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Issue #298: Integration test to reproduce the issue
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alexklibisz committed Sep 8, 2021
1 parent ffd617a commit da8ff87
Showing 1 changed file with 233 additions and 123 deletions.
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,150 +1,260 @@
package com.klibisz.elastiknn.query

import com.klibisz.elastiknn.api._
import com.klibisz.elastiknn.models.ExactModel
import com.klibisz.elastiknn.testing.ElasticAsyncClient
import com.sksamuel.elastic4s.ElasticDsl._
import futil.Futil
import org.scalatest.Inspectors
import org.scalatest.funsuite.AsyncFunSuite
import org.scalatest._
import org.scalatest.freespec.AsyncFreeSpec
import org.scalatest.matchers.should.Matchers

import scala.util.Random
import scala.util.hashing.MurmurHash3

class FunctionScoreQuerySuite extends AsyncFunSuite with Matchers with Inspectors with ElasticAsyncClient {

implicit val rng: Random = new Random(0)
val indexPrefix = "issue-97b"

// Generate a corpus of docs. Small number of the them have color blue, rest have color green.
val dims = 10
val numTotal = 1000
val numBlue = 100
val corpus: Seq[(String, Vec.DenseFloat, String)] =
(0 until numTotal).map(i => (s"v$i", Vec.DenseFloat.random(dims), if (i < numBlue) "blue" else "green"))

// Make sure there are fewer candidates than the whole corpus. This ensures the filter is executed before the knn.
val candidates = numBlue

// Test with multiple mappings/queries.
val queryVec = Vec.DenseFloat.random(dims)
val mappingsAndQueries = Seq(
Mapping.L2Lsh(dims, 40, 1, 2) -> Seq(
NearestNeighborsQuery.Exact("vec", Similarity.L2, queryVec),
NearestNeighborsQuery.Exact("vec", Similarity.Cosine, queryVec),
NearestNeighborsQuery.L2Lsh("vec", candidates, vec = queryVec)
Mapping.CosineLsh(dims, 40, 1) -> Seq(
NearestNeighborsQuery.Exact("vec", Similarity.L2, queryVec),
NearestNeighborsQuery.Exact("vec", Similarity.Cosine, queryVec),
NearestNeighborsQuery.CosineLsh("vec", candidates, queryVec)

for {
(mapping, queries) <- mappingsAndQueries
query: NearestNeighborsQuery <- queries
index = s"$indexPrefix-${MurmurHash3.orderedHash(Seq(mapping, query), 0).toString}"
} test(s"filters with mapping [${mapping}] and query [${query}] in index [$index]") {
val rawMapping =
| "properties": {
| "vec": ${ElasticsearchCodec.mapping(mapping).noSpaces},
| "color": { "type": "keyword" }
| }

val termQuery =
| "size": $numBlue,
| "query": { "term": { "color": "blue" } }

def functionScoreQueryReplace(q: NearestNeighborsQuery) =
| "size": $numBlue,
| "query": {
| "function_score": {
| "query": { "term": { "color": "blue" } },
| "boost_mode": "replace",
| "elastiknn_nearest_neighbors": ${ElasticsearchCodec.nospaces(q)}
| }
| }

val functionScoreQuerySumWeight3 =
| "size": $numBlue,
| "query": {
| "function_score": {
| "query": { "term": { "color": "blue" } },
| "boost_mode": "sum",
| "functions": [
| {
| "elastiknn_nearest_neighbors": ${ElasticsearchCodec.nospaces(query)},
| "weight": 3
| }
| ]
| }
| }
class FunctionScoreQuerySuite extends AsyncFreeSpec with Matchers with Inspectors with ElasticAsyncClient {

private implicit val rng: Random = new Random(0)

"end-to-end tests with various function_score configurations" - {
val indexPrefix = "issue-97b"

// Generate a corpus of docs. Small number of the them have color blue, rest have color green.
val dims = 10
val numTotal = 1000
val numBlue = 100
val corpus: Seq[(String, Vec.DenseFloat, String)] =
(0 until numTotal).map(i => (s"v$i", Vec.DenseFloat.random(dims), if (i < numBlue) "blue" else "green"))

