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Fixes build on windows and makes it simpler.
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alexgorbatchev committed Oct 17, 2013
1 parent 431979c commit 999af82
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Showing 2 changed files with 44 additions and 89 deletions.
130 changes: 42 additions & 88 deletions build/
Expand Up @@ -4,116 +4,73 @@ fs = require 'fs'
minimatch = require 'minimatch'
less = require 'less'
vm = require 'vm'
shelljs = require 'shelljs'
uglify = require 'uglify-js'
sass = require 'node-sass'

compressCss = (file, source, callback) ->
parser = new less.Parser(
paths: [path.dirname(file)]
optimization: 2
parser = new less.Parser paths: [path.dirname(file)], optimization: 2
parser.parse source, (err, tree) ->
callback err, tree.toCSS(compress: true)

compressJs = (source) ->
{ code, map } = uglify.minify source
{code, map} = uglify.minify source

compileSass = (file, callback) ->
data = fs.readFileSync file, 'utf8'
sass.render data, callback, include_paths: [ sourceSassDir ], output_style: null
sass.render data, callback, include_paths: [sourceSassDir], output_style: null

copy = (src, dest, pattern) ->
glob(src, pattern).forEach (file) ->
mkdir path.join(dest, path.dirname(file))
sourceFile = path.join(src, file)
unless isDir(sourceFile)
buf = fs.readFileSync(sourceFile)
fs.writeFileSync path.join(dest, file), buf

isDir = (dir) ->
isDirectory = (dir) ->
fs.existsSync(dir) and fs.statSync(dir).isDirectory()

mkdir = (dirToMake) ->
return if fs.existsSync(dir)
dir = "/"

for part in dirToMake.split("/")
dir = path.join dir, part
fs.mkdirSync dir unless fs.existsSync(dir)

rmdir = (dir) ->
return unless fs.existsSync(dir)

glob(dir, "**").reverse().forEach (file) ->
file = path.join(dir, file)
fs.unlinkSync file
catch e
fs.rmdirSync file

fs.rmdirSync dir

glob = (dir, pattern) ->
return [] unless fs.existsSync(dir)
result = fs.readdirSync(dir)
i = 0

while i < result.length
subdir = path.join(dir, result[i])
if fs.lstatSync(subdir).isDirectory()
subItems = glob(subdir, pattern).map (item) -> path.join result[i], item
left = result.slice(0, i)
right = result.slice(i)
result = left.concat(subItems).concat(right)
i += subItems.length

result = result.filter(minimatch.filter(pattern, dot: true))
findFilesIn = (dir, pattern) ->
.filter (file) ->
minimatch file, pattern, matchBase: true
.filter (file) ->
not isDirectory file

loadFilesIntoVariables = (dir) ->
result = {}

for file in glob(dir, "*")
for file in findFilesIn dir, '*.*'
varName = path.basename(file, path.extname(file))
result[varName] = fs.readFileSync(path.join(dir, file), "utf8")
result[varName] = fs.readFileSync(file, "utf8")


baseDir = __dirname
sourceDir = path.join baseDir, '../src'
outputDir = path.join baseDir, '../pkg'
componentsDir = path.join baseDir, '../components'
includesDir = path.join baseDir, 'includes'
sourceJsDir = path.join sourceDir, 'js'
sourceSassDir = path.join sourceDir, 'sass'
outputJsDir = path.join outputDir, 'scripts'
outputCssDir = path.join outputDir, 'styles'

variables = loadFilesIntoVariables(includesDir)
variables.version = "3.0.83"
sourceDir = path.resolve baseDir, '..', 'src'
outputDir = path.resolve baseDir, '..', 'pkg'
componentsDir = path.resolve baseDir, '..', 'components'
includesDir = path.resolve baseDir, 'includes'
sourceJsDir = path.resolve sourceDir, 'js'
sourceSassDir = path.resolve sourceDir, 'sass'
outputJsDir = path.resolve outputDir, 'scripts'
outputCssDir = path.resolve outputDir, 'styles'

variables = loadFilesIntoVariables includesDir
variables.version = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync path.resolve baseDir, '../package.json').version = new Date().toUTCString()
variables.about = variables.about.replace(/\n|\t/g, "").replace(/"/g, "\\\"")

