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Image Cropper

ImageCropper JS Plugin, pure Javascript with FileReader/Canvas/Blob APIs

It is used in Teambition Web project cover & user avatar crop


# params
  input # file input selector or input element for choosing file
  container # source image container selector or dom element
  containerWidth # container width 
  containerHeight # optional, default is 240, adjust with @param ratio
  widthAdapt # optional, for image width adapt to container width
  heightAdapt # optional, for image height adapt to container height
  cropperWidth # optional, default is 0.8 container width/height
  ratio # optional, cropper ratio, default is 1
  resultWidth # optional, default is cropperWidth
  round # optional, enable central round selector, defalut is false
  hd # optional, enable cropper hd mode, default is false
  crop # optional, cropped callback, revoked every cropped area changed
  file # optional, the file resource
  fileSizeLimit # optional, the file size limit, default is infinity, unit is Byte

Notice: cropperListener(hd = true) the hd param for performance consideration, default is false in cropper movement, cropper resizer movement and souce image movement cropperListener calls. That means when stopping moving, the cropped src changed from low definition (cropper size) to high definition (origin definition).

If for hd, initialize it with hd: true.


# used in teambition web project cover crop
imageCropper = new ImageCropper({
  input: @$('.image-cropper-input')[0]
  container: @$('.image-cropper-wrapper')[0]
  containerWidth: 600
  resultWidth: 600
  ratio: 3 / 1
  file: @file # the file
  fileSizeLimit: 4 * 1024 * 1024
  crop: (data) ->
    # data is the cropped canvas src
    # do something
    ### eg:
    previewL.getContext('2d').drawImage(data, 0, 0, previewL.width,
    previewM.getContext('2d').drawImage(data, 0, 0, previewM.width,
    previewS.getContext('2d').drawImage(data, 0, 0, previewS.width,
  onError: (type) ->
    # type is errorType, now is 'sizeTooLarge'
    # do something
# used in teambition web user avatar crop
imageCropper = new ImageCropper({
  input: $('.image-cropper-input')[0]
  container: $('.image-cropper-wrapper')[0]
  containerWidth: 320
  containerHeight: 320
  widthAdapt: true
  cropperWidth: 200
  ratio: 1
  round: true
  file: @file
  crop: (data) ->
    # data is the cropped canvas src
    # do something


  • toBlob() convert the cropped canvas src to a Blob, image/png
  • toDataURL() DataUrl data, base64
  • destroy() remove all relevant listeners


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