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Backscatter Metadata


You have just created a backscatter mosaic with your multibeam data processing software and exported it as a .tif file. How do you inform the future users of this file of what it represents?

Typically, you would write some information as the file's name. You would most likely use the word "backscatter" or the initials "BS" at the very least, but also perhaps the survey area and year, or the name of the survey company. To provide additional information, maybe you would add the sonar model, or the grid size, or the version of that mosaic. So you would typicall name the .tif file something like Clinton-2022-m-block34_BS_v3.tif.


This is the beginning of metadata.

The problem is that there is a limit to a filename's length, so what about all the rest of the information you wish to convey? What about the frequency? The software used? The processing applied? The files that went in? Or even your name as the author?

A good data management practice would be to compile all this relevant information together to live alongside the .tif file. Even better practice would be to follow a template so that all mosaic files have a metadata in the same format, and have this template designed in a manner that is readable both by humans and machines.

This document proposes such a metadata template.

Core Principles

  • Human-friendliness:

    • Sufficient information to provide a good overview, but not so much that it is overwhelming and difficult to read or understand.
    • Descriptive and unambiguous field names.
    • Broken-down in thematic sections.
    • Every field to be optional (just fill what you can).
    • No requirements on fields format (number, text, boolean, etc.).
  • Machine-friendliness:

    • Machine-readable format.
    • Version control.

Basic Template Contents

The proposed template is to collate the basic information as pairs of field/value, organized into six thematic sections, or "parent nodes".

Parent node Description
survey Information about the survey that produced the dataset
data Information about the data that went into the mosaic
processing Information about the processing that was applied to the data to produce the mosaic
mosaic Information about the mosaic produced
qualityControl Information about quality control performed on the mosaic
metadata Information about this metadata template

We list below our proposed sections and field/value pairs. See further below for the implementation.

1. survey

A section containing the basic information about the survey that produced the dataset from which the mosaic was created:

Parent node Field Description Example
survey project Name of project MAREANO
survey year Year of survey 2022
survey client Name of client Kartverket
survey surveyor Name of surveyors Clinton Marine Survey
survey site Name of site B34
survey vessel Name of vessel Northern Storm
survey sonarModel Name of sonar model Kongsberg EM2040
survey sonarSerialNumber Serial number of sonar system 2106
survey comments Free text field Surveyed over Aug 21-23, 2022

No need to go into too many details here since this information is most likely also present in reports, and bathymetry metadata. In fact, the information in this section can most likely be directly obtained from any existing "acquisition metadata".

2. data

A section containing the basic information about the data that went into the mosaic:

Parent node Field Description Example
data frequencyKHz Operating frequency in kHz 300
data pulseLengthMicroSec Pulse length in microseconds 0.000107
data acquisitionMode Sonar acquisition mode Medium CW
data filesList List of raw data files used in mosaic separated by semicolons All files available
data comments Free text field Very wide range of absorption coefficients in data

The difference with the previous section is that the information here might be variable within the dataset, so while the information from the previous section could be just copied-and-pasted from the "acquisition metadata", this one here may need some adjustment by the author of the mosaic. For example, we include here the list of files that actually went into the mosaic, or the frequency used for the mosaic (the dataset may be multispectral).

Writing key acquisition settings here (frequency, acquisition mode) also emphasize the typical recommendation that backscatter mosaics be produced using data acquired in a constant setting.

3. processing

A section containing the basic information about the processing applied to the data to produce the mosaic:

Parent node Field Description Example
processing softwareName Name of processing software QPS FMGT
processing softwareVersion Version of processing software 7.10.3
processing comments Free text field None

Keeping this section basic because any further details would be software-dependent. See below on how to augment this section with processing details.

4. mosaic

A section containing the basic information about the mosaic created:

Parent node Field Description Example
mosaic author Mosaic author Alexandre Schimel
mosaic date Date of mosaic creation 09/03/2023
mosaic filename Mosaic file name Clinton-2022-m-block34_BS_v3.tif
mosaic projection Mosaic datum and projection WGS84-UTM31N
mosaic pixelSizeM Pixel size in meters 1
mosaic status Mosaic version v3 (preliminary)
mosaic comments Free text field To update when provided with final bathymetry grid

5. qualityControl

A section containing the basic information about any quality control performed on the mosaic itself:

Parent node Field Description Example
qualityControl author QC author Margaret Dolan
qualityControl date QC date 09/03/2023
qualityControl grade Quality grade Fair
qualityControl comments Free text field None

The quality grade scale currently in use at NGU is the following:

Quality grade Description
Very Good Data of high quality, no issues
Good Data of overall good quality with only minor issues affecting smaller parts of the mosaic (e.g. weather drop outs in places, minor processing artefacts)
Fair Data with moderate quality issues but overall fit for purpose (e.g. minor level changes, weather related noise)
Poor Data with substantial quality issues that will make interpretation challenging (e.g. widespread level changes or weather related noise)
Very Poor Data of very low quality with widespread issues which will make interpretation very difficult

6. metadata

A section containing information about this metadata template:

IMPORTANT: Do not change the VALUES of those fields as they allow identifying this specific template.