module.exports = (grunt) ->
grunt.registerTask "build", "clean compile_sass copy add_header process_variables validate".split(/\s/g)

grunt.registerTask "clean", "Cleans the build folder", ->
rmdir outputDir
mkdir outputDir
shelljs.rm '-fr', outputDir
shelljs.mkdir '-p', outputDir

grunt.registerTask "compile_sass", ->
files = glob sourceSassDir, "**/*.scss"
mkdir outputCssDir
files = findFilesIn sourceSassDir, "**/*.scss"
shelljs.mkdir '-p', outputCssDir

jobs = (filename) ->
jobs = (sassFile) ->
(done) ->
sassFile = path.join sourceSassDir, filename
cssFile = path.join(outputCssDir, filename).replace /\.scss$/, '.css'
cssFile = path.join(outputCssDir, path.basename sassFile).replace /\.scss$/, '.css'

return done() if isDir(sassFile) or /theme_template/.test sassFile
return done() if isDirectory(sassFile) or /theme_template/.test sassFile

compileSass sassFile, (err, css) ->
fs.writeFileSync cssFile, css
Expand All @@ -122,9 +79,11 @@ module.exports = (grunt) ->
async.parallel jobs, @async()

grunt.registerTask "copy", ->
copy baseDir, outputDir, "index.html"
copy sourceDir, outputDir, "*-LICENSE"
copy sourceJsDir, outputJsDir, "sh*.js"
shelljs.mkdir '-p', outputJsDir

shelljs.cp "#{baseDir}/index.html", outputDir
shelljs.cp "#{sourceDir}/*-LICENSE", outputDir
shelljs.cp "#{sourceJsDir}/sh*.js", outputJsDir

core = path.join sourceJsDir, "shCore.js"
xregexp = path.join componentsDir, "xregexp", "xregexp-all.js"
Expand All @@ -136,38 +95,33 @@ module.exports = (grunt) ->

fs.writeFileSync core, compressJs core

glob(outputCssDir, "**/*.css").forEach (file) ->
file = path.join(outputCssDir, file)
findFilesIn(outputCssDir, "**/*.css").forEach (file) ->
compressCss file, fs.readFileSync(file, "utf8"), (err, source) ->
fs.writeFileSync file, source

grunt.registerTask "add_header", ->
files = glob(outputDir, "**/*.js").concat(glob(outputDir, "**.css"))
files = findFilesIn(outputDir, "**/*.js").concat(findFilesIn(outputDir, "**.css"))

files.forEach (file) ->
file = path.join(outputDir, file)
fs.writeFileSync file, variables.header + fs.readFileSync(file, "utf8") unless isDir(file)
fs.writeFileSync file, variables.header + fs.readFileSync(file, "utf8") unless isDirectory(file)

grunt.registerTask "process_variables", ->
process = (str) ->
for key of variables
str = str.replace("@" + key.toUpperCase() + "@", variables[key])

files = glob(outputDir, "**/*.js").concat(glob(outputDir, "**/*.css"))
files = findFilesIn(outputDir, "**/*.js").concat(findFilesIn(outputDir, "**/*.css"))

files.forEach (file) ->
file = path.join(outputDir, file)
fs.writeFileSync file, process(fs.readFileSync(file, "utf8")) unless isDir(file)
fs.writeFileSync file, process(fs.readFileSync(file, "utf8")) unless isDirectory(file)

grunt.registerTask "validate", ->
context = {}
coreFile = path.join(outputJsDir, "shCore.js")
vm.runInNewContext fs.readFileSync(coreFile, "utf8"), context, coreFile

glob(outputDir, "**.js").forEach (file) ->
findFilesIn(outputDir, "**.js").forEach (file) ->
return if /shCore/.test(file)

file = path.join(outputDir, file)
vm.runInNewContext fs.readFileSync(file, "utf8"), context, file

3 changes: 2 additions & 1 deletion package.json
Expand Up @@ -25,6 +25,7 @@
"grunt-cli": "0.1.x",
"grunt": "0.4.x",
"bower": "1.2.x",
"node-sass": "0.6.x"
"node-sass": "0.6.x",
"shelljs": "0.2.x"

0 comments on commit 999af82

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