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#jQuery.AfterTyping jQuery plugin that triggers callback function after user had stopped typing into an input element for a while.

Plugin will not trigger callback function if trimmed input value remains the same throughout typing.

##Installation Clone the repo: git clone "aftertyping"

##Callback function

var callback = function(value, obj){
	//do something


Callback function can optionally have two arguments. First argument represents trimmed value of an input element, and the second jquery object of the same sender element.

value is equivalent to obj.val().trim()

##Plugin Settings

  • delay - time in ms for plugin to wait for another key press. If no key is pressed during this time, plugin will execute callback function. Default value is 500.
  • executeCallbackOnInit - If true: plugin will also execute callback function on initialization, else false. Default value is true
  • executeCallbackOnEnter- If true: plugin will also execute callback function immediately after ENTER key is pressed, else false. Default value is true

##Simple Example

<!doctype html>
			<label for="input1">Write something here: </label><input id="input1" autocomplete="off" value="testvalue">
			<label for="text">Output: </label><span id="text"></span>
		<script src=""></script>
		<script src="../jquery.aftertyping.js"></script>
			var settings = {
				'delay' : 700,
				'executeCallbackOnInit' : true, 
				'executeCallbackOnEnter' : true

			$('#input1').afterTyping(function(value, obj){
			}, settings);

##License MIT


is jQuery plugin that triggers callback function after user had stopped typing into input element for a while.







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