// The number of candidates doesn't actually matter.
val candidates = 0

// Test with multiple mappings/queries.
val queryVec = Vec.DenseFloat.random(dims)
val mappingsAndQueries = Seq(
Mapping.L2Lsh(dims, 40, 1, 2) -> Seq(
NearestNeighborsQuery.Exact("vec", Similarity.L2, queryVec),
NearestNeighborsQuery.Exact("vec", Similarity.Cosine, queryVec),
NearestNeighborsQuery.L2Lsh("vec", candidates, vec = queryVec)
Mapping.CosineLsh(dims, 40, 1) -> Seq(
NearestNeighborsQuery.Exact("vec", Similarity.L2, queryVec),
NearestNeighborsQuery.Exact("vec", Similarity.Cosine, queryVec),
NearestNeighborsQuery.CosineLsh("vec", candidates, queryVec)
for {
_ <- deleteIfExists(index)
_ <- eknn.createIndex(index)
_ <- eknn.execute(putMapping(index).rawSource(rawMapping))
_ <- Futil.traverseSerial(corpus.grouped(100)) { batch =>
val reqs = {
case (id, vec, color) =>
val docSource = s"""{ "vec": ${ElasticsearchCodec.nospaces(vec)}, "color": "$color" }"""
(mapping, queries) <- mappingsAndQueries
query: NearestNeighborsQuery <- queries
index = s"$indexPrefix-${MurmurHash3.orderedHash(Seq(mapping, query), 0).toString}"
} s"filters with mapping [${mapping}] and query [${query}] in index [$index]" in {
val rawMapping =
| "properties": {
| "vec": ${ElasticsearchCodec.mapping(mapping).noSpaces},
| "color": { "type": "keyword" }
| }

val termQuery =
| "size": $numBlue,
| "query": { "term": { "color": "blue" } }

def functionScoreQueryReplace(q: NearestNeighborsQuery) =
| "size": $numBlue,
| "query": {
| "function_score": {
| "query": { "term": { "color": "blue" } },
| "boost_mode": "replace",
| "elastiknn_nearest_neighbors": ${ElasticsearchCodec.nospaces(q)}
| }
| }

val functionScoreQuerySumWeight3 =
| "size": $numBlue,
| "query": {
| "function_score": {
| "query": { "term": { "color": "blue" } },
| "boost_mode": "sum",
| "functions": [
| {
| "elastiknn_nearest_neighbors": ${ElasticsearchCodec.nospaces(query)},
| "weight": 3
| }
| ]
| }
| }

for {
_ <- deleteIfExists(index)
_ <- eknn.createIndex(index)
_ <- eknn.execute(putMapping(index).rawSource(rawMapping))
_ <- Futil.traverseSerial(corpus.grouped(100)) { batch =>
val reqs = {
case (id, vec, color) =>
val docSource = s"""{ "vec": ${ElasticsearchCodec.nospaces(vec)}, "color": "$color" }"""
_ <- eknn.execute(refreshIndex(index))
// Simple term query that just returns all docs with "color": "blue".
termRes <- eknn.execute(search(index).source(termQuery)).map(_.result)
_ <- eknn.execute(refreshIndex(index))
// Simple term query that just returns all docs with "color": "blue".
termRes <- eknn.execute(search(index).source(termQuery)).map(_.result)

// Function score query that runs KNN on docs matching "color": "blue" and returns the KNN score.
fsReplaceRes <- eknn.execute(search(index).source(functionScoreQueryReplace(query))).map(_.result)
// Function score query that runs KNN on docs matching "color": "blue" and returns the KNN score.
fsReplaceRes <- eknn.execute(search(index).source(functionScoreQueryReplace(query))).map(_.result)

// The function score query does not work with indexed vectors. Cause an error to verify this.
indexedException <- recoverToExceptionIf[Exception](
eknn.execute(search(index).source(functionScoreQueryReplace(query.withVec(Vec.Indexed(index, "v0", "vec")))))
// The function score query does not work with indexed vectors. Cause an error to verify this.
indexedException <- recoverToExceptionIf[Exception](
eknn.execute(search(index).source(functionScoreQueryReplace(query.withVec(Vec.Indexed(index, "v0", "vec")))))

// Function score query that runs KNN on docs matching "color": "blue" and returns the terms score + 3 * KNN score.
// The previous two queries are used to check the results of this query.
fsSumWeightedRes <- eknn.execute(search(index).source(functionScoreQuerySumWeight3)).map(_.result)
} yield {
val blueIds = corpus.filter(_._3 == "blue").map(_._1).toSet
// Function score query that runs KNN on docs matching "color": "blue" and returns the terms score + 3 * KNN score.
// The previous two queries are used to check the results of this query.
fsSumWeightedRes <- eknn.execute(search(index).source(functionScoreQuerySumWeight3)).map(_.result)
} yield {
val blueIds = corpus.filter(_._3 == "blue").map(_._1).toSet

termRes.hits.hits.length shouldBe numBlue shouldBe blueIds
termRes.hits.hits.length shouldBe numBlue shouldBe blueIds

fsReplaceRes.hits.hits.length shouldBe numBlue shouldBe blueIds
fsReplaceRes.hits.hits.length shouldBe numBlue shouldBe blueIds

indexedException.getMessage should include("The score function does not support indexed vectors.")
indexedException.getMessage should include("The score function does not support indexed vectors.")

