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Super Simple Router

PHP router library

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composer require super-simple/router

Requires PHP 8.1 or newer.


Basic usage:

// Create a router.
$router = new Router;

// Add a route
    '/test', // uri
    HTTPMethod::from($httpMethod), // http method
    function () {return 'success';} // handler in this case is callable

// Or add a route as array

    '/test', // uri
    HTTPMethod::from($httpMethod), // http method
        'controller' => SomeController::class,
        'action' => 'index',
    ] // handler in this case array with config

// Or create a config and add routes using config. The config requires keys: uri,method,handler
// It depends on developer how to construct the handler array.
$config = [
    'uri' => '/just-a-test-route',
    'method' => 'GET',
    'handler' => [
        'controller' => SomeController::class,
        'action' => 'index',



// Parse upcoming request

$result = $router->parse($uri, HTTPMethod::from($httpMethod)); // $uri and $httpMethod must come from Request.

The result of parsing is an array.

The first element is the uri.

The second element is handler.

The third element contains the params if any exist.

$result[0]; // is the uri.

// if the handler is callable you can call it like:

// or with params


// when using handler array instead of callable:
// It depends on structure of handler array.
// In this example we have two keys the controller and the action.
(new $result[1]['controller'])->{$result[1]['action']}();

// Or with params
(new $result[1]['controller'])->{$result[1]['action']}(...$result[2]);

You can expect some exceptions:

SSRouter\\NotFound // when router is not found
\ValueError // when method not found in HTTPMethod enum
\TypeError // comes from HTTPMethod enum or when the config array is not build correctly.

// Simple use 
try {
} catch {} // to handle these errors.