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Facilitate Docker usage in documentation
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Add more examples, a clearer path and some clear
statements on why to use Docker.

I decided to 'deprecate' manual usage.
We now use minted, and as such have brought in
Python as a dependency.
This is just getting too much, and teaching about
Docker once vs. all the other manual steps should
be absolutely worth it in the long run.
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alexpovel committed Feb 3, 2021
1 parent 38d0074 commit 6843a2b
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Expand Up @@ -13,11 +13,12 @@ contains two documents:

[![Download README](images/vectors/gitlab/Download-README-critical.svg)](

**The README covers git and Continuous Delivery, using Docker.**
**The README covers git and Continuous Delivery.**
2. A [LaTeX document](cookbook.tex), usable as a cookbook (different "recipes" to
achieve various things in LaTeX) and also as a template.

The LaTeX Cookbook PDF covers LaTeX-specific topics.
The LaTeX Cookbook PDF covers LaTeX-specific topics and instruction on compiling the
LaTeX source using Docker.
It is also available for download:

[![Download PDF](images/vectors/gitlab/Download-Cookbook-informational.svg)](
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -203,7 +204,7 @@ pretty git GUI image from [here](

![git GUI](images/bitmaps/readme/yancy-min-842ofHC6MaI-unsplash.jpg)

## Git(Lab) and Continuous Delivery
### Git(Lab) and Continuous Delivery

GitLab is a platform to host git repositories.
Projects on there can serve as git remotes.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -251,122 +252,6 @@ The advantages are:
which compiles the PDF and offers it for download afterwards.
The last part could be called *Continuous Deployment*, albeit a very basic version.

### Docker

Docker is a tool providing so-called *containers* (though wrong, think of them as
light-weight virtual machines).
These containers provide isolated, well-defined environments for applications to run in.
They are created from executing corresponding Docker *images*.
These images are in turn generated using a script-like list of instructions,
so-called [*Dockerfiles*](

In summary:

1. a **`Dockerfile` text document** is created, containing instructions on how the image should
look like (like what stuff to install, what to copy where, ...).

As a baseline, these instructions often rely on a Debian distribution.
As such, all the usual Debian/Linux tools can be accessed, like `bash`.

An (unrelated) [example Dockerfile](
can look like:

# Dockerfile

# Get the latest Debian Slim with Python installed
FROM python:slim

# Update the Debian package repositories and install a Debian package.
# Agree to installation automatically (`-y`)!
# This is required because Dockerfiles need to run without user interaction.
RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -y ffmpeg

# Copy a file from the building host into the image
COPY requirements.txt .

# Run some shell command, as you would in a normal sh/bash environment.
# This is a Python-specific command to install Python packages according to some
# requirements.
RUN pip install -r requirements.txt

# Copy more stuff!
COPY music-converter/ music-converter/

# This will be the command the image executes if run.
# It runs this command as a process and terminates as soon as the process ends
# (successfully or otherwise).
# Docker is not like a virtual machine: it is intended to run *one* process, then
# die. If you need to run it again, just create a new container (instance of a
# Docker image). Treat containers as *cattle*, not as a *pet*. The
# container-recreation process is light-weight, fast and the way to go.
# Of course, this does not stop anyone from running one *long-running* process
# (as in infinity, `while True`-style). This is still a good use-case for Docker
# (as are most things!). An example for this is a webserver.
ENTRYPOINT [ "python", "-m", "music-converter", "/in", "--destination", "/out" ]

The Dockerfile this project uses for LaTeX stuff is
It is not as simple, so not as suited for an example.

2. The **image** is then built accordingly, resulting in a large-ish file that contains an
executable environment.
For example, if we install a comprehensive `TeXLive` distribution, the image can be
more than 2 GB in size.

This Docker image can be distributed.
In fact, there is [Docker Hub](, which exists for just this
If you just instruct to run an image called e.g. `alexpovel/latex`, without
specifying a full URL to somewhere, Docker will look on the Hub for an image of that
name (and find it [here](
All participants of a project can pull images from there, and everyone will
be on the same page (alternatively, you can build the image from the Dockerfile).