fsSumWeightedRes.hits.hits.length shouldBe numBlue shouldBe blueIds
fsSumWeightedRes.hits.hits.length shouldBe numBlue shouldBe blueIds

val termScoreById = => ( -> h.score)).toMap
val fsReplaceScoreById = => ( -> h.score)).toMap
forAll(fsSumWeightedRes.hits.hits.toVector) { h =>
val expected: Double = (termScoreById( + 3 * fsReplaceScoreById(
h.score.toDouble shouldBe expected +- 0.001
val termScoreById = => ( -> h.score)).toMap
val fsReplaceScoreById = => ( -> h.score)).toMap
forAll(fsSumWeightedRes.hits.hits.toVector) { h =>
val expected: Double = (termScoreById( + 3 * fsReplaceScoreById(
h.score.toDouble shouldBe expected +- 0.001

"Issue 278" - {
"function score query might return some suboptimal results" in {
val index = "issue"
val dims = 20
val numTotal = 10000
val numBlue = 9000
val corpus: Seq[(String, Vec.DenseFloat, String)] =
(0 until numTotal).map(i => (s"v$i", Vec.DenseFloat.random(dims), if (i < numBlue) "blue" else "green"))
val queryVec = Vec.DenseFloat.random(dims)
val mapping = Mapping.L2Lsh(dims, 40, 1, 2)
val query = NearestNeighborsQuery.L2Lsh("vec", numBlue, vec = queryVec)
val rawMapping =
| "properties": {
| "vec": ${ElasticsearchCodec.mapping(mapping).noSpaces},
| "color": { "type": "keyword" },
| "id": { "type": "keyword", "store": true }
| }

def termQuery(size: Int) =
| "size": $size,
| "query": { "term": { "color": "blue" } }

def functionScoreQuery(q: NearestNeighborsQuery, size: Int) =
| "size": $size,
| "query": {
| "function_score": {
| "query": { "term": { "color": "blue" } },
| "elastiknn_nearest_neighbors": ${ElasticsearchCodec.nospaces(q)}
| }
| }

def functionScoreQueryMinScore(q: NearestNeighborsQuery, size: Int) =
| "size": $size,
| "query": {
| "function_score": {
| "query": { "term": { "color": "blue" } },
| "min_score": 0,
| "elastiknn_nearest_neighbors": ${ElasticsearchCodec.nospaces(q)}
| }
| }

for {
_ <- deleteIfExists(index)
_ <- eknn.createIndex(index)
_ <- eknn.execute(putMapping(index).rawSource(rawMapping))
_ <- Futil.traverseSerial(corpus.grouped(100)) { batch =>
val reqs = {
case (id, vec, color) =>
val docSource = s"""{ "id": "$id", "vec": ${ElasticsearchCodec.nospaces(vec)}, "color": "$color" }"""
_ <- eknn.execute(refreshIndex(index))
// Simple term query that just returns all docs with "color": "blue".
termRes <- eknn.execute(search(index).source(termQuery(100))).map(_.result)

// Simple LSH query that totally disregards the color.
lshRes <- eknn.nearestNeighbors(index, query, 100, "id").map(_.result)

// Function score query that runs KNN on docs matching "color": "blue" and returns the KNN score.
fsqRes <- eknn.execute(search(index).source(functionScoreQuery(query, 100))).map(_.result)

fsqMinScoreRes <- eknn.execute(search(index).source(functionScoreQueryMinScore(query, 100))).map(_.result)

} yield {
// Term query should just have 100 results. Point is it's less than the total number of "blue" docs.
termRes.hits.size shouldBe 100L
termRes.hits.size shouldBe <(numBlue.toLong)

// Lsh query should find the same number of results as term query but they shouldn't be the same.
lshRes.hits.size shouldBe 100L should not be

// FSQ should find the same number but they shouldn't be the same.
fsqRes.hits.size shouldBe 100L should not be

// Lsh query vectors should have a higher similarity than vectors returned by FSQ.
// Note we have to compute the exact similarity, as the FSQ doesn't re-rank by true similarity.
val corpusById = => t._1 -> t._2).toMap
val exactModel = new ExactModel.L2
val lshSims = => exactModel.similarity(corpusById(, queryVec.values))
val fsqSims = => exactModel.similarity(corpusById(, queryVec.values))
lshSims.sum shouldBe >(fsqSims.sum)

// FSQ w/ replace and a min_score is the same as standard FSQ. shouldBe

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