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Ames, IA Housing Prices


Data scientists use regression models to predict future numerical outcomes based on ancillary information, such as the lifetime in miles of a car based on make/model and usage patterns, or the terminal crown height of a tree based on species and environmental factors. In this case study, we use real estate data from home sales in Ames, IA between 2006 and 2010 to build a model that can predict future sale prices. The data considered include years (e.g., the year of the last remodel), areas (e.g., lot size), room counts (e.g., number of kitchens), and quality scores (e.g., general condition on a 1--10 scale), and the resultant model explains 86% of the variance in sale prices. With this model, we can give practical advice to homeowners and home sellers by identifying those features which add the most value to a home.

Data Dictionary

(Descriptions here culled from original data dictionary.)

Dataset Table Column Type Dimensions Description
ames ames ['int64' 'object' 'float64'] (2926, 82) Information on homes sold in Ames, IA from 2006 to 2010
ames Id int64 (Discrete) (2926,) Observation number
ames PID int64 (Nominal) (2926,) Parcel identification number—can be used with city web site for parcel review.
ames MS SubClass int64 (Nominal) (2926,) Identifies the type of dwelling involved in the sale.
ames MS Zoning object (Nominal) (2926,) Identifies the general zoning classification of the sale.
ames Lot Frontage float64 (Continuous) (2926,) Linear feet of street connected to property
ames Lot Area int64 (Continuous) (2926,) Lot size in square feet
ames Street object (Nominal) (2926,) Type of road access to property
ames Alley object (Nominal) (2926,) Type of alley access to property
ames Lot Shape object (Ordinal) (2926,) General shape of property
ames Land Contour object (Nominal) (2926,) Flatness of the property
ames Utilities object (Ordinal) (2926,) Type of utilities available
ames Lot Config object (Nominal) (2926,) Lot configuration
ames Land Slope object (Ordinal) (2926,) Slope of property
ames Neighborhood object (Nominal) (2926,) Physical locations within Ames city limits (map available)
ames Condition 1 object (Nominal) (2926,) Proximity to various conditions
ames Condition 2 object (Nominal) (2926,) Proximity to various conditions (if more than one is present)
ames Bldg Type object (Nominal) (2926,) Type of dwelling
ames House Style object (Nominal) (2926,) Style of dwelling
ames Overall Qual int64 (Ordinal) (2926,) Rates the overall material and finish of the house
ames Overall Cond int64 (Ordinal) (2926,) Rates the overall condition of the house
ames Year Built int64 (Discrete) (2926,) Original construction date
ames Year Remod/Add int64 (Discrete) (2926,) Remodel date (same as construction date if no remodeling or additions)
ames Roof Style object (Nominal) (2926,) Type of roof
ames Roof Matl object (Nominal) (2926,) Roof material
ames Exterior 1st object (Nominal) (2926,) Exterior covering on house
ames Exterior 2nd object (Nominal) (2926,) Exterior covering on house (if more than one material)
ames Mas Vnr Type object (Nominal) (2926,) Masonry veneer type
ames Mas Vnr Area float64 (Continuous) (2926,) Masonry veneer area in square feet
ames Exter Qual int64 (Ordinal) (2926,) Evaluates the quality of the material on the exterior
ames Exter Cond int64 (Ordinal) (2926,) Evaluates the present condition of the material on the exterior
ames Foundation object (Nominal) (2926,) Type of foundation
ames Bsmt Qual float64 (Ordinal) (2926,) Evaluates the height of the basement
ames Bsmt Cond float64 (Ordinal) (2926,) Evaluates the general condition of the basement
