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This project contains different utilities to handle some tricky aspects of the HTTP protocol.

Also it contains helper to publish templates compiled via cl-closure-template.

IMPORTANT NOTE: Some library parts are accidentally bound to the Hunchentoot. This should be fixed via providing some generic mechanism or Hunchentoot availability detection.

HTTP Headers

At this time library provides handling of the Accept header and conditional execution with Last-Modified/If-Modified-Since/If-Unmodified-Since.

Accept Header

A typical usage looks like:

    ; HTML generator
    ; Plain text generator
    ; Return `Not Acceptable` error

All MIME types from cases are got q-value from Accept header. The type with the biggest q-value will be selected. Q-values to types assigned from the most specific media ranges from teh Accept header.

If any two media has got the same q-value, first one will be selected. For example, if "text/html" and "text/plain" have q=1.0, in the sample above "text/html" will be selected.

Media parameters are supported in the header and in the cases are supported. If the header doesn't contain media range with parameters from case label but media range without parameters matches, media range from case label will get q-value from media range with parameters. For example:

When Accept header contains "text/html;level=0.7,text/html;q=0.8,/;q=0.1"


"text/html;level=2" will be selected because of inheritance of q-value from "text/html" (0.8).

There are 2 versions of the macros is available. dispatch-mime-type automatically selects HTTP server implementation. dispatch-mime-type* accepts additional argument with the HTTP implementation identifier.

If it is possible for clients to receive different MIME types with the (for example, image as PNG to display initial picture or image as BASE64 for Ajax/Web 2.0 application to update it), the header Vary must be set to at least Accept. This informs all caches that content depends on the supplied Accept header. The macros perform this task automatically. But if handling code requires additional data in the Vary header it should set it manually with Accept inside.

Conditional Processing

HTTP 1.1 offers mechanism to control caching. In the simplest version it consists of Last-Modified response header and If-Modified-Since/If-Unmodified-Since request headers.

The library provides 2 pairs of macros: when-modified/when-modified* and unless-modified/unless-modified* based on timestamps.

The macros when-modified* and unless-modified* are generic ones. They receive resource time stamp and implementation identifier.

The macros when-modified and unless-modified are designed for regular usage. They receive resource time stamp as Common Lisp universal time. The body of the macro invocation is executed if comparison of the time stamp to the header's value is succeeded. The implementation is auto-detected. The first one is from *default-http-implementation* variable. If it is NIL the *features* is checked for Hunchentoot.

If the body of the macro is executed, the header Last-Modified is set to the representation of the provided time stamp.

For example:

(when-modified (file-write-date path)
  (generate-contents path))

Additional facility provided for ETag based conditions. The macros when-matched/when-matched* handles conditions in If-Match header accodirding to section 14.24 of RFC 2616. For example:

(when-match (etag-value)

The folliowing cases are possible:

  1. If-Match and etag-value are missing, the handler is evaluated.
  2. If-Match and etag-value are exists and match, the handler is evaluated.
  3. If-Match and etag-value are exists and but don't match, the handler is not evaluated and "412 Percondition Failed" is returned.
  4. If-Match exists but etag-value is missing. This case is handled as "Resource Not Found" and "404 Not Found" returned except for If-Match value "*" which is stated in RFC. In this case "412 Precondition Failed" is returned. The handler body is not evaluated.
  5. If-Match is missing but etag-value exists. The handler body is not evaluated and "428 Precondition Required" is returned.

To distinguish case 1 and 2 inside the handler body additional lexical variable is bound during body evaluation. By default it is named etag-matched but other name can be specified as a second parameter after ETag value.

Another pair of macros unless-matched/unless-matched* processes opposite condition. The cases are processed in the following ways:

  1. If-None-Match and etag-value are missing, the handler is evaluated.
  2. If-None-Match and etag-value are exists and match, the handler is not evaluated and "412 Precondition Failed" is returned in all cases except for GET requests. For GET requests "304 Not Modified" is returned (RFC, section 14.26).
  3. If-None-Match and etag-value are exists and but don't match, the handler is evaluated.
  4. If-None-Match exists but etag-value is missing. This case is handled as "Resource Not Found" and "404 Not Found" returned. The handler body is not evaluated.
  5. If-None-Match is missing but etag-value exists. The handler body is evaluated as usual.

To simplify setting ETag header function set-etag performs quoting and prefixing. If WEAK parameter is non-NIL value is perfixed with "W/" to designate weak e-tag. Server implementation is selected via IMPLEMENTATION parameter.

PATCH Method Handling

The PATCH method is designed to apply list of "patches" to a resource. The macro handle-patch-actions created to simplify creation of such request handlers. It has a form

(handle-patch-actions (request &optional object)
  ("action-1-name" lambda-1)
  ("action-2-name" lambda-2)

The overall design is created to simplify handling of JSON array of actions. So the following rules apply:

  • request is a list of actions.
  • Each action is an alist which contains string value with key :action. This value identifies handler.
  • The rest of action's alist is a set of parameters for handler.
  • lambda-x is a function suitable to be passed to funcall.
  • It should be callable as (lambda-x object action). object is the data to patch, action is the action's alist.
  • It should return patched object. It is up to implementor whether new object returned or updated parameter.
  • Actions invoked one by one in order in request.
  • The first action takes object value as object parameter, all other actions will take result of the previous action.
  • Overall result is the result of the last action.

Please note that the order of parameter evaluation is not guaranteed to be "from left to right".

The following conditions raised:

  • invalid-action-specifier when missing :action key or action name is not string.

  • action-handler-not-found when unknown action received.

The restarts ignore-action and use-value are provided in case of conditions above. The restart ignore-action continues processing request ignoring erroneous one. The object parameter for the next action will be taken form result of the previous one. use-value restart gives ability to replace call to incorrect action with specified value.

Hunchentoot Redirector

cl-avm-http-helpers.hunchentoot:redirect-acceptor is a special acceptor class to perform, for example, redirection from HTTP URLs to HTTPS. The host and URI part are preserved during redirection. This acceptor has the followinf additional parameters to perform its task:

  • target-port - a port number to redirect to in range 1..65535. Required.
  • target-protocol - a protocol to redirect to. Supported values are :http and :https with :https default.

Closure Template Publishing

Templates are published via RESTAS after compilation to the RequireJS module format.

IMPORTANT NOTE: This library is bound to the Hunchentoot server implementation because of RESTAS usage.

Component is implemented in cl-avm-requirejs-publisher system and can be used as module.

For example:

(restas:mount-module symbol (#:cl-avm-requirejs-publisher)
  (cl-avm-requirejs-publisher:*source-dir* #p"/path/to/templates/"))

Usable parameters:

  • *source-dir* - directory that contains templates to be published; required;
  • *extension* - template file extension which replaces "js" extension in request, by default "tmpl".


Various HTTP helpers to simplify server-side development.







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