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Goal of the project

This repository provides an Algorithm & Data Structures library in Java.

You may use it for competitive programming challenges or in your own application.


Although you should start with the classes made available by the Java standard such as ArrayList, LinkedList, HashMap, TreeMap, PriorityQueue etc., it may not always be sufficient.

You can always write a simple solution to the problem, but naive implementation takes too long and gets timed-out.

You need more advanced packages than what's available in the Java Runtime Environment. JRE lacks more exotic yet important constructs that perform ad-hoc queries efficiently.

This library is meant to provide complex implementations that solve the problem more efficiently than brute-force approach.

It normalizes recurrent patterns for re-usability purpose. It enables easy integration to be used as a black box. By skipping the low level implementation of the textbook algorithms, you can focus your efforts on the problem at hand.

Consult CLRS for more in-depth analysis of the building blocks.



Depth First Search

Assuming a graph representation via a list of adjacency lists, you can perform ad-hoc DFS by implementing node visitor.

      // the adjacency list
      List<List<Integer>> adjacency = new ArrayList<>();
      // build the list

      // traverse the graph
      Traversal traversal = new AdjacencyListDFSTraversal(adjacency);
      traversal.traverse((current, parent, children) -> {"Visiting node %d", current));

All Pair Shortest Path

You can use Floyd-Warshall algorithm to compute the shortest path distance between all pairs of nodes.

        // Build adjacency matrix
        int[][] weights = ...
        AllPairShortestPath allPairShortestPath = new FloydAllPairShortestPath(weights);

        // compute distance matrix
        int[][] distances = allPairShortestPath.distances();

Data Structures

Range Query

Suppose you need to run a query such as min, max, sum, count etc. multiple times over any ranges in an array, with potential updates in between.

If Square Root decomposition or MO's algorithm are not possible, you may need a more advanced data structure.

Sparse Table

This can be used on an array with no updates between queries,

        SparseTable<Integer> rangeSum = new SparseTable<Integer>(a) {
            public Integer neutralElement() {
                return 0;

            public Integer query(Integer t1, Integer t2) {
                return t1 + t2;

        int sum = rangeSum.rangeQuery(l, r);

Binary Indexed Tree

This can be used for sum, count operations for a mix of read/write queries,

        AbstractBinaryIndexedTree<Integer> bit = new SumBinaryIndexedTree(10);
        bit.change(4, 1);
        bit.change(3, 1);
        bit.change(8, 1);
        assertEquals(3, bit.get(9));

Segment Tree

This can be used for sum, count and min, max as well for a mix of read/write queries,

        Integer[] a = new Integer[] { 0, 1, 2, 1, 3, 2 };
        AbstractSegmentTree<Integer> segmentTree = new AbstractSegmentTree<>(a) {
            public Integer neutralElement() {
                return Integer.MAX_VALUE;

            public Integer query(Integer x, Integer y) {
                return Math.min(x, y);
        assertEquals(1, segmentTree.rangeQuery(1, 5));


To compute integer operations in Z/pZ field, usually p is a large prime number.

Modular integer

For example, compute the inverse element:

        int p = 7;
        ModularArithmetics modularArithmetics = new ModularArithmetics(p);
        int[] inverses = IntStream.range(1, p)
        assertArrayEquals(new int[] { 1, 4, 5, 2, 3, 6 }, inverses);

For example, compute m^e [p] via logarithmic exponentiation, where m is a square matrix and e an integer,

        ModularAlgebra modularAlgebra = new ModularAlgebra(p);
        int[][] exponent = modularAlgebra.exponent(m, e);



The jar is available from Maven repository

  • groupId: io.github.alexis779
  • artifactId: algo
  • version: 1.0

With gradle, import it in build.gradle via:

repositories {

dependencies {
    implementation 'io.github.alexis779:algo:1.0'


Gradle is the build system. It compiles the source, runs unit tests and packages the code into a jar file.

$ gradle build


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