ames Bsmt Exposure object (Ordinal) (2926,) Refers to walkout or garden level walls
ames BsmtFin Type 1 object (Ordinal) (2926,) Rating of basement finished area
ames BsmtFin SF 1 float64 (Continuous) (2926,) Type 1 finished square feet
ames BsmtFin Type 2 object (Ordinal) (2926,) Rating of basement finished area (if multiple types)
ames BsmtFin SF 2 float64 (Continuous) (2926,) Type 2 finished square feet
ames Bsmt Unf SF float64 (Continuous) (2926,) Unfinished square feet of basement area
ames Total Bsmt SF float64 (Continuous) (2926,) Total square feet of basement area
ames Heating object (Nominal) (2926,) Type of heating
ames Heating QC int64 (Ordinal) (2926,) Heating quality and condition
ames Central Air object (Nominal) (2926,) Central air conditioning
ames Electrical object (Ordinal) (2926,) Electrical system
ames 1st Flr SF int64 (Continuous) (2926,) First Floor square feet
ames 2nd Flr SF int64 (Continuous) (2926,) Second floor square feet
ames Low Qual Fin SF int64 (Continuous) (2926,) Low quality finished square feet (all floors)
ames Gr Liv Area int64 (Continuous) (2926,) Above grade (ground) living area square feet
ames Bsmt Full Bath float64 (Discrete) (2926,) Basement full bathrooms
ames Bsmt Half Bath float64 (Discrete) (2926,) Basement half bathrooms
ames Full Bath int64 (Discrete) (2926,) Full bathrooms above grade
ames Half Bath int64 (Discrete) (2926,) Half baths above grade
ames Bedroom AbvGr int64 (Discrete) (2926,) Bedrooms above grade (does NOT include basement bedrooms)
ames Kitchen AbvGr int64 (Discrete) (2926,) Kitchens above grade
ames Kitchen Qual int64 (Ordinal) (2926,) Kitchen quality
ames TotRms AbvGrd int64 (Discrete) (2926,) Total rooms above grade (does not include bathrooms)
ames Functional object (Ordinal) (2926,) Home functionality (Assume typical unless deductions are warranted)
ames Fireplaces int64 (Discrete) (2926,) Number of fireplaces
ames Fireplace Qu float64 (Ordinal) (2926,) Fireplace quality
ames Garage Type object (Nominal) (2926,) Garage location
ames Garage Yr Blt float64 (Discrete) (2926,) Year garage was built
ames Garage Finish object (Ordinal) (2926,) Interior finish of the garage
ames Garage Cars float64 (Discrete) (2926,) Size of garage in car capacity
ames Garage Area float64 (Continuous) (2926,) Size of garage in square feet
ames Garage Qual float64 (Ordinal) (2926,) Garage quality
ames Garage Cond float64 (Ordinal) (2926,) Garage condition
ames Paved Drive object (Ordinal) (2926,) Paved driveway
ames Wood Deck SF int64 (Continuous) (2926,) Wood deck area in square feet
ames Open Porch SF int64 (Continuous) (2926,) Open porch area in square feet
ames Enclosed Porch int64 (Continuous) (2926,) Enclosed porch area in square feet
ames 3Ssn Porch int64 (Continuous) (2926,) Three season porch area in square feet
ames Screen Porch int64 (Continuous) (2926,) Screen porch area in square feet
ames Pool Area int64 (Continuous) (2926,) Pool area in square feet
ames Pool QC float64 (Ordinal) (2926,) Pool quality
ames Fence object (Ordinal) (2926,) Fence quality
ames Misc Feature object (Nominal) (2926,) Miscellaneous feature not covered in other categories
ames Misc Val int64 (Continuous) (2926,) $Value of miscellaneous feature
ames Mo Sold int64 (Discrete) (2926,) Month Sold (MM)
ames Yr Sold int64 (Discrete) (2926,) Year Sold (YYYY)
ames Sale Type object (Nominal) (2926,) Type of sale
ames SalePrice float64 (Continuous) (2926,) Sale price $$
ames Dataset object (Nominal) (2926,) Represents one of "test" or "train", corresponding to the original test–train split


Analysis of home sale prices in Ames, IA






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