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A library that adds object oriented power to fields, letting you do better than traditional getters and setters.


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Boxes is a library that adds object oriented power to fields, letting you do better than traditional getters and setters. Let's start with a basic example. Below is a class that uses traditional getters and setters:

public class Person {

    private String firstName;
    private String lastName;

    public String getFirstName() {
        return firstName;

    public void setFirstName(String firstName) {
        this.firstName = firstName;

    public String getLastName() {
        return lastName;

    public void setLastName(String lastName) {
        this.lastName = lastName;


Now here is the version with boxes:

import static;

public class Person {

    public Box<String> firstName = box();
    public Box<String> lastName = box();


And here is how you use it:

Person person = new Person();


assert person.firstName.get().equals("John");
assert person.lastName.get().equals("Doe");

Now, maybe you didn't mind getters and setters. Maybe you generate them with your IDE or you use Project Lombok or whatever. But dealing with boilerplate is only the beginning. Boxes let you do so much more.

By using boxes for your fields you can write code that is more elegant and reusable and less repetitive. You can write a generic method that can be applied to multiple different fields, not only using their values but setting them. If you want a method that essentially returns multiple values, you don't have to create a struct-like class to hold them or return an Object[] and then awkwardly unpack it with casts. You can just pass in boxes of values that need to be set as parameters. It's like having pass-by-reference or pointers in the language. If used properly, it can be extremely powerful.

As a more concrete example, you can transform a collection of boxes into a Map such that changes in the Map are reflected in the boxes and vice versa:

// Set up the map
BoxesMap<String, String> map = new BoxesMap<>();
map.putBox("firstName", firstName);
map.putBox("lastName", lastName);

// Now you can use either the boxes or the map as normal...
map.put("firstName", "John");

// And the results appear seamlessly on the other side
assert firstName.get().equals("John");
assert map.get("lastName").equals("Doe");

Now you can use your objects in a much more dynamic style. You could achieve something similar using reflection, but it would be much messier.

But this is still only the beginning. These are just Boxes, the most basic interface. Using a PowerBox, you can inject functionality into getters and setters at runtime. For example, suppose you want to track all changes to some field to debug an issue. All it takes is two lines, particularly:


and you can expect to see results like this in standard output:

Person.firstName value changed from John to Jack

You could probably insert code into a traditional setter to do this kind of thing, but there are limitations. Firstly, if you have a normal field, it's easy to set the value directly (from within the class at least) and bypass the setter. So if you want to use such code you have to ensure that the setter is always used. Boxes provide this automatically. Secondly, inserting this code may be difficult or impossible, e.g. if the class is part of a separate library.

But now you may be worried about the overhead that this is creating. How much memory is each box using? The answer is very little: a typical PowerBox has two fields: one for the value it holds, and one for the BoxFamily it belongs to. All boxes corresponding to the same field of a class share this BoxFamily which in turn keeps track of ChangeObservers and other information. There is virtually no duplicated information or wasted space. With some extra boilerplate you can even create boxes that don't hold a reference to the BoxFamily. Alternatively you may not need the extra functionality and opt for a lightweight Box, but users of your class can still 'upgrade' the Box to a PowerBox if they need it. All this is covered soon. The point is that boxes will not do much harm unless you have very strict performance requirements.

A special kind of PowerBox is a View. This doesn't correspond to a traditional field: instead its value is calculated from other PowerBoxes. When any of these values changes the value of the View will change, and you can subscribe to these changes just as you would with a normal PowerBox. For example, you might have boxes for various metrics of your system, and a View calculating an overall 'danger level' from these metrics, sending an alert when the level gets too high.

Another possibility is that computing the View is very expensive and you only want to calculate it as often as strictly necessary. You can then ask the view to cache its value, and if between calls to get on the view the boxes don't change, the calculation won't happen again.

What if the values within the boxes are mutable, so that their contents can change without any call to set? It is still possible under some circumstances to watch the boxes for changes by creating a WrapperBox. This is a PowerBox which implements the same interface as the value it contains and can watch for all calls to mutating methods. The library provides the classes ListBox, SetBox, and MapBox ready to use. This way you can safely create a View referring to a collection that knows when the collection changes in any way.


For maven projects, in your pom.xml:


Boxes in more detail

Plain Boxes

So, how do boxes work, and how do you use them?

