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Quick Start

jun-ping edited this page Sep 25, 2019 · 17 revisions

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This guide offers a glance at AliOS Things, by running directly on a linux machine.
If you are on Windows or Mac, maybe you'd like to turn directly to our IDE or use docker to develop.

Setup environment

Directly go to environment setup to choose your favorite environment.

Maybe you can try one-key setup package or manually do steps below(Note: make sure on a Ubuntu 16.04 LTS (Xenial Xerus) 64-bit PC.)

sudo apt-get install -y python
sudo apt-get install -y gcc-multilib
sudo apt-get install -y libssl-dev libssl-dev:i386
sudo apt-get install -y libncurses5-dev libncurses5-dev:i386
sudo apt-get install -y libreadline-dev libreadline-dev:i386
sudo apt-get install -y python-pip
sudo apt-get install -y minicom

Install packages

It is recommended to install aos-cube and relevant packages globally, which helps developing with AliOS Things Studio in the future.

$ pip install setuptools
$ pip install wheel
$ pip install aos-cube

Note: Please make sure pip environment is based on Python 2.7 64bits. Use sudo if there's any permission issue.

if you want to upgrade aos-cube, please see below steps:

$ pip install --upgrade setuptools
$ pip install --upgrade wheel
$ pip install --upgrade aos-cube

Note: Please make sure esptool, pyserial, scons and aos-cube are installed sucessfully when run pip install aos-cube, or you can install them one by one if you meet problems.

Download Sources

git clone -b rel_xxx (xxx means version number, such as 3.0.0, 2.1.0 etc.)

From AliOS Things Release 2.1,Use Component Tool to get your minimal code to local

Build and Run

For AliOS Things 2.1 and later releases (aos-cube 0.3.x required):

cd AliOS-Things
aos make helloworld@linuxhost -c config && aos make

For AliOS Things 2.0 and former releases:

cd AliOS-Things
aos make helloworld@linuxhost


There you can see the delayed action starts in 1 sec and getting triggered every 5 secs.

$ ./out/helloworld@linuxhost/binary/helloworld@linuxhost.elf
 [   1.000]<V> AOS [app_delayed_action#9] : app_delayed_action:9 app
 [   6.000]<V> AOS [app_delayed_action#9] : app_delayed_action:9 app
 [  11.000]<V> AOS [app_delayed_action#9] : app_delayed_action:9 app
 [  16.000]<V> AOS [app_delayed_action#9] : app_delayed_action:9 app
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