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binson: A minimum bson implementation for embedded systems

This implementation targets embedded devices, thus is focused on minimum memory and flash footprints.


You can use binson.h for minimum memory footprint. It doesn't allocate any dynamic memory.

Here is how it works:

Assume we load bson representation of the following json 
{ [{ID : 123, Personal: {Name: 'Mike', Age: 25}}, {ID : 124, Personal: 
{Name: 'Alex', Age: 30}}] }

for example from a file:
#define FILENAME "employees.bson"

struct stat info;
stat(FILENAME, &info);
FILE* fp = fopen(FILENAME, "rb");
BYTE* content = malloc(info.st_size);

BYTE* doc = opendoc(content, 0); //Load content into a doc. Second argument is the length of the byte array. Leave it as 0 if unknown and it will be automatically determined.

if (errorno != 0)   // You can check errorno after every operation 
    /* Handle the error */

BYTE* id0 = lookuppath(doc, "0/ID");
printf("ID0 = %d", asint(id0));
BYTE* name0 = lookuppath(doc, "0/Personal/Name");
printf("Name0 = %s", asstring(name0));

BYTE* id1 = lookuppath(doc, "1/ID");
printf("ID1 = %d", asint(id1));
BYTE* name1 = lookuppath(doc, "1/Personal/Name");
printf("Name1 = %s", asstring(name1));
BYTE* age1 = lookuppath(doc, "1/Personal/Age");
printf("Age1 = %s", asstring(age1));

// If the key doesn't exist it returns zero
BYTE* city1 = lookuppath(doc, "1/Personal/City");
if (city1)  
    printf("City1 = %s", asstring(city));

For a more ellaborate example take a look at testsuite/testbison.c.


  • binson.h uses inttypes.h


I converted MongoDB's binary test suits (test-cases/bson) using MongoDB's bson-to-json (both from libbson) and saved the results under test-cases/json. Then, using testsuite/testbison, we test if bison also get us the same jsons. We can run all the tests using the testsuit/


  • Fix errors in test_res.out

  • Analyze memory footprint

  • Write lookup functions for binsontree.h


A tiny and simple bson library for embeddeds






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