At the top of the hierarchy is the Box interface, which simply has two methods: get and set. You've already seen a demonstration at the beginning - it's that simple. To create a new lightweight box, use the static method method with no arguments or with one argument providing an initial value. A mere Box is the thing to use when you have no need for any special functionality yet but it's possible that you or users of your API will want that in the future. Even if your code doesn't change, users of your API can swap out your Box for a PowerBox if they want, provided that:

  1. The Box field is public (it's supposed to be anyway in most cases).
  2. The field is not final.
  3. The type is declared as the interface Box, not a class such as BasicBox.
  4. You don't hold any references to the Box anywhere.

Technically users can still upgrade a Box even without the last condition, but the results might be unexpected. So if you store references to a Box (not a PowerBox) anywhere (e.g. in a BoxesMap) then either declare the Box as final or document the fact. If possible, document which of the methods get and set are called on the stored reference to the Box.


Extending the Box interface is the PowerBox. This has 5 new methods, 4 of which look very similar: addChangeMiddleware, addGetMiddleware, addChangeObserver, and addGetObserver. For each of these methods there is a corresponding interface without the add part. These allow you to inject new behaviour into the PowerBox in various ways. The Get* interfaces are applied when someone calls get, not surprisingly. The Change* interfaces are for when the value represented by the box changes in any way, whether someone sets a new value, a new value of a View is computed, or the contents of a WrapperBox are mutated. Middleware transforms the value as it is applied, so that the value stored or calculated by a PowerBox may not be exactly what you get or set. For example, if you call addChangeMiddleware(EnsureBounds.maximum(5)) on a PowerBox, followed by set(10), the box will end up with the value 5. An Observer sees the final value after all Middleware has been applied and has some side effect based on the result. This can be used for validation, e.g. RequireBounds will throw an exception if the value set is too high or too low, and ThrowOnNull does you'd expect. You can add as many middleware and observers as you want, and they will be applied in the order they were added.

A PowerBox belongs to a BoxFamily which stores the middleware, observers, and other metadata. This is so that each box uses as little memory as possible. The easiest way to specify the family is to pass two parameters to the constructor or box factory method: a Class and a String representing the name. The family will be looked up based on these values and so all boxes constructed with the same parameters will have the same family. Generally the parameters should be the class where the box is declared and the actual name of the field. You can find the family that a box belongs to using the getFamily() method.

Since many boxes share the same family, they may store different values but they will behave the same when you get or change them. Calling any of the add methods simply delegates to the family, so when you add an observer to one instance of a box, it will be seen by all the members of its family. However duplicate observers and middleware are ignored, so you can add them without worrying if they've been added before.

There are many classes that implement PowerBox for different needs. A CommonBox is most common (surprise!) and simply stores a value and a family. It can be obtained using the box factory method with a single BoxFamily argument or a Class and a String, or by using the constructor.

Here is an example of using PowerBoxes with observers in a class:

public class Person extends CaseClass {

    public final PowerBox<String> firstName = new CommonBox<>(Person.class, "firstName").notNull();
    public final PowerBox<String> lastName = new CommonBox<>(Person.class, "lastName").notNull();
    public final PowerBox<Integer> age = new CommonBox<>(Person.class, "age")
            .addChangeObserver(ThrowOnNull.I, RequireBounds.minimum(0, true));


The box age has two ChangeObservers attached to it. The first ensures that set is not called with null as an argument. The seconds ensures that set is called with a number that is at least 0 (the true means 'inclusive'). Both will throw an IllegalArgumentException with an informative message if their conditions are not met, and the box will keep its previous value. The two observers can be added in a single method call since all the add* methods take variable arguments. The method can also be called directly on the constructor since it returns the box itself, allowing method chaining. Overall you have a nice concise, declarative description of the fields in your class. There is just one instance of the ThrowOnNull observer, named I for minimal clutter. Using it is so common that there is a special method just for adding it called notNull, which you can see in the first two boxes.

Note that the boxes are declared as final. There is no reason to let anyone reassign a PowerBox as there is no more incentive such as upgrading, and if the box is replaced then middleware and observers are no longer applied.


A View is a very different kind of box. You cannot set a value on a view; instead, its value is defined by some calculation. The value is derived entirely from other PowerBoxes, so the value of the view changes only if the value of one of the boxes changes.