Parent node Field Description VALUE
metadata name Authority for this metadata template (DO NOT CHANGE) NGU
metadata version Version of this metadata template (DO NOT CHANGE) 0.4
metadata author Authors of this metadata template (DO NOT CHANGE) NGU (Alexandre Schimel; Margaret Dolan)
metadata date Date of creation of this metadata template (DO NOT CHANGE) 08/09/2023

If you wish to modify this template, either mention it in the "metadata/comments" field below, or contact us to produce a new version.

Parent node Field Description Example
metadata comments Free text field Template modified from original by John Smith, Antarctic Hydrographic Survey, on 03/07/2036

Augmenting the Processing Section

Additional information about the processing applied would be welcome. Here is for example a set of fields that are applicable to software FMGT v7.10.3.

Parent node Field Description Example
processing sourceData Source Data Beam time series
processing referenceGridFilename Reference grid filename B34_GRIDNODES.tif
processing absorptionCoefficient Absorption coefficient 0 (default)
processing backscatterRangeMin Backscatter range minimum value -70 (default)
processing backscatterRangeMax Backscatter range maximum value 10 (default)
processing AVG_algorithm AVG algorithm name Flat
processing AVG_windowSize AVG window size in pings 300
processing AVG_referenceBand AVG reference band Adaptive
processing AVG_applyAcrossLineBreaks AVG Apply Across Line Breaks FALSE
processing navigationTimeWindow Navigation time window 5
processing useAllSoundings Use all soundings checkbox TRUE
processing lineBlending Line blending 20
processing mosaicStyle Mosaic style blend
processing filteringType Filtering type dB Mean
processing fillGaps Fill gaps TRUE

The problem here is that these fields are dependent on the processing software and the methodology used. If we use a different software, or a different version of the software, or even simpler we use a new method from the same software and version, this entire set needs to be modified. And if we do this, then the entire template is modified with every minute change in processing, and it is no longer a template.

The way to solve this is that to control these processing details as a sub-template, with its own version control. Below is the additional field for version-control:

Parent node Field Description VALUE
processing processingMetadataSchema Version number for this processing sub-template (DO NOT CHANGE) FMGT_v7.10.3_RevB

In practice

This proposed metadata template can be put implemented in any way you see fit, including:

  • As an individual file to be kept next to the mosaic
  • In an ArcGIS metadata file
  • In a database
  • Embedded in the geotiff's metadata
  • etc.

If saved as an individual text file, you may want to format this information in a machine-readable text format (XML, JSON, .csv, etc.).

This document's authors save their metadata in a text file following the JSON format so that it is both Machine- and Human-readable (see example below).

The metadata file is given the same name as the mosaic tif file (except with the different extension) so they can be kept together as a pair.


Contents of text file Clinton-2022-m-block34_BS_v3.json:

    "metadata": {
        "name": "NGU",
        "version": "0.4",
        "author": "NGU (Alexandre Schimel; Margaret Dolan)",
        "date": "08/09/2023"
    "survey": {
        "project": "MAREANO",
        "year": 2022,
        "client": "Kartverket",
        "surveyor": "Clinton Marine Survey",
        "site": "B34",
        "vessel": "Northern Storm",
        "sonarModel": "Kongsberg EM2040",
        "sonarSerialNumber": 2106,
        "comments": "Surveyed over Aug 21-23, 2022"
    "data": {
        "frequencyKHz": 300,
        "pulseLengthMicroSec": 0.000107,
        "acquisitionMode": "Medium CW",
        "filesList": "All files available",
        "comments": "Very wide range of absorption coefficients in data"
    "processing": {
        "processingMetadataSchema": "FMGT_v7.10.3_RevB",
        "softwareName": "QPS FMGT",
        "softwareVersion": "7.10.3",
        "sourceData": "Beam time series",
        "referenceGridFilename": "B34_GRIDNODES.tif",	
        "absorptionCoefficient": "0 (default)",
        "backscatterRangeMin": "-70 (default)",
        "backscatterRangeMax": "10 (default)",
        "AVG_algorithm": "Flat",
        "AVG_windowSize": 300,
        "AVG_referenceBand": "Adaptive",
        "AVG_applyAcrossLineBreaks": false,
        "navigationTimeWindow": 5,
        "useAllSoundings": true,
        "lineBlending": 20,
        "mosaicStyle": "blend",
        "filteringType": "dB Mean",
        "fillGaps": true,
        "comments": "None"
    "mosaic": {
        "author": "Alexandre Schimel",
        "date": "09/03/2023",
        "filename": "Clinton-2022-m-block34_BS_v3.tif",
        "projection": "WGS84-UTM31N",
        "pixelSize": 1,
        "status": "v3 (preliminary)",
        "comments": "To update when provided with final bathymetry grid"
    "qualityControl": {
        "author":"Margaret Dolan",
        "date": "09/03/2023",
        "grade": "Fair",
        "comments": "None"
