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Word Cloud Project

Assignment 3 and 4 for CISC 3130- Data Structures.

Analyze a song for the frequency of word used by song utlizing different data structures.

Assignment 4- Word Cloud Visualization website

Expanded from Assignment 3, creates a visualization of the output.

1. Word Clouds - Kumo Maven Repository

Using the Kumo repository allowed for the creation of a word cloud based on the frequency file created on the song lyrics. This allowed for easy upload of the text file to an image output. This was done using the Kumo repository through Maven.

Connecting through Maven-

Using Netbeans IDE allowed for creation of a pom.xml and adding the Kumo repository seamlessly. Creating a new Maven java project allowed me to have the Kumo repositiory as a dependency. I did not need to add all of the dependencies that Kumo uses because it accessed it through the Kumo pom.xml.

 <!-- -->

PROBLEMS with Netbeans I had to create a brand new project to access my frequency file outputs, this is because you cannot make a project have maven dependencies through netbeans AFTER you have already created it. This was a severe problem that forced me to create a second project and github repository for assignment 4. This is the link to the assignment 3- frequency file github repo x

Creating the Word Clouds-

I created the word cloud through uploading the lyric files used in assignment 3. I did NOT use the output from assignment 3 because the FrequencyFileAnalyzer class was not available in the repository anymore. There is not a catch for stopwords or for punctuation now. This would be something to fix next implementaion. There was issues that it counted the frequency number as a word sometimes so it would should 1, or 32 as a word for example. It was formatted correctly so I do not know why it did that. After using the correct class of frequencyAnalyzer and using the not analyzed text file I got the correct output

i.e Word Cloud for NASA

wordFrequencies = frequencyAnalyzer.load("src\\thank u, next\\NASA.txt");
dimension = new Dimension(450, 450);
wordCloud = new WordCloud(dimension, CollisionMode.RECTANGLE);
wordCloud.setBackground(new CircleBackground(225));
wordCloud.setColorPalette(new ColorPalette(new Color(0x4055F1), 
  new Color(0x408DF1), new Color(0x40AAF1), new Color(0x40C5F1)));
wordCloud.setFontScalar(new LinearFontScalar(15, 55));;
wordCloud.writeToFile("src\\word clouds\\wordcloud_nasa.png");

i.e Output for NASA

Nasa Image

2. HTML/CSS and GitHub Pages

To present the word cloud visualizations, I used GitHub pages to host the website. Building it with HTML and CSS.


  • Video

    Added a tiktok featuring the song boyfriend by social house ft Ariana Grande. Had to link from a google drive because github did not support that high quality of videos.

    <video controls autoplay preload>
      <source src="" type ="video/mp4">
      Your browser does not support HTML5 video.
  • Song Links to Word Clouds

    Added links to the location on the page of each tracks word cloud.

    Listed and linked the songs

    <a href="#imagine"> 1. imagine</a><br>

    Put the songs and word clouds in track order

    <div id="imagine">
     <img src="src\word clouds\wordcloud_imagine.png" 
          alt="imagine word cloud visualization">


  • Header

    Used to have the header continue to stay at the top when scrolling

    header {
     color: white;
     text-align: center;
     background-color: rgba(180, 180, 180, 0.9);
     position: -webkit-sticky;
     position: sticky;
     top: 0;
  • Background

    Used the thank u, next album artwork as a background, having it automatically repeat horizontally and vertically.

    body {
     background-image: url("TUNbackground.png");
     color: white;
  • Links

    Specified link changes based on the state, of visited or hovered or active.

    a:link {
     text-decoration: none;
     color: white;
    a:visited {
     text-decoration: none;
     color: purple;
    a:hover {
     text-decoration: underline;
     color: pink;


Assignment 4- Word Clouds and HTML/CSS/Github Pages






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