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MVP Feature List

Alex Hertel edited this page Jul 27, 2021 · 1 revision

1. New account creation, log in, log out, and guest/demo login

  • Users can sign up, log in, and log out.
  • Users without their own login credentials can access Squirrel! via a "Demo User".
  • Users logged in as "Demo" will have full access to the site and all of its features. Everything added to the site while logged-in as "Demo" will be removed at the end of the session upon "logout".

2. Hosting on Heroku

3. Medication Reminder & Medication Tracking Log

  • Logged-in users can add medications to their list of daily medications, set reminders to be notified of when they need to take them, as well as update details about those medications (dosage, frequency of administration, etc.) and delete them from their list if they stop their regimen.
  • Logged-in users can also indicate if they took that medication on a given day. If they selected "Taken", that medication will then be added to their "Medication Log" which displays a list of which medications were taken on a particular day.

4. To-Do List

  • Logged-in users can add, read, update/edit, and delete items from their "To-Do" list.
  • Logged-in users will be able to set two due-dates/deadlines for each task: the first due-date field is meant to represent that task's optimal due-date, and because people with ADHD are prone to procrastination and anxiety, the second due-date field (optional) is meant to represent the latest possible time that task should be completed by.
  • Logged-in users will be able to indicate whether they have completed a task by marking a checkbox, which will then remove the item from the list of "Active Tasks" and put it in the "Completed Tasks" table.