For example, the LaTeX environment for this project requires a whole bunch of
This can take hours to read up upon, understand, explain, implement and getting to
In some cases, it will be **impossible** if some required part of a project conflicts
with a pre-existing condition on your machine.
For example, project *A* requires `perl` in version `6.9.0`, but project *B* requires
version `4.2.0`.
This is what Docker is all about: **isolation**.
Whatever is present on your system does not matter, only the Docker image/container
contents are relevant.

If project member *X* has version `6.6.6` and they proclaim
["*works for me*"](,
but you have `1.3.37` and it *doesn't*, and you both cannot change your versions for
some other reason... tough luck.
This is what Docker is for.

Further, if you for example specify `FROM python:3.8.6` as your *base image*, aka
provided a so-called *tag* of `3.8.6`, it will be that tag in ten years' time still.
As such, you nailed the version your process takes place in and requires.
Once set up, this will run on virtually any computer running Docker, be it your
laptop now or whatever your machine is in ten years.
This is especially important for the reproducibility of research.
3. Once the image is created, it can be run, **creating a container**.
We can then enter the container and use it like a pretty normal (usually Linux)
machine, for example to compile our `tex` files.
Other, single commands can also be executed.
For example, to compile `cookbook.tex` in PowerShell when the `alexpovel/latex` image
is available after [installing Docker](
and getting the image (`docker pull alexpovel/latex` -- if you don't run this beforehand,
it will be downloaded automatically when it is missing), run:

docker run --rm --volume ${PWD}:/tex alexpovel/latex

For more info, especially the details of the above command, see
**For this to work, you do not have to have anything installed on your machine, only Docker**.

One concrete workflow to employ this chain is to have a Dockerfile repository on GitHub,
[like this one](
GitHub then integrates with [DockerHub](
Expand All @@ -384,41 +269,7 @@ Refer to the
(that Dockerfile is used to compile this very README to PDF via `pandoc`)
for more details.

#### Installed packages

For more information on the LaTeX packages mentioned
[in the Dockerfile repository](,
refer to the accompanying LaTeX cookbook.

#### Equivalent Windows Install

To get the same, or at least a very similar environment running on Windows,
the elements can be installed individually:

1. [MiKTeX](; for a closer match to the Docker, install
[TeXLive]( instead:
for a LaTeX distribution with the `lualatex`, `biber`, `bib2gls`, `latexmk` etc.
programs, as well as all LaTeX packages.
2. [Java Runtime Environment](
for [`bib2gls`](, which is in turn used by
3. [InkScape](
for the [`svg`]( package to convert SVGs automatically
(absolutely none of the `PDF/PDF_TEX` nonsense anymore!)
4. [gnuplot](
for [`pgfplots`]( to generate contour plots.
5. [Perl](
for [`latexmk`]( to work

(see how annoying, manual and laborious this list is? ... use [Docker](#docker)!)

These are required to compile the LaTeX document.
If InkScape and gnuplot ask to put their respective binaries into the `$PATH`
environment variable, hit yes.
If they do not, add the path yourself to the directory containing the binaries
(`.exe`) in `Edit environment variables for your account -> Path -> Edit... -> New`.

### Enable Runner for the project
#### Enable Runner for the project

To build anything, we need someone to build *for* us.
GitLab calls these build-servers *runners*.
Expand All @@ -428,7 +279,7 @@ Enable it (him? her?) for the project on the GitLab project homepage:
`Settings -> CI/CD -> Runners -> Enable Shared Runners`.
Otherwise, the build process will get 'stuck' indefinitely.

### Add git info to PDF metadata
#### Add git info to PDF metadata

After retrieving a built PDF, it might get lost in the nether.
That is, the downloader loses track of what commit it belongs to, or even what release.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -512,7 +363,7 @@ then turned into macros/control sequences (`\newcommand`) of a given name using
`token.set_macro(<string> csname, <string> content)`, see the [LuaTeX reference](
on all the included Lua functionality provided by LuaTeX, on top of regular Lua.

### Add PDF Download Button
#### Add PDF Download Button

On the top of the project page, we can add *badges*.
That's how GitLab calls the small, clickable buttons.
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