For example, suppose you're given the following class:

class Rectangle {

    public final PowerBox<Integer> width = box(Rectangle.class, "width");
    public final PowerBox<Integer> height = box(Rectangle.class, "height");


and you want to construct an instance of it while ensuring that the area doesn't exceed a certain bound. Here's how you can do this using a View:

final Rectangle rectangle = new Rectangle();
int maximumArea = 100;
View<Integer> area = new View<>(Example.class, "area",
        rectangle.width, rectangle.height) {
    public Integer calculate() {
        if (rectangle.width.get() == null || rectangle.height.get() == null) {
            return null;
        return width.get() * height.get();
}.addChangeObserver(RequireBounds.maximum(maximumArea, true));
rectangle.height.set(2); // No problem
rectangle.height.set(10); // throws exception

Let's break this down. A View is constructed in a similar manner to a CommonBox, but you can also add arguments for the boxes it depends on. It's also an abstract class; the calculate method needs to be defined. This defines the value of the View at any time. Since a View is a PowerBox we can directly add an observer to it, in this case enforcing that the area of the rectangle mustn't exceed 100.

Behind the scenes the View has added a ChangeObserver to both boxes it depends on. When you call set on either box it triggers that observer, causing the value of the view to update according to the calculate method. This in turn triggers the RequireBounds observer. If the value of the view is too high then an exception is thrown which propagates all the way back to when set was called.

Note that in the last line, the box value is temporarily set to 10, allowing the view to see that value to perform its calculation, but after the exception is thrown the value is rolled back to 2 so everything stays valid.

Another useful thing about views is that because they know whenever their value has changed, they can cache it safely without you having to do anything. Then when you get the value from the view it will only recalculate it if it actually needs to. This is great for avoiding duplicating work for a slow or expensive computation.

For views to work properly they must know when their value changes, meaning their value must depend only on their boxes and they must know when their boxes change. If the contents of the boxes are immutable this is trivial - they will change only when set is called. Otherwise you will need a WrapperBox to watch for changes within the contained object.

Since a View is a PowerBox you can include it in another view. In this way you can easily build a graph of complex calculations in a reactive programming style, and with caching in place this can lead to great results.

Other kinds of PowerBoxes

Upgraded boxes

Suppose some class A has a public field b containing a mere Box, and you want to add observers or middleware to it but you can't because it's not a PowerBox. Here's what you can do:

a.b = Boxes.upgrade(A.class, "b", a.b);

where a is an instance of A. The critical point is that the field is public, so you can reassign it with a new, more powerful box! This isn't perfect though: if any references to the original Box are stored and used anywhere, then calls to get and set will bypass observers and middleware added to the upgraded box. This is why you should be careful about holding references to a Box that isn't a PowerBox. Nevertheless, the new box delegates to get and set in the original, so that the underlying value is the same on both sides, which might be good enough for some cases (e.g. if only one of get or set is called on the stored reference, and you're only interested in affecting the behaviour of the other).


A WrapperBox is a special CommonBox which implements the same interface as the type of the value it contains, i.e. WrapperBox<T> implements T. All methods of this interface delegate directly to the underlying value, but if one of these methods mutates the value, then all ChangeObservers are notified. ListBox, SetBox, and MapBox are WrapperBoxes for their respective types. So a ListBox can be used as a regular List, and you can know whenever its contents change, e.g. by a call to add or remove. There is no way to get at the underlying value to bypass the change notifications as get simply returns the WrapperBox itself. But there is no need, since apart from the ChangeObservers, the box behaves exactly the same as its contents. equals, hashCode, and toString are taken care of. You can write wrappers for your own types quite easily, provided that the types exist as an interface and not only a class.

Unsettable adapters

If you want to use a box but you don't want users of your external API to be able to set its value, you can do this:

private final PowerBox<Integer> _id = box(Thing.class, "id");
public final PowerBox<Integer> id = Boxes.unsettableAdapter(_id);

The adapter delegates all methods except set, which will throw an exception. Now users can get the value, add observers, etc. without accidentally breaking anything.

Writing observers and middleware

Here are the definitions of the four interfaces:

public interface ChangeMiddleware<T> {
    T onChange(PowerBox<T> box, T originalValue, T currentValue, T requestedValue);

public interface GetMiddleware<T> {
    T onGet(PowerBox<T> box, T originalValue, T currentValue);

public interface ChangeObserver<T> {
    void onChange(PowerBox<T> box, T originalValue, T finalValue, T requestedValue);

public interface GetObserver<T> {
    void onGet(PowerBox<T> box, T originalValue, T finalValue);

The first argument is always the box whose value changing or being obtained via get. The second is the value before any middleware are applied, and in the case of the onChange methods the value before the change occurred. requestedValue, the last parameter for the onChange methods, is the new value before middleware is applied. It is named this way because it is usually applied when someone calls set, i.e. the user requests a value by passing it to set. currentValue is the value after the transformations that have been applied by middleware so far. It's the most important parameter for middleware, and usually the only one needed. For the first GetMiddleware, currentValue is the same as originalValue. For ChangeMiddleware, it's requestedValue. The return value of the middleware will be the currentValue of the next middleware if there is one. If it's the last middleware then the result will become the parameter finalValue in each of the observers. It will also be stored in the box in the case of set, or returned to the user for get. Like currentValue, finalValue is the most relevant parameter to observers.

