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Alex Cummaudo edited this page Nov 16, 2020 · 2 revisions

This subdirectory should contain all files pertaining to the submission and subsequent examination of your PhD thesis. Deakin University mandates specific requirements according to the Examination Procedure. Descriptions of example documents that should go in this directory are detailed below.

Please note, as per the examination procedure, HDR students are required to give at least eight weeks notice of their intention to submit a thesis for examination except for examination by exhibition or performance which requires 12 weeks notice.

Course Learning Outcomes

Per the examination procedure, a written statement of how you have met the PhD Course Learning Outcomes:

On completion of your course you are required to reflect on your learning experience and provide a written statement of no more than one page demonstrating, with at least one example, how you have met the Course Learning Outcomes.

An example of this statement is available here.

Digital Thesis Copyright and Access Form

This relates to the copyright of your thesis and accessibility of your thesis via the world wide web. This form must be completed and signed then uploaded via HDR Examinations at the time of your final thesis submission.

You can find this form here.

Other Forms

You may choose to include other required forms that should be attached within your PhD thesis here. However, it is advised that you use the A²I² PhD Thesis LaTeX template which includes LaTeX-ed versions of these Microsoft Word forms.

These forms include:

  • the Thesis Title page,
  • the Access to Thesis form,
  • the Candidate Declaration form, and
  • the Authorship Statement form.

These forms can be found at the forms and guidelines page.