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Svelte/Vitest/JSDOM Transition Bug Reproduction

This repo demonstrates a bug when using JSDOM through Vitest in an attempt to test a component that hides an element using a transition to animate the element's removal.

Running the Demo

After cloning the repo

yarn install
yarn test

This will run the tests, which will fail, because the element that should have been removed from the DOM was not actually removed.

What's Going On?

I believe the issue has something to do with the JSDOM implementation of requestAnimationFrame, which Svelte relies on for these transitions.

If I replace the jsdom environment for Vitest with happy-dom, the error is resolved. Additionally, stubbing the requestAnimationFrame implementation can fix the problem as well.

beforeEach(() => {
  vi.stubGlobal('requestAnimationFrame', (fn) => {
    return window.setTimeout(() => fn(, 16);

afterEach(() => {

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