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Decagon edited this page Dec 21, 2014 · 4 revisions


This page contains information about important changes in Rabbit, organized by version number. Since the version is currently below 1.0, the public api is subject to change. Before upgrading Rabbit, read this wiki.


One must use the following to connect: LogOn(string email, string password, string worldId)

Rabbit will not contain InternetStabilityTester() as Rabbit is not a swiss army knife, and it didn't really work anyway. Please use a different library if you require this functionality.

v0.7.4 & 0.7.5

Rabbit v0.7.4 will contain breaking changes. These changes affect the method name of the log in function. The manual authentication type option is deprecated in favour of automatic authentication. The new proposed method will be the following:

var conn = new RabbitAuth().LogOn(EmailOrTokenOrUserName, RoomID, Password = null);

When you are finished with the connection (or your application quits) use:


This method is not required but it is recommended.

v0.7.0, v0.7.1, v0.7.2

Use the following syntax:

var conn = RabbitAuth.LogIn (Email, RoomID, Password);

To instantiate a new connection.


The following syntax is used to instantiate a new client:

var Connection = new Rabbit.Rabbit().LogIn(EmailOrToken, RoomID, Password = null, createRoom = true, AuthType = AuthType.Regular);