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Yet another type 1 diabetes management solution.

Third time's the charm. Right?

This image was generated using Midjourney.



iv3 is a type 1 diabetes management solution, designed to make managing T1D easier.

Note, this project is very experimental and mostly meant for personal use. It is designed to be used in conjunction with tools like Retool and ntfy for setting up cross-platform dashboards and alerts. Currently, only the backend service is provided, but you can use the endpoints to make your own dashboards.


The reason for this project was because I needed a solution that could:

  • Easily collect, export, and experiment with continuous glucose monitoring (CGM) data
  • Better alerts for things like missed insulin and forecasting (Dexcom would frequently not send me notifications for high glucose)
  • An alternative to closed-loop monitoring solutions (like Nightscout) since I personally still use pens
  • And most importantly, for fun!


To get started, configure .env and config.yaml under Development and Deployment and Configuration, respectively.

If you have Task installed, run:

task build
task all

If you prefer to use docker compose only, run:

docker compose --env-file .env up -d

Or, if you want to develop locally, run:

go run *.go -influxdbToken $INFLUXDB_TOKEN

Development and Deployment

This project is primarily meant for personal use, so the steps outlined here are left mostly as a note for myself. The configuration here is tailored for my specific usecases, but feel free to adapt them for your usecases.

See example-config.yaml for some example configurations and additional details. Setup will also require a few other things:

  • A .env file for things that are used by Task and docker compose
    • INFLUXDB_TOKEN=... to access InfluxDB
    • IV3_ENV=... to specify the dev environment
  • A config.yaml file for application-level settings
    • Dexcom, DigitalOcean Spaces keys and secrets
    • Insulin and alerting configs
  • A domain name, and SSL certificate for HTTPS (needed for Retool)
    • This will be needed for authentication, and for Retool API integrations
    • certfile.crt, keyfile.key
    • Note: At this moment, these files need to be located inside _iv3_ssl since it is mounted onto iv3, and will not work otherwise


The configuration and data for InfluxDB are mounted on _iv3_config and _iv3_data respectively, so remember to create these! Additionally, when starting the InfluxDB instance for the first time, we need to register and create an API token, see here for details.

Once that is done, remember to also add it to the config.yaml file.






To easily move images between servers, save the images as a tarball, and load it.

<!-- Save the images as a tarball. -->
task build
docker save -o iv3.tar iv3-iv3:latest

<!-- Copy and load. -->
scp iv3.tar addr:path
docker load -i iv3.tar


To perform a backup or restore, run:

task idb-backup
task idb-restore

See Taskfile.yaml for more commands.




My TODO list in no particular order:

  • Update Retool graphs and dashboard (mobile support)
  • Have target glucose for different times of the day
  • More configurable defaults and options
  • Factor in insulin to carbs ratio, and have a way to calculate it
  • ChatGPT integration
  • Different predictors for low glucose
  • Add check before persisting DB to S3
  • Automatic S3 bucket cleanup (retention policy)
  • Dexcom G7 support

For my previous attempts on software for managing T1D, see ichor and iv2.



iv3, yet another diabetes management tool.






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