Middleware is for changing the value of a get or set, while observers are for incurring a side effect based on the result. They are separated so that observers can guarantee that finalValue really is the final result, whereas middleware don't know if subsequent middleware will change the value. Therefore you shouldn't mutate the parameters of an observer. Rather mutate currentValue in a middleware and return it. Also be aware that no cloning or copying occurs in the process, so for example mutations in GetMiddleware will change the value within the box. This will probably lead to unpleasant results as users don't expect get to affect state.

Most of the time it's sensible for a single class to implement both GetMiddleware and ChangeMiddleware with the same effect on values. In this case you can extend the abstract class SymmetricMiddleware and override the single method apply.

In the case of ChangeObserver, always assume that the value has changed, even if it doesn't look like it. In particular when a WrapperBox is mutated, all four parameters will be identical.

Make sure that instances obtained with the same arguments are equal, or they will be duplicated in the lists maintained by BoxFamily. One way to do this is to override equals. Alternatively you can make any constructors private and provide static factory methods which return the same instances for the same arguments. The InstanceStore class can help with this.

Remember that middleware and observers are shared by all boxes in the same family, so if you must never create a new, unique observer for a box. Instead you should you use a single observer (for each unique combination of arguments) and look up the relevant object based on the box argument of the observer's method. This is what the View and WrapperBox classes do, using a TargetedChangeObserver which in turn is backed by a WeakConcurrentMultiMap.

Optimising boxes

The boxes API is designed to be quick and easy while your classes are new and may change soon, while also allowing you to make them more efficient if you're willing to write some boilerplate. Suppose you have a box like this:

public final PowerBox<String> someField = new CommonBox<>(Example.class, "someField")

There are a couple of inefficiencies here. The first is that every time this box is constructed for a new instance of your overall class, it uses the class and name parameters to look up its family in a map. Instead you can create the family once yourself as a static field and pass it directly:

private static final BoxFamily someFieldFamily = BoxFamily.getInstance(Example.class, "someField");
public final PowerBox<String> someField = new CommonBox<>(someFieldFamily)

The next step is very simple: add observers and middleware directly to the family instead of the box.

private static final BoxFamily someFieldFamily = BoxFamily.getInstance(Example.class, "someField")
public final PowerBox<String> someField = new CommonBox<>(someFieldFamily);

These two steps reduce the time taken to create a box. If you want to decrease the amount of memory each box uses, create a nested class (static if possible) extending DefaultPowerBox. This is the parent of CommonBox and it doesn't have a field to store the BoxFamily (hence the reduced memory usage), so you have to tell it how to obtain it:

private static class SomeField extends DefaultPowerBox<String> {
    public BoxFamily getFamily() {
        return someFieldFamily;
public final PowerBox<String> someField = new SomeField();

And that's it! It's ugly, but it's easy, and really you shouldn't need to do it often anyway.

Similar steps can be taken if you're upgrading a Box in a separate API to a PowerBox. For the last step, instead of DefaultPowerBox, you will need to override AbstractUpgradedBox for the same effect.

Exceptions and errors

If an observer or middleware throws an exception, this is wrapped in a BoxParticipantException with detailed information like this:

Error in ChangeObserver 2 out of 3 of Example.number.
Original value = null. Final value = 15. Requested value = 5.

The exception includes a box called details from which you can get some of this information.

If an Error is thrown then it will instead be wrapped in a BoxParticipantError, which is essentially the same but won't be caught by catch (Exception e) {...}.

If the values appearing in the exception message concerns you, read the next section.

String values of boxes

Usually, box.toString() is the same as box.get().toString(), unless box.get() is null in which case it's "null". For a PowerBox this can be suppressed, along with string values appearing in error messages, with box.getFamily().hideValueStrings(). This is useful for hiding sensitive data or avoiding the processing of creating very long strings, e.g. for long lists. If you really want to get to the string value despite this, box.get().toString() will still work, except for a WrapperBox where you will need box.revealedToString().


A library that adds object oriented power to fields, letting you do better than traditional getters and setters.







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