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Linux Configuration Files

This repository contains various configuration files for Linux environment.

Rxvt Unicode

Directory: rxvt-unicode

The default Rxvt Unicode settings tuned in files:

  1. Xresources-common

    • Scroll bar placed on right side of window.
    • Scroll buffer increased to 10 000 lines.
  2. Xresources-twilight

    Twilight color scheme.

Usage: include corresponding file to user's ~/.Xresources file

#include "configs/rxvt-unicode/Xresources-common"

Please note that this requires C Preprocessor. The comments in file are started from exclamation mark (!).

Bash Configuration

The file bashrc contains the following tweaks for Bash configuration which are applied for interactive shell only:

  • less command tuned to show colors, be silent, exit if content to show fits single screen and skip ncurses initialization and deinitialization (this preserves less output after exit).

  • ls colors tuned to be a little bit brighter for Twilight terminal color scheme.

  • The history tuned to avoid storing duplicates, always append history and ignore common commands:

    • ls

    • fg

    • bg

    • exit

    since no reason to store them.

  • If Git completion is installed the prompt tuned to show current branch and dirty state in "yellow" (whatever it means for current terminal's color scheme).

  • Aliases for ls added to use colors and file suffixes:

    • ls - default format

    • lh - long format with sizes in human readable form.

Bash prompt parts colors can be overridden with the following variables:


    Colors for job count information (magenta by default).


    Colors for Git branch and status (yellow by default).


    Colors for succeeded last command (green by default).


    Colors for failed last command (red by default).

Usage: source bashrc to user's ~/.bashrc:

. configs/bashrc

Xkb Layouts

The default Russian keyboard layouts in Linux have the following issues:

  • They don't allow to enter most of symbols used as good typography practice, for example, dashes or ellipsis.

  • The Macintosh layout allows to enter Rouble sign but it is placed to button different from Mac layout.

Additional Xkb layouts placed to xkb subdirectory. The provide:

  • Updated layout 'Russian (Macintosh)' to include more symbols for true MacOS layout.

  • Additional layout 'Russian (Macintosh, Alexey Martynov)' which places the following characters (letters in English):

    • 'λ' on 'RAlt-l'
    • 'ε' on 'RAlt-e'
    • 'combining acute' on 'RAlt-Shift-e', used to show stress in words
    • 'non-breaking space' on 'RAlt-Space'
    • 'zero-width joiner' on 'RAlt-Shift-Space'
  • Additional layout 'US (Macintosh, Alexey Martynov) providing:

    • 'non-breaking space' on 'RAlt-Space'
    • 'zero-width joiner' on 'RAlt-Shift-Space'
    • 'combining acute' on 'RAlt-Shift-e' (instead of simple acute), used to show stress in words

To install please execute

patch -p0 < ~/configs/ru-mac.patch


patch -p0 < ~/configs/us-mac.patch

in the directory with X11 Xkb layouts (usually /usr/share/X11/Xkb/symbols).

To get new layouts available the XSLT tranformations added to patch evdev.xml. Please run one of the commands to apply them:

# cp evdev.xml evdev.xml.orig && xsltproc ~/configs/xkb/install-ru.xslt evdev.xml.orig > evdev.xml
# cp evdev.xml evdev.xml.orig && xsltproc ~/configs/xkb/install-us.xslt evdev.xml.orig > evdev.xml
# cp evdev.xml evdev.xml.orig && xsltproc ~/configs/xkb/install-ru.xslt evdev.xml.orig | xsltproc ~/configs/xkb/install-us.xslt - > evdev.xml

Zsh Configuration

To use this configuration files the following should be written to .zshenv (assuming that repository is checked out to $HOME/configs:

export ZDOTDIR="$HOME/configs/zsh"

. "$ZDOTDIR/.zshenv"

To properly show Powerline segments in prompt the fonts from should be installed and selected for terminal application.

All platform-dependent configuration should go to files with suffix -$(uname). For example, MacOS (actually, Darwin) environment goes to .zshenv-Darwin.


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