller.rb:65:in `index'
  lib/redmine/sudo_mode.rb:63:in `sudo_mode'

I'm pretty sure this has to do with how we're setting up acts_as_searchable in the kb_article model. Any suggestions welcome ;)

Redmine Knowledgebase Plugin (v3.1.0)

04 Dec 02:03
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First release to officially support Redmine 3.0 and above

Redmine Knowledgebase Plugin (v3.0.7)

15 Dec 17:33
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  • fixes the undefined methodversion_comments=' for #KbArticle::Version:...` bug
  • fixed star ratings for Redmine 2.6+ (even though those versions aren't officially supported yet)

Redmine Knowledgebase Plugin (v3.0.6)

10 Nov 14:10
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  • store remote ip (instead of remote_addr) when viewing an article
  • updated DE, ZH, ES and PL localizations

Redmine Knowledgebase Plugin (v3.0.5)

24 Jul 12:45
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  • updated Japanese translation
  • added a Hungarian translation
  • fixed attachment deletion in articles
  • fixed link_to_remote version test
  • format knowledgebase title on index page so it looks a bit nicer with some themes

Redmine Knowledgebase Plugin (v3.0.4)

07 Apr 14:09
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This point release fixes an issue with some other plugins (ex: Redcase) that also mix functionality into the Redmine Project model.

Redmine Knowledgebase Plugin (v3.0.3)

18 Mar 12:54
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  • fixed a security issue involving cross-project access of articles and categories
  • remove Ruby 2 hash syntax to ensure backwards compatibility
  • updated localizations (FR, DE)
  • new localizations (NL)
  • fixed tag sorting
  • fixed 'undefined link_to_article' error
  • fix casting error with summary_limit settings value

Redmine Knowledgebase Plugin (v3.0.2)

28 Jan 15:28
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  • minor bug fixes and cleanup
  • updated German translations
  • fix an issue with the admin settings interface for the knowledgebase

Project-based Knowledgebase

10 Jan 14:02
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* Updated Japanese localization
* Updated German localization

* Updated README to include clear upgrade process from v2.3.0 to v3.0.0

* "Properly" include dynamic components (in init.rb) using ActionDispatch::Reloader.to_prepare
* Fixed an issue with uninitialized plugin settings causing crashes