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Test Suite: Initial Condition Check

thiska edited this page Apr 10, 2024 · 5 revisions

The following is the list of all hardware components that can be initially tested before proceeding further with the development of the solution.

Represented by Test IDs 000XXXX

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graph LR
    IPC(00 - Initial Condition Check) --> XBS(00 - Xiao BLE Sense)
    IPC --> GNSS(01 - GNSS Gps Module)
    IPC --> GSM(02 - GSM/2G Module)
    IPC --> Electromagnet(03 - Electromagnet)
    IPC --> Buzzer(04 - Buzzer)
    IPC --> Battery(05 - Battery)
    IPC --> NFC(06 - NFC Antenna Molex 1462360031 - plugged to XIAO)
    IPC --> PCB(07 - PCB - Visual Inspection)

    XBS --> PoweredOnXBS(00 - Powered On)
    XBS --> iNEMO(01 - iNEMO inertial module)
    XBS --> Bluetooth(02 - Bluetooth)

    GNSS --> PoweredOnGNSS(00 - Powered On)
    GNSS --> SignalAcquisition(01 - Signal acquisition Testing)
    GNSS --> PositionAccuracy(02 - Position Accuracy Testing)

    GSM --> PoweredOnGSM(00 - Powered On)
    GSM --> SIMCardDetection(01 - SIM Card detection)
    GSM --> GPRSAutoConn(02 - GPRS Automatic Connection)
    GSM --> DataTrans(03 - Data Transmission)

    Electromagnet --> TT(00 - Trigger Test)

    Buzzer --> PerfTest(00 - Performance Test)

    Battery --> VoltCap(00 - Voltage Test)
    Battery --> ChargeDischarge(01 - Charge/Discharge cycles)
    Battery --> TempMon(02 - Temperature Monitoring)

    NFC --> ReadTest(00 - Read Test)
    NFC --> WriteTest(01 - Write Test)

    PCB --> SolderQuality(00 - Check the soldering Quality)
    PCB --> TensionCheck(01 - Check the tensions)

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