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Nodejs Express demo app

This is a fast incomplete project with tons of todos and missing things on purpose so you guys can practice to spot and enhace them. Look the comments for the rationale behind some of them.


  1. Three well separate layers: api (controllers), service and model (data stores): controllers talk to services, services to services and stores and stores to undelying db (postgre).
  2. Manual dependency injection, also default dependencies for added intellisense and ease of setup. Each approach has its pros and cons.
  3. Heavy use of validation across all layers.
  4. App response returns status 404 on vaidation error, 400 no resource or data not found and 500 on application errors.
  5. Code comments to explain the rationale behind them.
  6. Some not good code left with comments in order to show recon and suggestions in such cases.
  7. json and env based configuration. See sendEmailMessage.js.

Coding premises/guidelines

  1. Use as much stateless objects and pure functions as possible and as few classes as possible to keep code as simple and small as possible
  2. Use as few dependencies as possible to keep project simple and showcase vanilla javascript expertise.
  3. Use as much validation as possible.
  4. Do as much unit tests as possible before moving to integration tests.
  5. Structure tests suites by object/class and function:
describe('class', () => {

    describe('function', () => {



  1. Install node and npm from
  2. Install postgres from
  3. Create a quote-db database in postgres.
  4. Update models\knexfile.js accordingly.


From the console or terminal run:
npm i


Script Description
npm run updatedb Updates the database schema using knex migrations
npm run rollbackdb Updates the database schema using knex migrations
npm start Starts the application at http://localhost:3000
npm run startmon Starts the application at http://localhost:3000 and monitors changes in app source code
npm test Run tests using mocha
npm run testmon Run tests using mocha and watches for changes in test source code
npm run testdebug Run tests using mocha, watches for changes in test code code and starts node debugging
npm run testcc Displays code coverage using nyc and mocha


  1. Solve quote model items collection not setting quoteId FK on save.
  2. Document API!
  3. Review and ensure correct async unit test assertion.
  4. Seed database.
  5. Refactor models into classes to keep control of connection pool size.
  6. Choose controller testing methodology and create tests.
  7. Add more integration tests.
  8. Fix npm code coverage script.
  9. Move tests into folders according to the tested modules/files location (eg. tests\controllers** for \controllers**)

Rest of todos as comments found in code.

Nice to have

  1. Jwt based auth.
  2. Auth enforced rules for quote update (E.G. Who can update/accept/reject a quote).
  3. Auto-linting, formatting, prettifying, test running on commit.
  4. DI container.
  5. Build and deploy enviroments.
  6. Manual tests (e.g. postman collections).
  7. Save us from adding .test.js suffix to tests and just name them .js?

Last update: 06/11/18