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Design of a Basic Compiler in Java using JFlex and Cup

How to run

make or make run runs the tokenization, parsing and finally type checking on the test files provided in p3TestsCorrected directory.


Program → class id { Memberdecls }
Memberdecls → Fielddecls Methoddecls
Fielddecls → Fielddecl Fielddecls | λ
Methoddecls → Methoddecl Methoddecls | λ
Fielddecl → Optionalfinal Type id Optionalexpr ; | Type id [ intlit ] ;
Optionalfinal → final | λ
Optionalexpr → = Expr | λ
Methoddecl → Returntype id ( Argdecls ) { Fielddecls Stmts } Optionalsemi
Optionalsemi → ; | λ
Returntype → Type | void
Type → int | char | bool | float
Argdecls → ArgdeclList | λ
ArgdeclList → Argdecl , ArgdeclList | Argdecl
Argdecl → Type id | Type id [ ]
Stmts → Stmt Stmts | λ
Stmt → if ( Expr ) Stmt OptionalElse | while ( Expr ) Stmt | Name = Expr ;
| read ( Readlist ) ; | print ( Printlist ) ; | printline ( Printlinelist ) ;
| id ( ) ; | id ( Args ) ; | return ; | return Expr ; | Name ++ ; | Name -- ;
| { Fielddecls Stmts } Optionalsemi
OptionalElse → else Stmt | λ
Name → id | id [ Expr ]
Args → Expr , Args | Expr
Readlist → Name , Readlist | Name
Printlist → Expr , Printlist | Expr
Printlinelist → Printlist | λ
Expr → Name | id ( ) | id ( Args ) | intlit | charlit | strlit | floatlit | true | false
| ( Expr ) | ~ Expr | - Expr | + Expr | ( Type ) Expr | Expr Binaryop Expr | ( Expr ? Expr : Expr )
Binaryop → * | / | + | - | < | > | <= | >= | == | <> | || | &&