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A simple REST client library for Hadoop / Knox in Python


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Python Apache Hadoop / Knox REST Client library

This client library can access the variety of REST APIs provided by Haddop either directly or through Apache Knox. The individual protocols are wrapped into classes that know how to interact with the protocol and simplify access. In addition, the usage is uniform regardless of whether you access the service directly or through a Knox gateway.

In addition, the library is "proxy aware" in case you have additional network proxies.

CLI Usage

A simple command-line client allows you to access Knox over the gateway. The command-line client can be run by:

python -m pyox

Currently, there are two commands supported:

  • hdfs - commands for interacting with WebHDFS
  • oozie - commands for interacting with the Oozie Service for scheduling jobs
  • submit - a simplified single-action submit command for Oozie
  • cluster - cluster status and queue information

A KNOX gateway must be specified or it defaults to localhost:50070:

  • --base - the base URI of the Knox service
  • --host - the host and port of the Knox service
  • --secure - indicates TLS (https) should be used
  • --gateway - the Knox gateway name
  • --auth - the username and password (colon separated)

The Knox gateway can either be completely specified by the --base option or specified in parts by --secure, --host, and --gateway.

A proxy for a protocol can be specified by the -p option and requires a protocol scheme (e.g., https) and the proxy url.

hdfs commands

python -m pyox hdfs *command* ...

hdfs cat

Outputs the file paths to stdout.

python -m pyox hdfs cat [--offset N] [--length N] path ...


  • --length N - output N bytes of the file
  • --offset N - start at N bytes offset into the file

hdfs download

Outputs the file paths to stdout.

python -m pyox hdfs download [-v] [--chunk-size N] [-o file] file


  • --chunk-size N - download the file in chunks of size N bytes
  • -v - verbose (show download status)

hdfs ls

A directory or file listing.

python -m pyox hdfs ls [-b] [-l] path ...


  • -b - show the file sizes in bytes
  • -l - show the file details (long format)

hdfs mkdir

Create directories

python -m pyox hdfs mkdir path ...

hdfs mv

Move a file

python -m pyox hdfs mv source destination

hdfs rm

Move a file

python -m pyox hdfs rm [-r] path ...


  • -r - recursively remove files

hdfs upload

Copy a set of files/direcrories to the target destination.

python -m pyox hdfs upload [-f] [-r] [-s] [-v] source ... destination/

Copy a single file to a destination.

python -m pyox hdfs upload [-f] [-s] [-v] source destination


  • -f - force (overwrite files)
  • -r - recursively upload
  • -s - send file size
  • -v - verbose (show download status)

oozie commands

  • ls - list jobs (by status, detailed, etc.)
  • start - start a job
  • status - show the job status
python -m pyox oozie ls -h

To start jobs on oozie you can:

  • specify a JSON properties file for job properties via -P
  • specify a single property via -p name value or --property name value
  • specify the workflow definition via -d file.xml
  • copy resources to the job path via -cp
  • specify the name node (--namenode) or job tracker (--tracker) to override what is in the properties

cluster commands

  • info - shows basic cluster information such as versions, status, etc.
  • metrics - shows information about applications, containers, cores, memory, and nodes
  • scheduler - shows the queues and their utilization

cluster info


  • -r - output the raw JSON response
  • -p - pretty print the JSON
  • --status - output cluster status
  • --version - output only the hadoop version
  • -a - output all information

cluster metrics


  • -r - output the raw JSON response
  • -p - pretty print the JSON

cluster scheduler


  • -r - output the raw JSON response
  • -p - pretty print the JSON
  • --users - show user utilization of queues


The CLI uses a simple API that you can embed directly in your application. Every client object has the same parameters (all keywords)

  • base - the base URI of the knox service
  • secure - whether SSL transport is to be used (defaults to False, mutually exclusive with base)
  • host - the host name of the KNOX service (defaults to localhost, mutually exclusive with base)
  • port - the port of the KNOX service (defaults to 50070, mutually exclusive with base)
  • gateway - the gateway name to username
  • username - the authentication user
  • password - the authentication password

A simple HDFS client example:

from pyox import WebHDFS
hdfs = WebHDFS(base='',gateway='bigdata',username='jane',password='xyzzy')
if not hdfs.make_directory('/user/bob/data/'):
   print('Can not make directory!')

There are three main API classes:

  • WebHDFS - an HDFS client
  • Oozie - an Oozie workflow client
  • ClusterInformation - a cluster information client

(more documentation is to come!)

Oozie Workflow DSL

A workflow for a job can be constructed by a DSL. For example, a simple shell action to copy yarn logs:

from pyox import Oozie, Workflow
from io import StringIO

# create the oozie client
oozie = Oozie(base='',gateway='bigdata',username='jane',password='xyzzy')

# create the job directory

# a workflow with a single shell aciton
workflow = \
   Workflow.start('invoke-shell','shell') \
               '' : 'my-queue'
      ).kill('error','Cannot run workflow shell')

# the script to execute
script = StringIO("""#!/bin/bash
yarn logs -applicationId $1 | hdfs dfs -put - /user/jane/shell/job.log

# Copy whatever is necessary and submit the job via Oozie
jobid = oozie.submit(
      'oozie.use.system.libpath' : True,
      '' : 'jane'

Monitor Web Application

A simple flask application can provide a web UI and proxy to the cluster information and scheduler queues. The application can be run by:

python -m pyox.apps.monitor conf

where is in your python import path and contains the application configuration. Alternatively, you can set the environment variable WEB_CONF to the location of this file.

The configuration can contain any of the standard flask configuration options. The variable KNOX must be present for the configuraiton of the Apache Knox gateway.

For example, might contain:

   'base' : '',
   'gateway': 'bigdata'

Any of the client configuration keywords are available (e.g., service,base, secure, host, port) except the user authentication. The user authentication for both the API and service are passed through to the Knox Web Service. You must have authentication credentials for Knox to use the Web application.

Once you have the application running, you can access it at the address you have configured. By default, this is http://localhost:5000/

Tracker Microservice

The Tracker Microservice will track Oozie jobs via Knox. Often, local policies for retention of logs will cause application container logs to disappear before a developer can view or inspect them.

The tracker service provides a simple API and UI for tracking jobs via Apache Knox. If the fails, it will submit a job to inspect and copy various application logs to your home directory on HDFS.

The Web UI display the current status of jobs, the cluster, and allows various interactions and operations to be perform. Alternatively, the Tracker API provides a programmatic way to interact with the microservice.

The microservice can be deploy easily on kubernetes.


A simple REST client library for Hadoop / Knox in Python







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